''' searx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. searx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with searx. If not, see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ >. (C) 2013- by Adam Tauber, ''' import sys import threading from os.path import realpath, dirname from babel.localedata import locale_identifiers from urllib.parse import urlparse from flask_babel import gettext from operator import itemgetter from searx import settings from searx import logger from searx.data import ENGINES_LANGUAGES from searx.exceptions import SearxEngineResponseException from searx.network import get, initialize as initialize_network, set_context_network_name from searx.utils import load_module, match_language, get_engine_from_settings, gen_useragent logger = logger.getChild('engines') engine_dir = dirname(realpath(__file__)) engines = {} categories = {'general': []} babel_langs = [lang_parts[0] + '-' + lang_parts[-1] if len(lang_parts) > 1 else lang_parts[0] for lang_parts in (lang_code.split('_') for lang_code in locale_identifiers())] engine_shortcuts = {} engine_default_args = {'paging': False, 'categories': ['general'], 'supported_languages': [], 'safesearch': False, 'timeout': settings['outgoing']['request_timeout'], 'shortcut': '-', 'disabled': False, 'enable_http': False, 'time_range_support': False, 'engine_type': 'online', 'display_error_messages': True, 'tokens': []} def load_engine(engine_data): engine_name = engine_data['name'] if '_' in engine_name: logger.error('Engine name contains underscore: "{}"'.format(engine_name)) sys.exit(1) if engine_name.lower() != engine_name: logger.warn('Engine name is not lowercase: "{}", converting to lowercase'.format(engine_name)) engine_name = engine_name.lower() engine_data['name'] = engine_name engine_module = engine_data['engine'] try: engine = load_module(engine_module + '.py', engine_dir) except (SyntaxError, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, SystemError, ImportError, RuntimeError): logger.exception('Fatal exception in engine "{}"'.format(engine_module)) sys.exit(1) except: logger.exception('Cannot load engine "{}"'.format(engine_module)) return None for param_name, param_value in engine_data.items(): if param_name == 'engine': pass elif param_name == 'categories': if param_value == 'none': engine.categories = [] else: engine.categories = list(map(str.strip, param_value.split(','))) else: setattr(engine, param_name, param_value) for arg_name, arg_value in engine_default_args.items(): if not hasattr(engine, arg_name): setattr(engine, arg_name, arg_value) # checking required variables for engine_attr in dir(engine): if engine_attr.startswith('_'): continue if engine_attr == 'inactive' and getattr(engine, engine_attr) is True: return None if getattr(engine, engine_attr) is None: logger.error('Missing engine config attribute: "{0}.{1}"' .format(engine.name, engine_attr)) sys.exit(1) # assign supported languages from json file if engine_data['name'] in ENGINES_LANGUAGES: setattr(engine, 'supported_languages', ENGINES_LANGUAGES[engine_data['name']]) # find custom aliases for non standard language codes if hasattr(engine, 'supported_languages'): if hasattr(engine, 'language_aliases'): language_aliases = getattr(engine, 'language_aliases') else: language_aliases = {} for engine_lang in getattr(engine, 'supported_languages'): iso_lang = match_language(engine_lang, babel_langs, fallback=None) if iso_lang and iso_lang != engine_lang and not engine_lang.startswith(iso_lang) and \ iso_lang not in getattr(engine, 'supported_languages'): language_aliases[iso_lang] = engine_lang setattr(engine, 'language_aliases', language_aliases) # language_support setattr(engine, 'language_support', len(getattr(engine, 'supported_languages', [])) > 0) # assign language fetching method if auxiliary method exists if hasattr(engine, '_fetch_supported_languages'): headers = { 'User-Agent': gen_useragent(), 'Accept-Language': 'ja-JP,ja;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', # bing needs a non-English language } setattr(engine, 'fetch_supported_languages', lambda: engine._fetch_supported_languages(get(engine.supported_languages_url, headers=headers))) engine.stats = { 'sent_search_count': 0, # sent search 'search_count': 0, # succesful search 'result_count': 0, 'engine_time': 0, 'engine_time_count': 0, 'score_count': 0, 'errors': 0 } engine_type = getattr(engine, 'engine_type', 'online') if