#!/usr/bin/env python # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later """Fetch currencies from :origin:`searx/engines/wikidata.py` engine. Output file: :origin:`searx/data/currencies.json` (:origin:`CI Update data ... <.github/workflows/data-update.yml>`). """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name import re import unicodedata import json from searx.locales import LOCALE_NAMES, locales_initialize from searx.engines import wikidata, set_loggers from searx.data import data_dir DATA_FILE = data_dir / 'currencies.json' set_loggers(wikidata, 'wikidata') locales_initialize() # ORDER BY (with all the query fields) is important to keep a deterministic result order # so multiple invocation of this script doesn't change currencies.json SARQL_REQUEST = """ SELECT DISTINCT ?iso4217 ?unit ?unicode ?label ?alias WHERE { ?item wdt:P498 ?iso4217; rdfs:label ?label. OPTIONAL { ?item skos:altLabel ?alias FILTER (LANG (?alias) = LANG(?label)). } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P5061 ?unit. } OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P489 ?symbol. ?symbol wdt:P487 ?unicode. } MINUS { ?item wdt:P582 ?end_data . } # Ignore monney with an end date MINUS { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q15893266 . } # Ignore "former entity" (obsolete currency) FILTER(LANG(?label) IN (%LANGUAGES_SPARQL%)). } ORDER BY ?iso4217 ?unit ?unicode ?label ?alias """ # ORDER BY (with all the query fields) is important to keep a deterministic result order # so multiple invocation of this script doesn't change currencies.json SPARQL_WIKIPEDIA_NAMES_REQUEST = """ SELECT DISTINCT ?iso4217 ?article_name WHERE { ?item wdt:P498 ?iso4217 . ?article schema:about ?item ; schema:name ?article_name ; schema:isPartOf [ wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" ] MINUS { ?item wdt:P582 ?end_data . } # Ignore monney with an end date MINUS { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q15893266 . } # Ignore "former entity" (obsolete currency) FILTER(LANG(?article_name) IN (%LANGUAGES_SPARQL%)). } ORDER BY ?iso4217 ?article_name """ LANGUAGES = LOCALE_NAMES.keys() LANGUAGES_SPARQL = ', '.join(set(map(lambda l: repr(l.split('_')[0]), LANGUAGES))) def remove_accents(name): return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name).lower() def remove_extra(name): for c in ('(', ':'): if c in name: name = name.split(c)[0].strip() return name def _normalize_name(name): name = re.sub(' +', ' ', remove_accents(name.lower()).replace('-', ' ')) name = remove_extra(name) return name def add_currency_name(db, name, iso4217, normalize_name=True): db_names = db['names'] if normalize_name: name = _normalize_name(name) iso4217_set = db_names.setdefault(name, []) if iso4217 not in iso4217_set: iso4217_set.insert(0, iso4217) def add_currency_label(db, label, iso4217, language): labels = db['iso4217'].setdefault(iso4217, {}) labels[language] = label def wikidata_request_result_iterator(request): result = wikidata.send_wikidata_query(request.replace('%LANGUAGES_SPARQL%', LANGUAGES_SPARQL), timeout=20) if result is not None: yield from result['results']['bindings'] def fetch_db(): db = { 'names': {}, 'iso4217': {}, } for r in wikidata_request_result_iterator(SPARQL_WIKIPEDIA_NAMES_REQUEST): iso4217 = r['iso4217']['value'] article_name = r['article_name']['value'] article_lang = r['article_name']['xml:lang'] add_currency_name(db, article_name, iso4217) add_currency_label(db, article_name, iso4217, article_lang) for r in wikidata_request_result_iterator(SARQL_REQUEST): iso4217 = r['iso4217']['value'] if 'label' in r: label = r['label']['value'] label_lang = r['label']['xml:lang'] add_currency_name(db, label, iso4217) add_currency_label(db, label, iso4217, label_lang) if 'alias' in r: add_currency_name(db, r['alias']['value'], iso4217) if 'unicode' in r: add_currency_name(db, r['unicode']['value'], iso4217, normalize_name=False) if 'unit' in r: add_currency_name(db, r['unit']['value'], iso4217, normalize_name=False) return db def main(): db = fetch_db() # static add_currency_name(db, "euro", 'EUR') add_currency_name(db, "euros", 'EUR') add_currency_name(db, "dollar", 'USD') add_currency_name(db, "dollars", 'USD') add_currency_name(db, "peso", 'MXN') add_currency_name(db, "pesos", 'MXN') # reduce memory usage: # replace lists with one item by the item. see # searx.search.processors.online_currency.name_to_iso4217 for name in db['names']: if len(db['names'][name]) == 1: db['names'][name] = db['names'][name][0] with DATA_FILE.open('w', encoding='utf8') as f: json.dump(db, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False) if __name__ == '__main__': main()