use std::borrow::Cow; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use sqlx::postgres::types::PgInterval; use sqlx::postgres::PgListener; use sqlx::{Pool, Postgres}; use tokio::sync::Notify; use tokio::task; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::utils::{Opaque, OwnedTask}; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct TaskRunnerOptions { min_concurrency: usize, max_concurrency: usize, channel_names: Option>, runner: Opaque>, pool: Pool, keep_alive: bool, } #[derive(Debug)] struct TaskRunner { options: TaskRunnerOptions, running_tasks: AtomicUsize, notify: Notify, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Checkpoint<'a> { duration: Duration, extra_retries: usize, payload_json: Option>, payload_bytes: Option<&'a [u8]>, } impl<'a> Checkpoint<'a> { pub fn new(duration: Duration) -> Self { Self { duration, extra_retries: 0, payload_json: None, payload_bytes: None, } } pub fn set_extra_retries(&mut self, extra_retries: usize) -> &mut Self { self.extra_retries = extra_retries; self } pub fn set_raw_json(&mut self, raw_json: &'a str) -> &mut Self { self.payload_json = Some(Cow::Borrowed(raw_json)); self } pub fn set_raw_bytes(&mut self, raw_bytes: &'a [u8]) -> &mut Self { self.payload_bytes = Some(raw_bytes); self } pub fn set_json(&mut self, value: &T) -> Result<&mut Self, serde_json::Error> { let value = serde_json::to_string(value)?; self.payload_json = Some(Cow::Owned(value)); Ok(self) } async fn execute<'b, E: sqlx::Executor<'b, Database = Postgres>>( &self, task_id: Uuid, executor: E, ) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> { sqlx::query("SELECT mq_checkpoint($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)") .bind(task_id) .bind(self.duration) .bind(self.payload_json.as_deref()) .bind(self.payload_bytes) .bind(self.extra_retries as i32) .execute(executor) .await?; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CurrentTask { id: Uuid, name: String, payload_json: Option, payload_bytes: Option>, task_runner: Arc, keep_alive: Option, } impl CurrentTask { pub fn pool(&self) -> &Pool { &self.task_runner.options.pool } async fn delete( &self, executor: impl sqlx::Executor<'_, Database = Postgres>, ) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> { sqlx::query("SELECT mq_delete(ARRAY[$1])") .bind( .execute(executor) .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn complete_with_transaction( &mut self, mut tx: sqlx::Transaction<'_, Postgres>, ) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> { self.delete(&mut tx).await?; tx.commit().await?; self.keep_alive = None; Ok(()) } pub async fn complete(&mut self) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> { self.delete(self.pool()).await?; self.keep_alive = None; Ok(()) } pub async fn checkpoint_with_transaction( &mut self, mut tx: sqlx::Transaction<'_, Postgres>, checkpoint: &Checkpoint<'_>, ) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> { checkpoint.execute(, &mut tx).await?; tx.commit().await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn checkpoint(&mut self, checkpoint: &Checkpoint<'_>) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> { checkpoint.execute(, self.pool()).await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn keep_alive(&mut self, duration: Duration) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> { sqlx::query("SELECT mq_keep_alive(ARRAY[$1], $2)") .bind( .bind(duration) .execute(self.pool()) .await?; Ok(()) } pub fn id(&self) -> Uuid { } pub fn name(&self) -> &str { & } pub fn json<'a, T: Deserialize<'a>>(&'a self) -> Result, serde_json::Error> { if let Some(payload_json) = &self.payload_json { serde_json::from_str(payload_json).map(Some) } else { Ok(None) } } pub fn raw_json(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.payload_json.as_deref() } pub fn raw_bytes(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> { self.payload_bytes.as_deref() } } impl Drop for CurrentTask { fn drop(&mut self) { if self .task_runner .running_tasks .fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst) == self.task_runner.options.min_concurrency { self.task_runner.notify.notify_one(); } } } impl TaskRunnerOptions { pub fn new(pool: &Pool, f: F) -> Self { Self { min_concurrency: 16, max_concurrency: 32, channel_names: None, keep_alive: true, runner: Opaque(Arc::new(f)), pool: pool.clone(), } } pub async fn run(&self) -> Result { let options = self.clone(); let task_runner = Arc::new(TaskRunner { options, running_tasks: AtomicUsize::new(0), notify: Notify::new(), }); let listener_task = start_listener(task_runner.clone()).await?; Ok(OwnedTask(task::spawn(main_loop( task_runner, listener_task, )))) } } async fn start_listener(task_runner: Arc) -> Result { let mut listener = PgListener::connect_with(&task_runner.options.pool).await?; if let Some(channels) = &task_runner.options.channel_names { let names: Vec = channels.iter().map(|c| format!("mq_{}", c)).collect(); listener .listen_all(names.iter().map(|s| s.as_str())) .await?; } else { listener.listen("mq").await?; } Ok(OwnedTask(task::spawn(async move { while let Ok(_) = listener.recv().await { task_runner.notify.notify_one(); } }))) } #[derive(sqlx::FromRow)] struct PolledMessage { id: Option, is_committed: Option, name: Option, payload_json: Option, payload_bytes: Option>, retry_backoff: Option, wait_time: Option, } fn to_duration(interval: PgInterval) -> Duration { const SECONDS_PER_DAY: u64 = 24 * 60 * 60; if interval.microseconds < 0 || interval.days < 0 || interval.months < 0 { Duration::default() } else { let days = (interval.days as u64) + (interval.months as u64) * 30; Duration::from_micros(interval.microseconds as u64) + Duration::from_secs(days * SECONDS_PER_DAY) } } async fn poll_and_dispatch( task_runner: &Arc, batch_size: i32, ) -> Result { log::info!("Polling for messages"); let options = &task_runner.options; let messages = sqlx::query_as::<_, PolledMessage>("SELECT * FROM mq_poll($1, $2)") .bind(&options.channel_names) .bind(batch_size) .fetch_all(&options.pool) .await?; let ids_to_delete: Vec<_> = messages .iter() .filter(|msg| msg.is_committed == Some(false)) .filter_map(|msg| .collect(); log::info!("Deleting {} messages", ids_to_delete.len()); if !ids_to_delete.is_empty() { sqlx::query("SELECT mq_delete($1)") .bind(ids_to_delete) .execute(&options.pool) .await?; } let wait_time = messages .iter() .filter_map(|msg| msg.wait_time.clone()) .map(to_duration) .min() .unwrap_or(Duration::from_secs(60)); for msg in messages { if let PolledMessage { id: Some(id), is_committed: Some(true), name: Some(name), payload_json, payload_bytes, retry_backoff: Some(retry_backoff), .. } = msg { let retry_backoff = to_duration(retry_backoff); let keep_alive = if options.keep_alive { Some(OwnedTask(task::spawn(keep_task_alive( id, options.pool.clone(), retry_backoff, )))) } else { None }; let current_task = CurrentTask { id, name, payload_json, payload_bytes, task_runner: task_runner.clone(), keep_alive, }; task_runner.running_tasks.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); (options.runner)(current_task); } } Ok(wait_time) } async fn main_loop(task_runner: Arc, _listener_task: OwnedTask) { let options = &task_runner.options; let mut failures = 0; loop { let running_tasks = task_runner.running_tasks.load(Ordering::SeqCst); let duration = if running_tasks < options.min_concurrency { let batch_size = (options.max_concurrency - running_tasks) as i32; match poll_and_dispatch(&task_runner, batch_size).await { Ok(duration) => { failures = 0; duration } Err(e) => { failures += 1; log::error!("Failed to poll for messages: {}", e); Duration::from_millis(50 << failures) } } } else { Duration::from_secs(60) }; // Wait for us to be notified, or for the timeout to elapse let _ = tokio::time::timeout(duration, task_runner.notify.notified()).await; } } async fn keep_task_alive(id: Uuid, pool: Pool, mut interval: Duration) { loop { tokio::time::sleep(interval / 2).await; interval *= 2; if let Err(e) = sqlx::query("SELECT mq_keep_alive(ARRAY[$1], $2)") .bind(id) .bind(interval) .execute(&pool) .await { log::error!("Failed to keep task {} alive: {}", id, e); break; } } }