.. _makefile: ======================= Makefile & ``./manage`` ======================= .. _gnu-make: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Introduction All relevant build and development tasks are implemented in the :origin:`./manage ` script and for CI or IDE integration a small :origin:`Makefile` wrapper is available. If you are not familiar with Makefiles, we recommend to read gnu-make_ introduction. .. sidebar:: build environment Before looking deeper at the targets, first read about :ref:`make install`. To install developer requirements follow :ref:`buildhosts`. .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: :backlinks: entry The usage is simple, just type ``make {target-name}`` to *build* a target. Calling the ``help`` target gives a first overview (``make help``): .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: ``make`` .. program-output:: bash -c "cd ..; make --no-print-directory help" .. group-tab:: ``./manage`` The Makefile targets are implemented for comfort, if you can do without tab-completion and need to have a more granular control, use :origin:`manage` without the Makefile wrappers. .. code:: sh $ ./manage help .. _make install: Python environment (``make install``) ===================================== .. sidebar:: activate environment ``source ./local/py3/bin/activate`` We do no longer need to build up the virtualenv manually. Jump into your git working tree and release a ``make install`` to get a virtualenv with a *developer install* of SearXNG (:origin:`setup.py`). :: $ cd ~/searxng-clone $ make install PYENV [virtualenv] installing ./requirements*.txt into local/py3 ... PYENV [install] pip install --use-pep517 --no-build-isolation -e 'searx[test]' ... Successfully installed searxng-2023.7.19+a446dea1b If you release ``make install`` multiple times the installation will only rebuild if the sha256 sum of the *requirement files* fails. With other words: the check fails if you edit the requirements listed in :origin:`requirements-dev.txt` and :origin:`requirements.txt`). :: $ make install PYENV OK PYENV [virtualenv] requirements.sha256 failed [virtualenv] - 6cea6eb6def9e14a18bf32f8a3e... ./requirements-dev.txt [virtualenv] - 471efef6c73558e391c3adb35f4... ./requirements.txt ... PYENV [virtualenv] installing ./requirements*.txt into local/py3 ... PYENV [install] pip install --use-pep517 --no-build-isolation -e 'searx[test]' ... Successfully installed searxng-2023.7.19+a446dea1b .. sidebar:: drop environment To get rid of the existing environment before re-build use :ref:`clean target ` first. If you think, something goes wrong with your ./local environment or you change the :origin:`setup.py` file, you have to call :ref:`make clean`. .. _make node.env: Node.js environment (``make node.env``) ======================================= .. _Node.js: https://nodejs.org/ .. _nvm: https://github.com/nvm-sh .. _npm: https://www.npmjs.com/ .. jinja:: searx Node.js_ version {{version.node}} or higher is required to build the themes. If the requirement is not met, the build chain uses nvm_ (Node Version Manager) to install latest LTS of Node.js_ locally: there is no need to install nvm_ or npm_ on your system. To install NVM_ and Node.js_ in once you can use :ref:`make nvm.nodejs`. .. _make nvm: NVM ``make nvm.install nvm.status`` ----------------------------------- Use ``make nvm.status`` to get the current status of your Node.js_ and nvm_ setup. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: nvm.install .. code:: sh $ LANG=C make nvm.install INFO: install (update) NVM at ./searxng/.nvm INFO: clone: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm.git || Cloning into './searxng/.nvm'... INFO: checkout v0.39.4 || HEAD is now at 8fbf8ab v0.39.4 .. group-tab:: nvm.status (ubu2004) Here is the output you will typically get on a Ubuntu 20.04 system which serves only a `no longer active `_ Release `Node.js v10.19.0 `_. .. code:: sh $ make nvm.status INFO: Node.js is installed at /usr/bin/node INFO: Node.js is version v10.19.0 WARN: minimal Node.js version is 16.13.0 INFO: npm is installed at /usr/bin/npm INFO: npm is version 6.14.4 WARN: NVM is not installed .. _make nvm.nodejs: ``make nvm.nodejs`` ------------------- Install latest Node.js_ LTS locally (uses nvm_):: $ make nvm.nodejs INFO: install (update) NVM at /share/searxng/.nvm INFO: clone: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm.git ... Downloading and installing node v16.13.0... ... INFO: Node.js is installed at searxng/.nvm/versions/node/v16.13.0/bin/node INFO: Node.js is version v16.13.0 INFO: npm is installed at searxng/.nvm/versions/node/v16.13.0/bin/npm INFO: npm is version 8.1.0 INFO: NVM is installed at searxng/.nvm .. _make run: ``make run`` ============ To get up a running a developer instance simply call ``make run``. This enables *debug* option in :origin:`searx/settings.yml`, starts a ``./searx/webapp.py`` instance and opens the URL in your favorite WEB browser (:man:`xdg-open`):: $ make run Changes to theme's HTML templates (jinja2) are instant. Changes to the CSS & JS sources of the theme need to be rebuild. You can do that by running:: $ make themes.all .. ToDo: vite server is not implemented yet / will be done in a follow up PR