# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # lint: pylint """Bing-Images: description see :py:obj:`searx.engines.bing`. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import uuid import json from urllib.parse import urlencode from lxml import html from searx.enginelib.traits import EngineTraits from searx.engines.bing import ( set_bing_cookies, _fetch_traits, ) from searx.engines.bing import send_accept_language_header # pylint: disable=unused-import if TYPE_CHECKING: import logging logger: logging.Logger traits: EngineTraits # about about = { "website": 'https://www.bing.com/images', "wikidata_id": 'Q182496', "official_api_documentation": 'https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/bing/apis/bing-image-search-api', "use_official_api": False, "require_api_key": False, "results": 'HTML', } # engine dependent config categories = ['images', 'web'] paging = True safesearch = True time_range_support = True base_url = 'https://www.bing.com/images/async' """Bing (Images) search URL""" bing_traits_url = 'https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bing/search-apis/bing-image-search/reference/market-codes' """Bing (Images) search API description""" time_map = { # fmt: off 'day': 60 * 24, 'week': 60 * 24 * 7, 'month': 60 * 24 * 31, 'year': 60 * 24 * 365, # fmt: on } def request(query, params): """Assemble a Bing-Image request.""" engine_region = traits.get_region(params['searxng_locale'], 'en-US') engine_language = traits.get_language(params['searxng_locale'], 'en') SID = uuid.uuid1().hex.upper() set_bing_cookies(params, engine_language, engine_region, SID) # build URL query # - example: https://www.bing.com/images/async?q=foo&first=155&count=35 query_params = { # fmt: off 'q': query, 'async' : 'content', # to simplify the page count lets use the default of 35 images per page 'first' : (int(params.get('pageno', 1)) - 1) * 35 + 1, 'count' : 35, # fmt: on } # time range # - example: one year (525600 minutes) 'qft=+filterui:age-lt525600' if params['time_range']: query_params['qft'] = 'filterui:age-lt%s' % time_map[params['time_range']] params['url'] = base_url + '?' + urlencode(query_params) return params def response(resp): """Get response from Bing-Images""" results = [] dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) for result in dom.xpath('//ul[contains(@class, "dgControl_list")]/li'): metadata = result.xpath('.//a[@class="iusc"]/@m') if not metadata: continue metadata = json.loads(result.xpath('.//a[@class="iusc"]/@m')[0]) title = ' '.join(result.xpath('.//div[@class="infnmpt"]//a/text()')).strip() img_format = ' '.join(result.xpath('.//div[@class="imgpt"]/div/span/text()')).strip() source = ' '.join(result.xpath('.//div[@class="imgpt"]//div[@class="lnkw"]//a/text()')).strip() results.append( { 'template': 'images.html', 'url': metadata['purl'], 'thumbnail_src': metadata['turl'], 'img_src': metadata['murl'], 'content': metadata['desc'], 'title': title, 'source': source, 'img_format': img_format, } ) return results def fetch_traits(engine_traits: EngineTraits): """Fetch languages and regions from Bing-News.""" xpath_market_codes = '//table[1]/tbody/tr/td[3]' # xpath_country_codes = '//table[2]/tbody/tr/td[2]' xpath_language_codes = '//table[3]/tbody/tr/td[2]' _fetch_traits(engine_traits, bing_traits_url, xpath_language_codes, xpath_market_codes)