# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # lint: pylint """Google (Scholar) For detailed description of the *REST-full* API see: `Query Parameter Definitions`_. .. _Query Parameter Definitions: https://developers.google.com/custom-search/docs/xml_results#WebSearch_Query_Parameter_Definitions """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name from urllib.parse import urlencode from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional from lxml import html from searx.utils import ( eval_xpath, eval_xpath_getindex, eval_xpath_list, extract_text, ) from searx.engines.google import ( get_lang_info, time_range_dict, detect_google_sorry, ) # pylint: disable=unused-import from searx.engines.google import ( fetch_traits, supported_languages_url, _fetch_supported_languages, ) # pylint: enable=unused-import # about about = { "website": 'https://scholar.google.com', "wikidata_id": 'Q494817', "official_api_documentation": 'https://developers.google.com/custom-search', "use_official_api": False, "require_api_key": False, "results": 'HTML', } # engine dependent config categories = ['science', 'scientific publications'] paging = True language_support = True use_locale_domain = True time_range_support = True safesearch = False send_accept_language_header = True def time_range_url(params): """Returns a URL query component for a google-Scholar time range based on ``params['time_range']``. Google-Scholar does only support ranges in years. To have any effect, all the Searx ranges (*day*, *week*, *month*, *year*) are mapped to *year*. If no range is set, an empty string is returned. Example:: &as_ylo=2019 """ # as_ylo=2016&as_yhi=2019 ret_val = '' if params['time_range'] in time_range_dict: ret_val = urlencode({'as_ylo': datetime.now().year - 1}) return '&' + ret_val def request(query, params): """Google-Scholar search request""" offset = (params['pageno'] - 1) * 10 lang_info = get_lang_info(params, supported_languages, language_aliases, False) # subdomain is: scholar.google.xy lang_info['subdomain'] = lang_info['subdomain'].replace("www.", "scholar.") query_url = ( 'https://' + lang_info['subdomain'] + '/scholar' + "?" + urlencode({'q': query, **lang_info['params'], 'ie': "utf8", 'oe': "utf8", 'start': offset}) ) query_url += time_range_url(params) params['url'] = query_url params['cookies']['CONSENT'] = "YES+" params['headers'].update(lang_info['headers']) params['headers']['Accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' # params['google_subdomain'] = subdomain return params def parse_gs_a(text: Optional[str]): """Parse the text written in green. Possible formats: * "{authors} - {journal}, {year} - {publisher}" * "{authors} - {year} - {publisher}" * "{authors} - {publisher}" """ if text is None or text == "": return None, None, None, None s_text = text.split(' - ') authors = s_text[0].split(', ') publisher = s_text[-1] if len(s_text) != 3: return authors, None, publisher, None # the format is "{authors} - {journal}, {year} - {publisher}" or "{authors} - {year} - {publisher}" # get journal and year journal_year = s_text[1].split(', ') # journal is optional and may contains some coma if len(journal_year) > 1: journal = ', '.join(journal_year[0:-1]) if journal == '…': journal = None else: journal = None # year year = journal_year[-1] try: publishedDate = datetime.strptime(year.strip(), '%Y') except ValueError: publishedDate = None return authors, journal, publisher, publishedDate def response(resp): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """Get response from google's search request""" results = [] detect_google_sorry(resp) # which subdomain ? # subdomain = resp.search_params.get('google_subdomain') # convert the text to dom dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) # parse results for result in eval_xpath_list(dom, '//div[@data-cid]'): title = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './/h3[1]//a')) if not title: # this is a [ZITATION] block continue pub_type = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './/span[@class="gs_ct1"]')) if pub_type: pub_type = pub_type[1:-1].lower() url = eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/h3[1]//a/@href', 0) content = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './/div[@class="gs_rs"]')) authors, journal, publisher, publishedDate = parse_gs_a( extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './/div[@class="gs_a"]')) ) if publisher in url: publisher = None # cited by comments = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './/div[@class="gs_fl"]/a[starts-with(@href,"/scholar?cites=")]')) # link to the html or pdf document html_url = None pdf_url = None doc_url = eval_xpath_getindex(result, './/div[@class="gs_or_ggsm"]/a/@href', 0, default=None) doc_type = extract_text(eval_xpath(result, './/span[@class="gs_ctg2"]')) if doc_type == "[PDF]": pdf_url = doc_url else: html_url = doc_url results.append( { 'template': 'paper.html', 'type': pub_type, 'url': url, 'title': title, 'authors': authors, 'publisher': publisher, 'journal': journal, 'publishedDate': publishedDate, 'content': content, 'comments': comments, 'html_url': html_url, 'pdf_url': pdf_url, } ) # parse suggestion for suggestion in eval_xpath(dom, '//div[contains(@class, "gs_qsuggest_wrap")]//li//a'): # append suggestion results.append({'suggestion': extract_text(suggestion)}) for correction in eval_xpath(dom, '//div[@class="gs_r gs_pda"]/a'): results.append({'correction': extract_text(correction)}) return results