{{-- This is a EDGE https://edgejs.dev/ template to generate a HTML Jinja template for the backend. Example output of this EDGE template: - https://github.com/searxng/searxng/blob/master/searx/templates/simple/icons.html --}} {# Catalog of SVG symbols that can be inserted into the HTML output of a Jinja template. This file from: client/simple/tools/icon_catalog.edge.html #} {%- set catalog = { @each((svg, name) in svg_catalog) '{{{name}}}' : '{{{svg}}}', @end } -%} @each(macro in macros) {% macro {{ macro.name }}(action, alt) -%} {{ open_curly_brace }} catalog[action] | replace("{{__jinja_class_placeholder__}}", "{{ macro.class }}") | safe {{ close_curly_brace }} {%- endmacro %} @end