## Photon (Map) # # @website https://photon.komoot.de # @provide-api yes (https://photon.komoot.de/) # # @using-api yes # @results JSON # @stable yes # @parse url, title from urllib import urlencode from json import loads from searx.utils import searx_useragent # engine dependent config categories = ['map'] paging = False language_support = True number_of_results = 10 # search-url base_url = 'https://photon.komoot.de/' search_string = 'api/?{query}&limit={limit}' result_base_url = 'https://openstreetmap.org/{osm_type}/{osm_id}' # list of supported languages allowed_languages = ['de', 'en', 'fr', 'it'] # do search-request def request(query, params): params['url'] = base_url +\ search_string.format(query=urlencode({'q': query}), limit=number_of_results) if params['language'] != 'all': language = params['language'].split('_')[0] if language in allowed_languages: params['url'] = params['url'] + "&lang=" + language # using searx User-Agent params['headers']['User-Agent'] = searx_useragent() # FIX: SSLError: SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed params['verify'] = False return params # get response from search-request def response(resp): results = [] json = loads(resp.text) # parse results for r in json.get('features', {}): properties = r.get('properties') if not properties: continue # get title title = properties.get('name') # get osm-type if properties.get('osm_type') == 'N': osm_type = 'node' elif properties.get('osm_type') == 'W': osm_type = 'way' elif properties.get('osm_type') == 'R': osm_type = 'relation' else: # continue if invalide osm-type continue url = result_base_url.format(osm_type=osm_type, osm_id=properties.get('osm_id')) osm = {'type': osm_type, 'id': properties.get('osm_id')} geojson = r.get('geometry') if properties.get('extent'): boundingbox = [properties.get('extent')[3], properties.get('extent')[1], properties.get('extent')[0], properties.get('extent')[2]] else: # TODO: better boundingbox calculation boundingbox = [geojson['coordinates'][1], geojson['coordinates'][1], geojson['coordinates'][0], geojson['coordinates'][0]] # address calculation address = {} # get name if properties.get('osm_key') == 'amenity' or\ properties.get('osm_key') == 'shop' or\ properties.get('osm_key') == 'tourism' or\ properties.get('osm_key') == 'leisure': address = {'name': properties.get('name')} # add rest of adressdata, if something is already found if address.get('name'): address.update({'house_number': properties.get('housenumber'), 'road': properties.get('street'), 'locality': properties.get('city', properties.get('town', # noqa properties.get('village'))), # noqa 'postcode': properties.get('postcode'), 'country': properties.get('country')}) else: address = None # append result results.append({'template': 'map.html', 'title': title, 'content': '', 'longitude': geojson['coordinates'][0], 'latitude': geojson['coordinates'][1], 'boundingbox': boundingbox, 'geojson': geojson, 'address': address, 'osm': osm, 'url': url}) # return results return results