# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # lint: pylint """CrossRef""" from urllib.parse import urlencode from datetime import datetime about = { "website": "https://www.crossref.org/", "wikidata_id": "Q5188229", "official_api_documentation": "https://api.crossref.org", "use_official_api": False, "require_api_key": False, "results": "JSON", } categories = ["science", "scientific publications"] paging = True search_url = "https://api.crossref.org/works" def request(query, params): params["url"] = search_url + "?" + urlencode({"query": query, "offset": 20 * (params["pageno"] - 1)}) return params def response(resp): results = [] for record in resp.json()["message"]["items"]: if record["type"] == "component": # These seem to be files published along with papers. Not something you'd search for continue result = { "template": "paper.html", "content": record.get("abstract", ""), "doi": record.get("DOI"), "pages": record.get("page"), "publisher": record.get("publisher"), "tags": record.get("subject"), "type": record.get("type"), "url": record.get("URL"), "volume": record.get("volume"), } if record["type"] == "book-chapter": result["title"] = record["container-title"][0] if record["title"][0].lower().strip() != result["title"].lower().strip(): result["title"] += f" ({record['title'][0]})" else: result["title"] = record["title"][0] if "title" in record else record.get("container-title", [None])[0] result["journal"] = record.get("container-title", [None])[0] if "title" in record else None if "resource" in record and "primary" in record["resource"] and "URL" in record["resource"]["primary"]: result["url"] = record["resource"]["primary"]["URL"] if "published" in record and "date-parts" in record["published"]: result["publishedDate"] = datetime(*(record["published"]["date-parts"][0] + [1, 1][:3])) result["authors"] = [a.get("given", "") + " " + a.get("family", "") for a in record.get("author", [])] result["isbn"] = record.get("isbn") or [i["value"] for i in record.get("isbn-type", [])] # All the links are not PDFs, even if the URL ends with ".pdf" # result["pdf_url"] = record.get("link", [{"URL": None}])[0]["URL"] results.append(result) return results