Alternatively to ``themes.all`` you can run *live builds* of the theme you are modify (:ref:`make themes`):: $ LIVE_THEME=simple make run .. _make format.python: ``make format.python`` ====================== Format Python source code using `Black code style`_. See ``$BLACK_OPTIONS`` and ``$BLACK_TARGETS`` in :origin:`Makefile`. .. attention:: We stuck at Black 22.12.0, please read comment in PR `Bump black from 22.12.0 to 23.1.0`_ .. _Bump black from 22.12.0 to 23.1.0: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/pull/2159#pullrequestreview-1284094735 .. _Black code style: https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/the_black_code_style/current_style.html .. _make clean: ``make clean`` ============== Drops all intermediate files, all builds, but keep sources untouched. Before calling ``make clean`` stop all processes using the :ref:`make install` or :ref:`make node.env`. :: $ make clean CLEAN pyenv PYENV [virtualenv] drop local/py3 CLEAN docs -- build/docs dist/docs CLEAN themes -- locally installed npm dependencies ... CLEAN test stuff CLEAN common files .. _make docs: ``make docs`` ============= Target ``docs`` builds the documentation: .. code:: bash $ make docs HTML ./docs --> file:// DOCS build build/docs/includes ... The HTML pages are in dist/docs. .. _make docs.clean: ``make docs.clean docs.live`` ---------------------------------- We describe the usage of the ``doc.*`` targets in the :ref:`How to contribute / Documentation ` section. If you want to edit the documentation read our :ref:`make docs.live` section. If you are working in your own brand, adjust your :ref:`settings brand`. .. _make docs.gh-pages: ``make docs.gh-pages`` ---------------------- To deploy on github.io first adjust your :ref:`settings brand`. For any further read :ref:`deploy on github.io`. .. _make test: ``make test`` ============= Runs a series of tests: :ref:`make test.pylint`, ``test.pep8``, ``test.unit`` and ``test.robot``. You can run tests selective, e.g.:: $ make test.pep8 test.unit test.shell TEST test.pep8 OK ... TEST test.unit OK ... TEST test.shell OK .. _make test.shell: ``make test.shell`` ------------------- :ref:`sh lint` / if you have changed some bash scripting run this test before commit. .. _make test.pylint: ``make test.pylint`` -------------------- .. _Pylint: https://www.pylint.org/ Pylint_ is known as one of the best source-code, bug and quality checker for the Python programming language. The pylint profile used in the SearXNG project is found in project's root folder :origin:`.pylintrc`. .. _make search.checker: ``make search.checker.{engine name}`` ===================================== To check all engines:: make search.checker To check a engine with whitespace in the name like *google news* replace space by underline:: make search.checker.google_news To see HTTP requests and more use SEARXNG_DEBUG:: make SEARXNG_DEBUG=1 search.checker.google_news .. _3xx: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes#3xx_redirection To filter out HTTP redirects (3xx_):: make SEARXNG_DEBUG=1 search.checker.google_news | grep -A1 "HTTP/1.1\" 3[0-9][0-9]" ... Engine google news Checking https://news.google.com:443 "GET /search?q=life&hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US%3Aen&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 302 0 https://news.google.com:443 "GET /search?q=life&hl=en-US&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US:en&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 200 None -- https://news.google.com:443 "GET /search?q=computer&hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US%3Aen&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 302 0 https://news.google.com:443 "GET /search?q=computer&hl=en-US&lr=lang_en&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&ceid=US:en&gl=US HTTP/1.1" 200 None -- .. _make themes: ``make themes.*`` ================= .. sidebar:: further read - :ref:`devquickstart` The :origin:`Makefile` targets ``make theme.*`` cover common tasks to build the theme(s). The ``./manage themes.*`` command line can be used to convenient run common theme build tasks. .. program-output:: bash -c "cd ..; ./manage themes.help" To get live builds while modifying CSS & JS use (:ref:`make run`): .. code:: sh $ LIVE_THEME=simple make run .. _make static.build: ``make static.build.*`` ======================= .. sidebar:: further read - :ref:`devquickstart` The :origin:`Makefile` targets ``static.build.*`` cover common tasks to build (a commit of) the static files. The ``./manage static.build..*`` command line can be used to convenient run common build tasks of the static files. .. program-output:: bash -c "cd ..; ./manage static.help" .. _manage redis.help: ``./manage redis.help`` ======================= The ``./manage redis.*`` command line can be used to convenient run common Redis tasks (:ref:`Redis developer notes`). .. program-output:: bash -c "cd ..; ./manage redis.help" .. _manage go.help: ``./manage go.help`` ==================== The ``./manage go.*`` command line can be used to convenient run common `go (wiki)`_ tasks. .. _go (wiki): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(programming_language) .. program-output:: bash -c "cd ..; ./manage go.help"