import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import sharp from "sharp"; import { optimize as svgo } from "svgo"; /** * @typedef {object} Src2Dest - Mapping of src to dest * @property {string} src - Name of the source file. * @property {string} dest - Name of the destination file. */ /** * Convert a list of SVG files to PNG. * * @param {Src2Dest[]} items - Array of SVG files (src: SVG, dest:PNG) to convert. */ async function svg2png (items) { items.forEach( async (item) => { try { fs.mkdir(path.dirname(item.dest), { recursive: true }, (err) => { if (err) throw err; }); const info = await sharp(item.src).png({ force: true, compressionLevel: 9, palette: true, }).toFile(item.dest); console.log( `[svg2png] created ${item.dest} -- bytes: ${info.size}, w:${info.width}px, h:${info.height}px` ); } catch (err) { console.error(`ERROR: ${item.dest} -- ${err}`); throw(err); } } ); } /** * Optimize SVG images for WEB. * * @param {import('svgo').Config} svgo_opts - Options passed to svgo. * @param {Src2Dest[]} items - Array of SVG files (src:SVG, dest:SVG) to optimize. */ async function svg2svg(svgo_opts, items) { items.forEach( async (item) => { try { fs.mkdir(path.dirname(item.dest), { recursive: true }, (err) => { if (err) throw err; }); const raw = fs.readFileSync(item.src, "utf8"); const opt = svgo(raw, svgo_opts); fs.writeFileSync(item.dest,; console.log( `[svg2svg] optimized: ${item.dest} -- src: ${item.src}` ); } catch (err) { console.error(`ERROR: optimize src: ${item.src} -- ${err}`); throw(err); } } ); } export { svg2png, svg2svg };