use std::any::type_name; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt::Display; use std::future::Future; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Instant; use anymap2::any::CloneAnySendSync; use anymap2::Map; use sqlx::{Pool, Postgres}; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::hidden::{BuildFn, RunFn}; use crate::utils::Opaque; use crate::{JobBuilder, JobRunnerOptions}; type BoxedError = Box; /// Stores a mapping from job name to job. Can be used to construct /// a job runner. pub struct JobRegistry { #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] error_handler: Arc, job_map: HashMap<&'static str, &'static NamedJob>, context: Map, } /// Error returned when a job is received whose name is not in the registry. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct UnknownJobError; impl Error for UnknownJobError {} impl Display for UnknownJobError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_str("Unknown job") } } impl JobRegistry { /// Construct a new job registry from the provided job list. pub fn new(jobs: &[&'static NamedJob]) -> Self { let mut job_map = HashMap::new(); for &job in jobs { if job_map.insert(, job).is_some() { panic!("Duplicate job registered: {}",; } } Self { error_handler: Arc::new(Self::default_error_handler), job_map, context: Map::new(), } } /// Set a function to be called whenever a job returns an error. pub fn set_error_handler( &mut self, error_handler: impl Fn(&str, BoxedError) + Send + Sync + 'static, ) -> &mut Self { self.error_handler = Arc::new(error_handler); self } /// Provide context for the jobs. pub fn set_context(&mut self, context: C) -> &mut Self { self.context.insert(context); self } /// Access job context. Will panic if context with this type has not been provided. pub fn context(&self) -> C { if let Some(c) = self.context.get::() { c.clone() } else { panic!( "No context of type `{}` has been provided.", type_name::() ); } } /// Look-up a job by name. pub fn resolve_job(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&'static NamedJob> { self.job_map.get(name).copied() } /// The default error handler implementation, which simply logs the error. pub fn default_error_handler(name: &str, error: BoxedError) { log::error!("Job `{}` failed: {}", name, error); } #[doc(hidden)] pub fn spawn_internal>>( &self, name: &'static str, f: impl Future> + Send + 'static, ) { let error_handler = self.error_handler.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let start_time = Instant::now(); log::info!("Job `{}` started.", name); if let Err(e) = f.await { error_handler(name, e.into()); } else { log::info!( "Job `{}` completed in {}s.", name, start_time.elapsed().as_secs_f64() ); } }); } /// Construct a job runner from this registry and the provided connection /// pool. pub fn runner(self, pool: &Pool) -> JobRunnerOptions { JobRunnerOptions::new(pool, move |current_job| { if let Some(job) = self.resolve_job( { (job.run_fn.0 .0)(&self, current_job); } else { (self.error_handler)(, Box::new(UnknownJobError)) } }) } } /// Type for a named job. Functions annotated with `#[job]` are /// transformed into static variables whose type is `&'static NamedJob`. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct NamedJob { name: &'static str, build_fn: Opaque, run_fn: Opaque, } impl NamedJob { #[doc(hidden)] pub const fn new_internal(name: &'static str, build_fn: BuildFn, run_fn: RunFn) -> Self { Self { name, build_fn: Opaque(build_fn), run_fn: Opaque(run_fn), } } /// Initialize a job builder with the name and defaults of this job. pub fn builder(&self) -> JobBuilder<'static> { let mut builder = JobBuilder::new(; (self.build_fn.0 .0)(&mut builder); builder } /// Initialize a job builder with the name and defaults of this job, /// using the provided job ID. pub fn builder_with_id(&self, id: Uuid) -> JobBuilder<'static> { let mut builder = JobBuilder::new_with_id(id,; (self.build_fn.0 .0)(&mut builder); builder } /// Returns the name of this job. pub const fn name(&self) -> &'static str { } }