# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later """YaCy_ is a free distributed search engine, built on the principles of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. API: Dev:APIyacysearch_ Releases: - https://github.com/yacy/yacy_search_server/tags - https://download.yacy.net/ .. _Yacy: https://yacy.net/ .. _Dev:APIyacysearch: https://wiki.yacy.net/index.php/Dev:APIyacysearch Configuration ============= The engine has the following (additional) settings: - :py:obj:`http_digest_auth_user` - :py:obj:`http_digest_auth_pass` - :py:obj:`search_mode` - :py:obj:`search_type` .. code:: yaml - name: yacy engine: yacy categories: general search_type: text base_url: https://yacy.searchlab.eu shortcut: ya - name: yacy images engine: yacy categories: images search_type: image base_url: https://yacy.searchlab.eu shortcut: yai disabled: true Implementations =============== """ # pylint: disable=fixme from json import loads from urllib.parse import urlencode from dateutil import parser from httpx import DigestAuth from searx.utils import html_to_text # about about = { "website": 'https://yacy.net/', "wikidata_id": 'Q1759675', "official_api_documentation": 'https://wiki.yacy.net/index.php/Dev:API', "use_official_api": True, "require_api_key": False, "results": 'JSON', } # engine dependent config categories = ['general'] paging = True number_of_results = 10 http_digest_auth_user = "" """HTTP digest user for the local YACY instance""" http_digest_auth_pass = "" """HTTP digest password for the local YACY instance""" search_mode = 'global' """Yacy search mode ``global`` or ``local``. By default, Yacy operates in ``global`` mode. ``global`` Peer-to-Peer search ``local`` Privacy or Stealth mode, restricts the search to local yacy instance. """ search_type = 'text' """One of ``text``, ``image`` / The search-types ``app``, ``audio`` and ``video`` are not yet implemented (Pull-Requests are welcome). """ # search-url base_url = 'https://yacy.searchlab.eu' search_url = ( '/yacysearch.json?{query}' '&startRecord={offset}' '&maximumRecords={limit}' '&contentdom={search_type}' '&resource={resource}' ) def init(_): valid_types = [ 'text', 'image', # 'app', 'audio', 'video', ] if search_type not in valid_types: raise ValueError('search_type "%s" is not one of %s' % (search_type, valid_types)) def request(query, params): offset = (params['pageno'] - 1) * number_of_results params['url'] = base_url + search_url.format( query=urlencode({'query': query}), offset=offset, limit=number_of_results, search_type=search_type, resource=search_mode, ) if http_digest_auth_user and http_digest_auth_pass: params['auth'] = DigestAuth(http_digest_auth_user, http_digest_auth_pass) # add language tag if specified if params['language'] != 'all': params['url'] += '&lr=lang_' + params['language'].split('-')[0] return params def response(resp): results = [] raw_search_results = loads(resp.text) # return empty array if there are no results if not raw_search_results: return [] search_results = raw_search_results.get('channels', []) if len(search_results) == 0: return [] for result in search_results[0].get('items', []): # parse image results if search_type == 'image': result_url = '' if 'url' in result: result_url = result['url'] elif 'link' in result: result_url = result['link'] else: continue # append result results.append( { 'url': result_url, 'title': result['title'], 'content': '', 'img_src': result['image'], 'template': 'images.html', } ) # parse general results else: publishedDate = None if 'pubDate' in result: publishedDate = parser.parse(result['pubDate']) # append result results.append( { 'url': result['link'] or '', 'title': result['title'], 'content': html_to_text(result['description']), 'publishedDate': publishedDate, } ) # TODO parse video, audio and file results return results