<p class="text-muted"> {{- _('This is the list of cookies and their values SearXNG is storing on your computer.') }} <br>{{- _('With that list, you can assess SearXNG transparency.') -}} <br>{{- '' -}} </p> {% if cookies %} <table class="cookies"> <tr>{{- '' -}} <th>{{ _('Cookie name') }}</th>{{- '' -}} <th>{{ _('Value') }}</th>{{- '' -}} </tr> {%- for cookie in cookies -%} <tr>{{- '' -}} <td>{{ cookie }}</td>{{- '' -}} <td>{{ cookies[cookie] }}</td>{{- '' -}} </tr> {%- endfor -%} </table> {%- else -%} {% include 'simple/messages/no_cookies.html' %} {% endif %} <h4> {{- _('Search URL of the currently saved preferences') -}}:{{- '' -}} </h4>{{- '' -}} <div class="selectable_url">{{- '' -}} <pre> {{- url_for('index', _external=True) -}}?preferences={{- preferences_url_params|e -}} {%- raw -%}&q=%s{%- endraw -%} </pre>{{- '' -}} </div>{{- '' -}} <p class="small_font"> {{- _('Note: specifying custom settings in the search URL can reduce privacy by leaking data to the clicked result sites.') -}} </p> <h4> {{- _('URL to restore your preferences in another browser') -}}:{{- '' -}} </h4>{{- '' -}} <div class="selectable_url">{{- '' -}} <pre> {{- url_for('preferences', _external=True) -}}?preferences={{- preferences_url_params|e -}}{{- '' -}} </pre>{{- '' -}} </div>{{- '' -}} <p class="small_font"> {{- _('Specifying custom settings in the preferences URL can be used to sync preferences across devices.') -}} </p> <h4> {{- _('Copy preferences hash') -}}:{{- '' -}} </h4>{{- '' -}} <div id="copy-hash-container">{{- '' -}} <div class="selectable_url">{{- '' -}} <pre> {{- preferences_url_params|e }} </pre>{{- '' -}} </div> <button id="copy-hash" class="button" data-hash="{{- preferences_url_params|e -}}" data-copied-text="{{- _('Copied') -}}">{{- _('Copy') -}}</button> </div> <h4> {{- _('Insert copied preferences hash (without URL) to restore') -}}:{{- '' -}} </h4>{{- '' -}} <input type="text" id="pref-hash-input" name="preferences" placeholder="{{- _('Preferences hash') -}}">{{- '' -}}