# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # lint: pylint """.. _limiter src: Limiter ======= .. sidebar:: info The limiter requires a :ref:`Redis ` database. Bot protection / IP rate limitation. The intention of rate limitation is to limit suspicious requests from an IP. The motivation behind this is the fact that SearXNG passes through requests from bots and is thus classified as a bot itself. As a result, the SearXNG engine then receives a CAPTCHA or is blocked by the search engine (the origin) in some other way. To avoid blocking, the requests from bots to SearXNG must also be blocked, this is the task of the limiter. To perform this task, the limiter uses the methods from the :py:obj:`searx.botdetection`. To enable the limiter activate: .. code:: yaml server: ... limiter: true # rate limit the number of request on the instance, block some bots and set the redis-url connection. Check the value, it depends on your redis DB (see :ref:`settings redis`), by example: .. code:: yaml redis: url: unix:///usr/local/searxng-redis/run/redis.sock?db=0 """ from __future__ import annotations from pathlib import Path import flask import werkzeug from searx.tools import config from searx import logger from . import ( http_accept, http_accept_encoding, http_accept_language, http_connection, http_user_agent, ip_limit, ) from ._helpers import ( get_network, get_real_ip, dump_request, ) logger = logger.getChild('botdetection.limiter') CFG: config.Config = None # type: ignore LIMITER_CFG_SCHEMA = Path(__file__).parent / "limiter.toml" """Base configuration (schema) of the botdetection.""" LIMITER_CFG = Path('/etc/searxng/limiter.toml') """Lokal Limiter configuration.""" CFG_DEPRECATED = { # "dummy.old.foo": "config 'dummy.old.foo' exists only for tests. Don't use it in your real project config." } def get_cfg() -> config.Config: global CFG # pylint: disable=global-statement if CFG is None: CFG = config.Config.from_toml(LIMITER_CFG_SCHEMA, LIMITER_CFG, CFG_DEPRECATED) return CFG def filter_request(request: flask.Request) -> werkzeug.Response | None: cfg = get_cfg() real_ip = get_real_ip(request) network = get_network(real_ip, cfg) if network.is_link_local: return None if request.path == '/healthz': return None for func in [ http_user_agent, ]: val = func.filter_request(network, request, cfg) if val is not None: return val if request.path == '/search': for func in [ http_accept, http_accept_encoding, http_accept_language, http_connection, http_user_agent, ip_limit, ]: val = func.filter_request(network, request, cfg) if val is not None: return val logger.debug(f"OK {network}: %s", dump_request(flask.request)) return None