engine_type != 'offline': engine.stats['page_load_time'] = 0 engine.stats['page_load_count'] = 0 # tor related settings if settings['outgoing'].get('using_tor_proxy'): # use onion url if using tor. if hasattr(engine, 'onion_url'): engine.search_url = engine.onion_url + getattr(engine, 'search_path', '') elif 'onions' in engine.categories: # exclude onion engines if not using tor. return None engine.timeout += settings['outgoing'].get('extra_proxy_timeout', 0) for category_name in engine.categories: categories.setdefault(category_name, []).append(engine) if engine.shortcut in engine_shortcuts: logger.error('Engine config error: ambigious shortcut: {0}'.format(engine.shortcut)) sys.exit(1) engine_shortcuts[engine.shortcut] = engine.name return engine def to_percentage(stats, maxvalue): for engine_stat in stats: if maxvalue: engine_stat['percentage'] = int(engine_stat['avg'] / maxvalue * 100) else: engine_stat['percentage'] = 0 return stats def get_engines_stats(preferences): # TODO refactor pageloads = [] engine_times = [] results = [] scores = [] errors = [] scores_per_result = [] max_pageload = max_engine_times = max_results = max_score = max_errors = max_score_per_result = 0 # noqa for engine in engines.values(): if not preferences.validate_token(engine): continue if engine.stats['search_count'] == 0: continue results_num = \ engine.stats['result_count'] / float(engine.stats['search_count']) if engine.stats['engine_time_count'] != 0: this_engine_time = engine.stats['engine_time'] / float(engine.stats['engine_time_count']) # noqa else: this_engine_time = 0 if results_num: score = engine.stats['score_count'] / float(engine.stats['search_count']) # noqa score_per_result = score / results_num else: score = score_per_result = 0.0 if engine.engine_type != 'offline': load_times = 0 if engine.stats['page_load_count'] != 0: load_times = engine.stats['page_load_time'] / float(engine.stats['page_load_count']) # noqa max_pageload = max(load_times, max_pageload) pageloads.append({'avg': load_times, 'name': engine.name}) max_engine_times = max(this_engine_time, max_engine_times) max_results = max(results_num, max_results) max_score = max(score, max_score) max_score_per_result = max(score_per_result, max_score_per_result) max_errors = max(max_errors, engine.stats['errors']) engine_times.append({'avg': this_engine_time, 'name': engine.name}) results.append({'avg': results_num, 'name': engine.name}) scores.append({'avg': score, 'name': engine.name}) errors.append({'avg': engine.stats['errors'], 'name': engine.name}) scores_per_result.append({ 'avg': score_per_result, 'name': engine.name }) pageloads = to_percentage(pageloads, max_pageload) engine_times = to_percentage(engine_times, max_engine_times) results = to_percentage(results, max_results) scores = to_percentage(scores, max_score) scores_per_result = to_percentage(scores_per_result, max_score_per_result) errors = to_percentage(errors, max_errors) return [ ( gettext('Engine time (sec)'), sorted(engine_times, key=itemgetter('avg')) ), ( gettext('Page loads (sec)'), sorted(pageloads, key=itemgetter('avg')) ), ( gettext('Number of results'), sorted(results, key=itemgetter('avg'), reverse=True) ), ( gettext('Scores'), sorted(scores, key=itemgetter('avg'), reverse=True) ), ( gettext('Scores per result'), sorted(scores_per_result, key=itemgetter('avg'), reverse=True) ), ( gettext('Errors'), sorted(errors, key=itemgetter('avg'), reverse=True) ), ] def load_engines(engine_list): global engines, engine_shortcuts engines.clear() engine_shortcuts.clear() for engine_data in engine_list: engine = load_engine(engine_data) if engine is not None: engines[engine.name] = engine return engines def initialize_engines(engine_list): load_engines(engine_list) initialize_network(engine_list, settings['outgoing']) def engine_init(engine_name, init_fn): try: set_context_network_name(engine_name) init_fn(get_engine_from_settings(engine_name)) except SearxEngineResponseException as exc: logger.warn('%s engine: Fail to initialize // %s', engine_name, exc) except Exception: logger.exception('%s engine: Fail to initialize', engine_name) else: logger.debug('%s engine: Initialized', engine_name) for engine_name, engine in engines.items(): if hasattr(engine, 'init'): init_fn = getattr(engine, 'init') if init_fn: logger.debug('%s engine: Starting background initialization', engine_name) threading.Thread(target=engine_init, args=(engine_name, init_fn)).start()