""" Google (Images) @website https://www.google.com @provide-api yes (https://developers.google.com/custom-search/) @using-api no @results HTML chunks with JSON inside @stable no @parse url, title, img_src """ from datetime import date, timedelta from lxml import html from searx.url_utils import urlencode, urlparse, parse_qs # engine dependent config categories = ['images'] paging = True safesearch = True time_range_support = True number_of_results = 100 search_url = 'https://www.google.com/search'\ '?{query}'\ '&tbm=isch'\ '&gbv=1'\ '&sa=G'\ '&{search_options}' time_range_attr = "qdr:{range}" time_range_custom_attr = "cdr:1,cd_min:{start},cd_max{end}" time_range_dict = {'day': 'd', 'week': 'w', 'month': 'm'} # do search-request def request(query, params): search_options = { 'start': (params['pageno'] - 1) * number_of_results } if params['time_range'] in time_range_dict: search_options['tbs'] = time_range_attr.format(range=time_range_dict[params['time_range']]) elif params['time_range'] == 'year': now = date.today() then = now - timedelta(days=365) start = then.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end = now.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') search_options['tbs'] = time_range_custom_attr.format(start=start, end=end) if safesearch and params['safesearch']: search_options['safe'] = 'active' params['url'] = search_url.format(query=urlencode({'q': query}), search_options=urlencode(search_options)) return params # get response from search-request def response(resp): dom = html.fromstring(resp.text) results = [] for element in dom.xpath('//div[@id="search"] //td'): link = element.xpath('./a')[0] google_url = urlparse(link.xpath('.//@href')[0]) query = parse_qs(google_url.query) source_url = next(iter(query.get('q', [])), None) title_parts = element.xpath('./cite//following-sibling::*/text()') title_parts.extend(element.xpath('./cite//following-sibling::text()')[:-1]) result = { 'title': ''.join(title_parts), 'content': '', 'template': 'images.html', 'url': source_url, 'img_src': source_url, 'thumbnail_src': next(iter(link.xpath('.//img //@src')), None) } if not source_url or not result['thumbnail_src']: continue results.append(result) return results