# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # lint: pylint """Słownik Języka Polskiego Dictionary of the polish language from PWN (sjp.pwn) """ from lxml.html import fromstring from searx import logger from searx.utils import extract_text from searx.network import raise_for_httperror logger = logger.getChild('sjp engine') # about about = { "website": 'https://sjp.pwn.pl', "wikidata_id": 'Q55117369', "official_api_documentation": None, "use_official_api": False, "require_api_key": False, "results": 'HTML', "language": 'pl', } categories = ['dictionaries'] paging = False URL = 'https://sjp.pwn.pl' SEARCH_URL = URL + '/szukaj/{query}.html' word_xpath = '//div[@class="query"]' dict_xpath = [ '//div[@class="wyniki sjp-so-wyniki sjp-so-anchor"]', '//div[@class="wyniki sjp-wyniki sjp-anchor"]', '//div[@class="wyniki sjp-doroszewski-wyniki sjp-doroszewski-anchor"]', ] def request(query, params): params['url'] = SEARCH_URL.format(query=query) logger.debug(f"query_url --> {params['url']}") return params def response(resp): results = [] raise_for_httperror(resp) dom = fromstring(resp.text) word = extract_text(dom.xpath(word_xpath)) definitions = [] for dict_src in dict_xpath: for src in dom.xpath(dict_src): src_text = extract_text(src.xpath('.//span[@class="entry-head-title"]/text()')).strip() src_defs = [] for def_item in src.xpath('.//div[contains(@class, "ribbon-element")]'): if def_item.xpath('./div[@class="znacz"]'): sub_defs = [] for def_sub_item in def_item.xpath('./div[@class="znacz"]'): def_sub_text = extract_text(def_sub_item).lstrip('0123456789. ') sub_defs.append(def_sub_text) src_defs.append((word, sub_defs)) else: def_text = extract_text(def_item).strip() def_link = def_item.xpath('./span/a/@href') if 'doroszewski' in def_link[0]: def_text = f"{def_text}" src_defs.append((def_text, '')) definitions.append((src_text, src_defs)) if not definitions: return results infobox = '' for src in definitions: infobox += f"
{src[0]}" infobox += "
" results.append( { 'infobox': word, 'content': infobox, } ) return results