# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tests for the function searx.utils.js_variable_to_python The tests are copied from https://github.com/Nykakin/chompjs/blob/c1501b5cd82c0044539875331745b820e7bfd067/chompjs/test_parser.py Comment out tests do not pass """ import math from parameterized import parameterized from searx.utils import js_variable_to_python from tests import SearxTestCase class TestParser(SearxTestCase): @parameterized.expand( [ ("{'hello': 'world'}", {'hello': 'world'}), ("{'hello': 'world', 'my': 'master'}", {'hello': 'world', 'my': 'master'}), ( "{'hello': 'world', 'my': {'master': 'of Orion'}, 'test': 'xx'}", {'hello': 'world', 'my': {'master': 'of Orion'}, 'test': 'xx'}, ), ("{}", {}), ] ) def test_parse_object(self, js, expected_py): py = js_variable_to_python(js) self.assertEqual(py, expected_py) @parameterized.expand( [ ("[]", []), ("[[[]]]", [[[]]]), ("[[[1]]]", [[[1]]]), ("[1]", [1]), ("[1, 2, 3, 4]", [1, 2, 3, 4]), ("['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']", ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']), ("[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[1]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]", [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[1]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]), ] ) def test_parse_list(self, js, expected_py): py = js_variable_to_python(js) self.assertEqual(py, expected_py) @parameterized.expand( [ ("{'hello': [], 'world': [0]}", {'hello': [], 'world': [0]}), ("{'hello': [1, 2, 3, 4]}", {'hello': [1, 2, 3, 4]}), ("[{'a':12}, {'b':33}]", [{'a': 12}, {'b': 33}]), ( "[false, {'true': true, `pies`: \"kot\"}, false,]", [False, {"true": True, 'pies': 'kot'}, False], ), ( "{a:1,b:1,c:1,d:1,e:1,f:1,g:1,h:1,i:1,j:1}", {k: 1 for k in 'abcdefghij'}, ), ( "{'a':[{'b':1},{'c':[{'d':{'f':{'g':[1,2]}}},{'e':1}]}]}", {'a': [{'b': 1}, {'c': [{'d': {'f': {'g': [1, 2]}}}, {'e': 1}]}]}, ), ] ) def test_parse_mixed(self, js, expected_py): py = js_variable_to_python(js) self.assertEqual(py, expected_py) @parameterized.expand( [ ("{'hello': 12, 'world': 10002.21}", {'hello': 12, 'world': 10002.21}), ("[12, -323, 0.32, -32.22, .2, - 4]", [12, -323, 0.32, -32.22, 0.2, -4]), ('{"a": -12, "b": - 5}', {'a': -12, 'b': -5}), ("{'a': true, 'b': false, 'c': null}", {'a': True, 'b': False, 'c': None}), ("[\"\\uD834\\uDD1E\"]", ['𝄞']), ("{'a': '123\\'456\\n'}", {'a': "123'456\n"}), ("['\u00E9']", ['é']), ('{"cache":{"\u002Ftest\u002F": 0}}', {'cache': {'/test/': 0}}), ('{"a": 3.125e7}', {'a': 3.125e7}), ('''{"a": "b\\'"}''', {'a': "b'"}), ('{"a": .99, "b": -.1}', {"a": 0.99, "b": -0.1}), ('["/* ... */", "// ..."]', ["/* ... */", "// ..."]), ('{"inclusions":["/*","/"]}', {'inclusions': ['/*', '/']}), ] ) def test_parse_standard_values(self, js, expected_py): py = js_variable_to_python(js) self.assertEqual(py, expected_py) def test_parse_nan(self): js = '{"A": NaN}' py = js_variable_to_python(js) self.assertTrue(math.isnan(py["A"])) @parameterized.expand( [ ("{abc: 100, dev: 200}", {'abc': 100, 'dev': 200}), ("{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz: 12}", {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz": 12}), # ( # "{age: function(yearBorn,thisYear) {return thisYear - yearBorn;}}", # {"age": "function(yearBorn,thisYear) {return thisYear - yearBorn;}"} # ), # ( # "{\"abc\": function() {return '])))))))))))))))';}}", # {"abc": "function() {return '])))))))))))))))';}"}, # ), ('{"a": undefined}', {"a": None}), # chompjs returns {"a": "undefined"} ('[undefined, undefined]', [None, None]), # chompjs returns ["undefined", "undefined"] ("{_a: 1, $b: 2}", {"_a": 1, "$b": 2}), # ("{regex: /a[^d]{1,12}/i}", {'regex': '/a[^d]{1,12}/i'}), # ("{'a': function(){return '\"'}}", {'a': 'function(){return \'"\'}'}), ("{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}", {'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4}), ("{'a': 121.