.. _snap: https://snapcraft.io .. _snapcraft LXD: https://snapcraft.io/lxd .. _LXC/LXD Image Server: https://uk.images.linuxcontainers.org/ .. _LXC: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxc/introduction/ .. _LXD: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/introduction/ .. _`LXD@github`: https://github.com/lxc/lxd .. _lxc.sh: ================ ``utils/lxc.sh`` ================ .. sidebar:: further reading - snap_, `snapcraft LXD`_ - LXC_, LXD_ - `LXC/LXD Image Server`_ - `LXD@github`_ With the use of *Linux Containers* (LXC_) we can scale our tasks over a stack of containers, what we call the: *lxc suite*. Before you can start with containers, you need to install and initiate LXD_ once:: $ snap install lxd $ lxd init --auto The *searx suite* (:origin:`lxc-searx.env `) is loaded by default, every time you start the ``lxc.sh`` script (you do not need to care about). To make use of the containers from the *searx suite*, you have to build the :ref:`LXC suite containers ` first. But be warned, this might take some time:: $ sudo -H ./utils/lxc.sh build A cup of coffee later, your LXC suite is build up and you can run whatever task you want / in a selected or even in all :ref:`LXC suite containers `. Each container shares the root folder of the repository and the command ``utils/lxc.sh cmd`` handles relative path names *transparent*:: $ sudo -H ./utils/lxc.sh cmd -- ls -la Makefile ... [searx-ubu2004] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7603 Mar 30 11:54 Makefile [searx-fedora31] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7603 Mar 30 11:54 Makefile [searx-archlinux] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7603 Mar 30 11:54 Makefile With this in mind, you can run :ref:`searx.sh` and install packages, needed by searx:: $ sudo -H ./utils/lxc.sh cmd -- ./utils/searx.sh install packages And run one of the :origin:`Makefile` targets:: $ sudo -H ./utils/lxc.sh cmd -- make test.sh You can install a *buildhost environment* into the containers (time for another cup of coffee):: $ sudo -H ./utils/lxc.sh install buildhost If you want to get rid off all the containers, just type:: $ sudo -H ./utils/lxc.sh remove To clean up your local images use:: $ sudo -H ./utils/lxc.sh remove images .. _lxc.sh --help: Overview ======== The ``--help`` output of the script is largely self-explanatory: .. program-output:: ../utils/lxc.sh --help