# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # lint: pylint """Startpage's language & region selectors are a mess .. .. _startpage regions: Startpage regions ================= In the list of regions there are tags we need to map to common region tags:: pt-BR_BR --> pt_BR zh-CN_CN --> zh_Hans_CN zh-TW_TW --> zh_Hant_TW zh-TW_HK --> zh_Hant_HK en-GB_GB --> en_GB and there is at least one tag with a three letter language tag (ISO 639-2):: fil_PH --> fil_PH The locale code ``no_NO`` from Startpage does not exists and is mapped to ``nb-NO``:: babel.core.UnknownLocaleError: unknown locale 'no_NO' For reference see languages-subtag at iana; ``no`` is the macrolanguage [1]_ and W3C recommends subtag over macrolanguage [2]_. .. [1] `iana: language-subtag-registry `_ :: type: language Subtag: nb Description: Norwegian Bokmål Added: 2005-10-16 Suppress-Script: Latn Macrolanguage: no .. [2] Use macrolanguages with care. Some language subtags have a Scope field set to macrolanguage, i.e. this primary language subtag encompasses a number of more specific primary language subtags in the registry. ... As we recommended for the collection subtags mentioned above, in most cases you should try to use the more specific subtags ... `W3: The primary language subtag `_ .. _startpage languages: Startpage languages =================== The displayed name in Startpage's settings page depend on the location of the IP when the 'Accept-Language' HTTP header is unset (in the language update script we use "en-US,en;q=0.5" to get uniform names independent from the IP). Each option has a displayed name and a value, either of which may represent the language name in the native script, the language name in English, an English transliteration of the native name, the English name of the writing script used by the language, or occasionally something else entirely. """ import re from time import time from urllib.parse import urlencode from unicodedata import normalize, combining from datetime import datetime, timedelta from dateutil import parser from lxml import html from babel import Locale from babel.localedata import locale_identifiers from searx import network from searx.utils import extract_text, eval_xpath, match_language from searx.exceptions import ( SearxEngineResponseException, SearxEngineCaptchaException, ) from searx.enginelib.traits import EngineTraits traits: EngineTraits # about about = { "website": 'https://startpage.com', "wikidata_id": 'Q2333295', "official_api_documentation": None, "use_official_api": False, "require_api_key": False, "results": 'HTML', } # engine dependent config categories = ['general', 'web'] # there is a mechanism to block "bot" search # (probably the parameter qid), require # storing of qid's between mulitble search-calls paging = True supported_languages_url = 'https://www.startpage.com/do/settings' # search-url base_url = 'https://startpage.com/' search_url = base_url + 'sp/search?' # specific xpath variables # ads xpath //div[@id="results"]/div[@id="sponsored"]//div[@class="result"] # not ads: div[@class="result"] are the direct childs of div[@id="results"] results_xpath = '//div[@class="w-gl__result__main"]' link_xpath = './/a[@class="w-gl__result-title result-link"]' content_xpath = './/p[@class="w-gl__description"]' # timestamp of the last fetch of 'sc' code sc_code_ts = 0 sc_code = '' def raise_captcha(resp): if str(resp.url).startswith('https://www.startpage.com/sp/captcha'): raise SearxEngineCaptchaException() def get_sc_code(headers): """Get an actual ``sc`` argument from Startpage's home page. Startpage puts a ``sc`` argument on every link. Without this argument Startpage considers the request is from a bot. We do not know what is encoded in the value of the ``sc`` argument, but it seems to be a kind of a *time-stamp*. This *time-stamp* is valid for a few hours. This function scrap a new *time-stamp* from startpage's home page every hour (3000 sec). """ global sc_code_ts, sc_code # pylint: disable=global-statement if time() > (sc_code_ts + 3000): logger.debug("query new sc time-stamp ...") resp = network.get(base_url, headers=headers) raise_captcha(resp) dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) try: # sc_code = eval_xpath(dom, '//input[@name="sc"]/@value')[0] except IndexError as exc: # suspend startpage API --> https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/695 raise SearxEngineResponseException( suspended_time=7 * 24 * 3600, message="PR-695: query new sc time-stamp failed!" ) from exc sc_code_ts = time() logger.debug("new value is: %s", sc_code) return sc_code # do search-request def request(query, params): # pylint: disable=line-too-long # The format string from Startpage's FFox add-on [1]:: # # https://www.startpage.com/do/dsearch?query={searchTerms}&cat=web&pl=ext-ff&language=__MSG_extensionUrlLanguage__&extVersion=1.3.0 # # [1] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/startpage-private-search/ args = { 'query': query, 'page': params['pageno'], 'cat': 'web', # 'pl': 'ext-ff', # 'extVersion': '1.3.0', # 'abp': "-1", 'sc': get_sc_code(params['headers']), } # set language if specified if params['language'] != 'all': lang_code = match_language(params['language'], supported_languages, fallback=None) if lang_code: language_name = supported_languages[lang_code]['alias'] args['language'] = language_name args['lui'] = language_name params['url'] = search_url + urlencode(args) return params # get response from search-request def response(resp): results = [] dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) # parse results for result in eval_xpath(dom, results_xpath): links = eval_xpath(result, link_xpath) if not links: continue link = links[0] url = link.attrib.get('href') # block google-ad url's if re.match(r"^http(s|)://(www\.)?google\.[a-z]+/aclk.*$", url): continue # block startpage search url's if re.match(r"^http(s|)://(www\.)?startpage\.com/do/search\?.*$", url): continue title = extract_text(link) if eval_xpath(result, content_xpath): content = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, content_xpath)) else: content = '' published_date = None # check if search result starts with something like: "2 Sep 2014 ... " if re.match(r"^([1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]) [A-Z][a-z]{2} [0-9]{4} \.\.\. ", content): date_pos = content.find('...') + 4 date_string = content[0 : date_pos - 5] # fix content string content = content[date_pos:] try: published_date = parser.parse(date_string, dayfirst=True) except ValueError: pass # check if search result starts with something like: "5 days ago ... " elif re.match(r"^[0-9]+ days? ago \.\.\. ", content): date_pos = content.find('...') + 4 date_string = content[0 : date_pos - 5] # calculate datetime published_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=int(re.match(r'\d+', date_string).group())) # fix content string content = content[date_pos:] if published_date: # append result results.append({'url': url, 'title': title, 'content': content, 'publishedDate': published_date}) else: # append result results.append({'url': url, 'title': title, 'content': content}) # return results return results # get supported languages from their site def _fetch_supported_languages(resp): # startpage's language selector is a mess each option has a displayed name # and a value, either of which may represent the language name in the native # script, the language name in English, an English transliteration of the # native name, the English name of the writing script used by the language, # or occasionally something else entirely. # this cases are so special they need to be hardcoded, a couple of them are misspellings language_names = { 'english_uk': 'en-GB', 'fantizhengwen': ['zh-TW', 'zh-HK'], 'hangul': 'ko', 'malayam': 'ml', 'norsk': 'nb', 'sinhalese': 'si', 'sudanese': 'su', } # get the English name of every language known by babel language_names.update( { # fmt: off name.lower(): lang_code # pylint: disable=protected-access for lang_code, name in Locale('en')._data['languages'].items() # fmt: on } ) # get the native name of every language known by babel for lang_code in filter(lambda lang_code: lang_code.find('_') == -1, locale_identifiers()): native_name = Locale(lang_code).get_language_name().lower() # add native name exactly as it is language_names[native_name] = lang_code # add "normalized" language name (i.e. français becomes francais and español becomes espanol) unaccented_name = ''.join(filter(lambda c: not combining(c), normalize('NFKD', native_name))) if len(unaccented_name) == len(unaccented_name.encode()): # add only if result is ascii (otherwise "normalization" didn't work) language_names[unaccented_name] = lang_code dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) sp_lang_names = [] for option in dom.xpath('//form[@name="settings"]//select[@name="language"]/option'): sp_lang_names.append((option.get('value'), extract_text(option).lower())) supported_languages = {} for sp_option_value, sp_option_text in sp_lang_names: lang_code = language_names.get(sp_option_value) or language_names.get(sp_option_text) if isinstance(lang_code, str): supported_languages[lang_code] = {'alias': sp_option_value} elif isinstance(lang_code, list): for _lc in lang_code: supported_languages[_lc] = {'alias': sp_option_value} else: print('Unknown language option in Startpage: {} ({})'.format(sp_option_value, sp_option_text)) return supported_languages def fetch_traits(engine_traits: EngineTraits): """Fetch :ref:`languages ` and :ref:`regions ` from Startpage.""" # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, too-many-locals, too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements engine_traits.data_type = 'supported_languages' # deprecated import babel from searx.utils import gen_useragent from searx.locales import region_tag headers = { 'User-Agent': gen_useragent(), 'Accept-Language': "en-US,en;q=0.5", # bing needs to set the English language } resp = network.get('https://www.startpage.com/do/settings', headers=headers) if not resp.ok: print("ERROR: response from Startpage is not OK.") dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) # regions sp_region_names = [] for option in dom.xpath('//form[@name="settings"]//select[@name="search_results_region"]/option'): sp_region_names.append(option.get('value')) for eng_tag in sp_region_names: if eng_tag == 'all': continue babel_region_tag = {'no_NO': 'nb_NO'}.get(eng_tag, eng_tag) # norway if '-' in babel_region_tag: l, r = babel_region_tag.split('-') r = r.split('_')[-1] sxng_tag = region_tag(babel.Locale.parse(l + '_' + r, sep='_')) else: try: sxng_tag = region_tag(babel.Locale.parse(babel_region_tag, sep='_')) except babel.UnknownLocaleError: print("ERROR: can't determine babel locale of startpage's locale %s" % eng_tag) continue conflict = engine_traits.regions.get(sxng_tag) if conflict: if conflict != eng_tag: print("CONFLICT: babel %s --> %s, %s" % (sxng_tag, conflict, eng_tag)) continue engine_traits.regions[sxng_tag] = eng_tag # languages catalog_engine2code = {name.lower(): lang_code for lang_code, name in babel.Locale('en').languages.items()} # get the native name of every language known by babel for lang_code in filter(lambda lang_code: lang_code.find('_') == -1, babel.localedata.locale_identifiers()): native_name = babel.Locale(lang_code).get_language_name().lower() # add native name exactly as it is catalog_engine2code[native_name] = lang_code # add "normalized" language name (i.e. français becomes francais and español becomes espanol) unaccented_name = ''.join(filter(lambda c: not combining(c), normalize('NFKD', native_name))) if len(unaccented_name) == len(unaccented_name.encode()): # add only if result is ascii (otherwise "normalization" didn't work) catalog_engine2code[unaccented_name] = lang_code # values that can't be determined by babel's languages names catalog_engine2code.update( { # traditional chinese used in .. 'fantizhengwen': 'zh_Hant', # Korean alphabet 'hangul': 'ko', # Malayalam is one of 22 scheduled languages of India. 'malayam': 'ml', 'norsk': 'nb', 'sinhalese': 'si', } ) skip_eng_tags = { 'english_uk', # SearXNG lang 'en' already maps to 'english' } for option in dom.xpath('//form[@name="settings"]//select[@name="language"]/option'): eng_tag = option.get('value') if eng_tag in skip_eng_tags: continue name = extract_text(option).lower() sxng_tag = catalog_engine2code.get(eng_tag) if sxng_tag is None: sxng_tag = catalog_engine2code[name] conflict = engine_traits.languages.get(sxng_tag) if conflict: if conflict != eng_tag: print("CONFLICT: babel %s --> %s, %s" % (sxng_tag, conflict, eng_tag)) continue engine_traits.languages[sxng_tag] = eng_tag