}", {'a': 121.0}), ] ) def test_parse_strange_values(self, js, expected_py): py = js_variable_to_python(js) self.assertEqual(py, expected_py) @parameterized.expand( [ # ('{"a": {"b": [12, 13, 14]}}text text', {"a": {"b": [12, 13, 14]}}), # ('var test = {"a": {"b": [12, 13, 14]}}', {"a": {"b": [12, 13, 14]}}), ('{"a":\r\n10}', {'a': 10}), ("{'foo': 0,\r\n}", {'foo': 0}), ("{truefalse: 0, falsefalse: 1, nullnull: 2}", {'truefalse': 0, 'falsefalse': 1, 'nullnull': 2}), ] ) def test_strange_input(self, js, expected_py): py = js_variable_to_python(js) self.assertEqual(py, expected_py) @parameterized.expand( [ ("[0]", [0]), ("[1]", [1]), ("[12]", [12]), ("[12_12]", [1212]), # ("[0x12]", [18]), # ("[0xab]", [171]), # ("[0xAB]", [171]), # ("[0X12]", [18]), # ("[0Xab]", [171]), # ("[0XAB]", [171]), # ("[01234]", [668]), # ("[0o1234]", [668]), # ("[0O1234]", [668]), # ("[0b1111]", [15]), # ("[0B1111]", [15]), ("[-0]", [-0]), ("[-1]", [-1]), ("[-12]", [-12]), ("[-12_12]", [-1212]), # ("[-0x12]", [-18]), # ("[-0xab]", [-171]), # ("[-0xAB]", [-171]), # ("[-0X12]", [-18]), # ("[-0Xab]", [-171]), # ("[-0XAB]", [-171]), # ("[-01234]", [-668]), # ("[-0o1234]", [-668]), # ("[-0O1234]", [-668]), # ("[-0b1111]", [-15]), # ("[-0B1111]", [-15]), ] ) def test_integer_numeric_values(self, js, expected_py): py = js_variable_to_python(js) self.assertEqual(py, expected_py) @parameterized.expand( [ ("[0.32]", [0.32]), ("[-0.32]", [-0.32]), ("[.32]", [0.32]), ("[-.32]", [-0.32]), ("[12.]", [12.0]), ("[-12.]", [-12.0]), ("[12.32]", [12.32]), ("[-12.12]", [-12.12]), ("[3.1415926]", [3.1415926]), ("[.123456789]", [0.123456789]), ("[.0123]", [0.0123]), ("[0.0123]", [0.0123]), ("[-.0123]", [-0.0123]), ("[-0.0123]", [-0.0123]), ("[3.1E+12]", [3.1e12]), ("[3.1e+12]", [3.1e12]), ("[.1e-23]", [0.1e-23]), ("[.1e-23]", [0.1e-23]), ] ) def test_float_numeric_values(self, js, expected_py): py = js_variable_to_python(js) self.assertEqual(py, expected_py) # @parameterized.expand([ # ('["Test\\nDrive"]\n{"Test": "Drive"}', [['Test\nDrive'], {'Test': 'Drive'}]), # ]) # def test_jsonlines(self, js, expected_py): # py = js_variable_to_python(js) # self.assertEqual(py, expected_py) class TestParserExceptions(SearxTestCase): @parameterized.expand( [ ('}{', ValueError), ('', ValueError), (None, ValueError), ] ) def test_exceptions(self, js, expected_exception): with self.assertRaises(expected_exception): js_variable_to_python(js) @parameterized.expand( [ ("{whose: 's's', category_name: '>'}", ValueError), ] ) def test_malformed_input(self, in_data, expected_exception): with self.assertRaises(expected_exception): js_variable_to_python(in_data) @parameterized.expand( [ ( '{"test": """}', ValueError, 'js_variable_to_python creates invalid JSON', ), ] ) def test_error_messages(self, js, expected_exception, expected_exception_text): with self.assertRaisesRegex(expected_exception, expected_exception_text): js_variable_to_python(js) # class TestOptions(SearxTestCase): # @parameterized.expand( # [ # ('{\\\"a\\\": 12}', {'a': 12}), # ] # ) # def test_unicode_escape(self, js, expected_py): # py = js_variable_to_python(js) # self.assertEqual(py, expected_py) class TestParseJsonObjects(SearxTestCase): @parameterized.expand( [ # ("", []), # ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", []), # (" ", []), (" {'a': 12}", [{'a': 12}]), # ("[1, 2, 3, 4]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", [[1, 2, 3, 4]]), # ("[12] [13] [14]", [[12], [13], [14]]), # ("[10] {'a': [1, 1, 1,]}", [[10], {'a': [1, 1, 1]}]), # ("[1][1][1]", [[1], [1], [1]]), # ("[1] [2] {'a': ", [[1], [2]]), # ("[]", [[]]), # ("[][][][]", [[], [], [], []]), ("{}", [{}]), # ("{}{}{}{}", [{}, {}, {}, {}]), # ("{{}}{{}}", []), # ("[[]][[]]", [[[]], [[]]]), # ("{am: 'ab'}\n{'ab': 'xx'}", [{'am': 'ab'}, {'ab': 'xx'}]), # ( # 'function(a, b, c){ /* ... */ }({"a": 12}, Null, [1, 2, 3])', # [{}, {'a': 12}, [1, 2, 3]], # ), # ('{"a": 12, broken}{"c": 100}', [{'c': 100}]), # ('[12,,,,21][211,,,][12,12][12,,,21]', [[12, 12]]), ] ) def test_parse_json_objects(self, js, expected_py): py_in_list = [js_variable_to_python(js)] self.assertEqual(py_in_list, expected_py)