# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.ConnectionTest do use ExUnit.Case use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers import ExUnit.CaptureLog alias Pleroma.Config alias Pleroma.HTTP.Connection setup_all do {:ok, _} = Registry.start_link(keys: :unique, name: Pleroma.GunMock) :ok end describe "parse_host/1" do test "as atom to charlist" do assert Connection.parse_host(:localhost) == 'localhost' end test "as string to charlist" do assert Connection.parse_host("localhost.com") == 'localhost.com' end test "as string ip to tuple" do assert Connection.parse_host("") == {127, 0, 0, 1} end end describe "parse_proxy/1" do test "ip with port" do assert Connection.parse_proxy("") == {:ok, {127, 0, 0, 1}, 8123} end test "host with port" do assert Connection.parse_proxy("localhost:8123") == {:ok, 'localhost', 8123} end test "as tuple" do assert Connection.parse_proxy({:socks4, :localhost, 9050}) == {:ok, :socks4, 'localhost', 9050} end test "as tuple with string host" do assert Connection.parse_proxy({:socks5, "localhost", 9050}) == {:ok, :socks5, 'localhost', 9050} end end describe "parse_proxy/1 errors" do test "ip without port" do capture_log(fn -> assert Connection.parse_proxy("") == {:error, :invalid_proxy} end) =~ "parsing proxy fail \"\"" end test "host without port" do capture_log(fn -> assert Connection.parse_proxy("localhost") == {:error, :invalid_proxy} end) =~ "parsing proxy fail \"localhost\"" end test "host with bad port" do capture_log(fn -> assert Connection.parse_proxy("localhost:port") == {:error, :invalid_proxy_port} end) =~ "parsing port in proxy fail \"localhost:port\"" end test "ip with bad port" do capture_log(fn -> assert Connection.parse_proxy("") == {:error, :invalid_proxy_port} end) =~ "parsing port in proxy fail \"\"" end test "as tuple without port" do capture_log(fn -> assert Connection.parse_proxy({:socks5, :localhost}) == {:error, :invalid_proxy} end) =~ "parsing proxy fail {:socks5, :localhost}" end test "with nil" do assert Connection.parse_proxy(nil) == nil end end describe "options/3" do clear_config([:http, :proxy_url]) test "without proxy_url in config" do Config.delete([:http, :proxy_url]) opts = Connection.options(%URI{}) refute Keyword.has_key?(opts, :proxy) end test "parses string proxy host & port" do Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], "localhost:8123") opts = Connection.options(%URI{}) assert opts[:proxy] == {'localhost', 8123} end test "parses tuple proxy scheme host and port" do Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], {:socks, 'localhost', 1234}) opts = Connection.options(%URI{}) assert opts[:proxy] == {:socks, 'localhost', 1234} end test "passed opts have more weight than defaults" do Config.put([:http, :proxy_url], {:socks5, 'localhost', 1234}) opts = Connection.options(%URI{}, proxy: {'example.com', 4321}) assert opts[:proxy] == {'example.com', 4321} end test "default ssl adapter opts with connection" do adapter = Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter) Application.put_env(:tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Adapter.Gun) on_exit(fn -> Application.put_env(:tesla, :adapter, adapter) end) uri = URI.parse("https://some-domain.com") pid = Process.whereis(:federation) :ok = Pleroma.Gun.Conn.open(uri, :gun_connections, genserver_pid: pid) opts = Connection.options(uri) assert opts[:certificates_verification] tls_opts = opts[:tls_opts] assert tls_opts[:verify] == :verify_peer assert tls_opts[:depth] == 20 assert tls_opts[:reuse_sessions] == false assert opts[:original] == "some-domain.com:443" assert opts[:close_conn] == false assert is_pid(opts[:conn]) end end end