/* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later */ module.exports = function (grunt) { const eachAsync = require('each-async'); function file_exists (filepath) { // filter function to exit grunt task with error if a (src) file not exists if (!grunt.file.exists(filepath)) { grunt.fail.fatal('Could not find: ' + filepath, 42); } else { return true; } } grunt.initConfig({ _brand: '../../../../src/brand', _templates: '../../../templates', pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), watch: { scripts: { files: ['gruntfile.js', 'src/**'], tasks: [ 'eslint', 'copy', 'uglify', 'less', 'image', 'svg2png', 'svg2jinja' ] } }, eslint: { options: { overrideConfigFile: '.eslintrc.json', failOnError: true, fix: grunt.option('fix') }, target: [ 'gruntfile.js', 'svg4web.svgo.js', 'src/js/main/*.js', 'src/js/head/*.js', '../__common__/js/*.js' ], }, stylelint: { options: { formatter: 'unix', }, src: [ 'src/less/**/*.less', ] }, copy: { js: { expand: true, cwd: './node_modules', dest: './js/', flatten: true, filter: 'isFile', timestamp: true, src: [ './leaflet/dist/leaflet.js', ] }, css: { expand: true, cwd: './node_modules', dest: './css/', flatten: true, filter: 'isFile', timestamp: true, src: [ './leaflet/dist/leaflet.css', ] }, leaflet_images: { expand: true, cwd: './node_modules', dest: './css/images/', flatten: true, filter: 'isFile', timestamp: true, src: [ './leaflet/dist/images/*.png', ] }, }, uglify: { options: { output: { comments: 'some' }, ie8: false, warnings: true, compress: false, mangle: true, sourceMap: { includeSources: true } }, dist: { files: { 'js/searxng.head.min.js': ['src/js/head/*.js'], 'js/searxng.min.js': [ 'src/js/main/*.js', '../__common__/js/*.js', './node_modules/autocomplete-js/dist/autocomplete.js' ] } } }, less: { production: { options: { paths: ["less"], plugins: [ new (require('less-plugin-clean-css'))() ], sourceMap: true, sourceMapURL: (name) => { const s = name.split('/'); return s[s.length - 1] + '.map'; }, outputSourceFiles: true, }, files: [ { src: ['src/less/style-ltr.less'], dest: 'css/searxng.min.css', nonull: true, filter: file_exists, }, { src: ['src/less/style-rtl.less'], dest: 'css/searxng-rtl.min.css', nonull: true, filter: file_exists, }, ], }, }, image: { svg4web: { options: { svgo: ['--config', 'svg4web.svgo.js'] }, files: { '<%= _templates %>/__common__/searxng-wordmark.min.svg': '<%= _brand %>/searxng-wordmark.svg', 'img/searxng.svg': '<%= _brand %>/searxng.svg', 'img/img_load_error.svg': '<%= _brand %>/img_load_error.svg' } }, favicon: { options: { svgo: ['--config', 'svg4favicon.svgo.js'] }, files: { 'img/favicon.svg': '<%= _brand %>/searxng-wordmark.svg' } }, }, svg2png: { favicon: { files: { 'img/favicon.png': '<%= _brand %>/searxng-wordmark.svg', 'img/searxng.png': '<%= _brand %>/searxng.svg', } } }, svg2jinja: { all: { src: { 'warning': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/alert-outline.svg', 'close': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/close-outline.svg', 'chevron-up-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/chevron-up-outline.svg', 'chevron-right': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/chevron-forward-outline.svg', 'chevron-left': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/chevron-back-outline.svg', 'menu-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/menu-outline.svg', 'ellipsis-vertical-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/ellipsis-vertical-outline.svg', 'magnet-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/magnet-outline.svg', 'globe-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/globe-outline.svg', 'search-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/search-outline.svg', 'image-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/image-outline.svg', 'play-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/play-outline.svg', 'newspaper-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/newspaper-outline.svg', 'location-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/location-outline.svg', 'musical-notes-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/musical-notes-outline.svg', 'layers-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/layers-outline.svg', 'school-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/school-outline.svg', 'file-tray-full-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/file-tray-full-outline.svg', 'people-outline': 'node_modules/ionicons/dist/svg/people-outline.svg', }, dest: '../../../templates/simple/icons.html', }, }, }); grunt.registerMultiTask('svg2jinja', 'Create Jinja2 macro', function () { const ejs = require('ejs'), svgo = require('svgo'); const icons = {} for (const iconName in this.data.src) { const svgFileName = this.data.src[iconName]; try { const svgContent = grunt.file.read(svgFileName, { encoding: 'utf8' }) const svgoResult = svgo.optimize(svgContent, { path: svgFileName, multipass: true, plugins: [ { name: "removeTitle", }, { name: "removeXMLNS", }, { name: "addAttributesToSVGElement", params: { attributes: [ { "aria-hidden": "true" } ] } } ] }); icons[iconName] = svgoResult.data.replace("'", "\\'"); } catch (err) { grunt.log.error(err); } } const template = `{# this file was generated by searx/static/themes/simple/gruntfile.js #} {%- set icons = { <% for (const iconName in icons) { %> '<%- iconName %>':'<%- icons[iconName] %>', <% } %> } -%} {% macro icon(action, alt) -%} {{ icons[action] | replace("ionicon", "ion-icon") | safe }} {%- endmacro %} {% macro icon_small(action) -%} {{ icons[action] | replace("ionicon", "ion-icon-small") | safe }} {%- endmacro %} {% macro icon_big(action, alt) -%} {{ icons[action] | replace("ionicon", "ion-icon-big") | safe }} {%- endmacro %} `; const result = ejs.render(template, { icons }); grunt.file.write(this.data.dest, result, { encoding: 'utf8' }); grunt.log.ok(this.data.dest + " created"); }); grunt.registerMultiTask('svg2png', 'Convert SVG to PNG', function () { const sharp = require('sharp'), done = this.async(); eachAsync(this.files, async (file, _index, next) => { try { if (file.src.length != 1) { next("this task supports only one source per destination"); } const info = await sharp(file.src[0]) .png({ force: true, compressionLevel: 9, palette: true, }) .toFile(file.dest); grunt.log.ok(file.dest + ' created (' + info.size + ' bytes, ' + info.width + 'px * ' + info.height + 'px)'); next(); } catch (error) { grunt.fatal(error); next(error); } }, error => { if (error) { grunt.fatal(error); done(error); } else { done(); } }); }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-image'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-less'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-stylelint'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-eslint'); grunt.registerTask('test', ['eslint']); grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'eslint', 'stylelint', 'copy', 'uglify', 'less', 'image', 'svg2png', 'svg2jinja', ]); };