# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Application do use Application import Cachex.Spec alias Pleroma.Config require Logger @name Mix.Project.config()[:name] @version Mix.Project.config()[:version] @repository Mix.Project.config()[:source_url] def name, do: @name def version, do: @version def named_version, do: @name <> " " <> @version def repository, do: @repository def user_agent do if Process.whereis(Pleroma.Web.Endpoint) do case Config.get([:http, :user_agent], :default) do :default -> info = "#{Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.url()} <#{Config.get([:instance, :email], "")}>" named_version() <> "; " <> info custom -> custom end else # fallback, if endpoint is not started yet "Pleroma Data Loader" end end # See http://elixir-lang.org/docs/stable/elixir/Application.html # for more information on OTP Applications def start(_type, _args) do # Scrubbers are compiled at runtime and therefore will cause a conflict # every time the application is restarted, so we disable module # conflicts at runtime Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: true) # Disable warnings_as_errors at runtime, it breaks Phoenix live reload # due to protocol consolidation warnings Code.compiler_options(warnings_as_errors: false) Pleroma.Telemetry.Logger.attach() Config.Holder.save_default() Pleroma.HTML.compile_scrubbers() Pleroma.Config.Oban.warn() Config.DeprecationWarnings.warn() if Config.get([Pleroma.Web.Plugs.HTTPSecurityPlug, :enable], true) do Pleroma.Web.Plugs.HTTPSecurityPlug.warn_if_disabled() end Pleroma.ApplicationRequirements.verify!() load_custom_modules() Pleroma.Docs.JSON.compile() limiters_setup() adapter = Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter) if match?({Tesla.Adapter.Finch, _}, adapter) do Logger.info("Starting Finch") Finch.start_link(name: MyFinch) end if adapter == Tesla.Adapter.Gun do if version = Pleroma.OTPVersion.version() do [major, minor] = version |> String.split(".") |> Enum.map(&String.to_integer/1) |> Enum.take(2) if (major == 22 and minor < 2) or major < 22 do raise " !!!OTP VERSION WARNING!!! You are using gun adapter with OTP version #{version}, which doesn't support correct handling of unordered certificates chains. Please update your Erlang/OTP to at least 22.2. " end else raise " !!!OTP VERSION WARNING!!! To support correct handling of unordered certificates chains - OTP version must be > 22.2. " end end # Define workers and child supervisors to be supervised children = [ Pleroma.PromEx, Pleroma.LDAP, Pleroma.Repo, Config.TransferTask, Pleroma.Emoji, Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RateLimiter.Supervisor, {Task.Supervisor, name: Pleroma.TaskSupervisor} ] ++ cachex_children() ++ http_children(adapter) ++ [ Pleroma.Stats, Pleroma.JobQueueMonitor, {Majic.Pool, [name: Pleroma.MajicPool, pool_size: Config.get([:majic_pool, :size], 2)]}, {Oban, Config.get(Oban)}, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint ] ++ task_children() ++ streamer_registry() ++ background_migrators() ++ shout_child(shout_enabled?()) ++ [Pleroma.Gopher.Server] ++ [Pleroma.Search.Healthcheck] # See http://elixir-lang.org/docs/stable/elixir/Supervisor.html # for other strategies and supported options # If we have a lot of caches, default max_restarts can cause test # resets to fail. # Go for the default 3 unless we're in test max_restarts = Application.get_env(:pleroma, __MODULE__)[:max_restarts] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Pleroma.Supervisor, max_restarts: max_restarts] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end def load_custom_modules do dir = Config.get([:modules, :runtime_dir]) if dir && File.exists?(dir) do dir |> Pleroma.Utils.compile_dir() |> case do {:error, _errors, _warnings} -> raise "Invalid custom modules" {:ok, modules, _warnings} -> if Application.get_env(:pleroma, __MODULE__)[:load_custom_modules] do Enum.each(modules, fn mod -> Logger.info("Custom module loaded: #{inspect(mod)}") end) end :ok end end end defp cachex_children do [ build_cachex("used_captcha", ttl_interval: seconds_valid_interval()), build_cachex("user", default_ttl: 25_000, ttl_interval: 1000, limit: 2500), build_cachex("object", default_ttl: 25_000, ttl_interval: 1000, limit: 2500), build_cachex("rich_media", default_ttl: :timer.minutes(120), limit: 5000), build_cachex("scrubber", limit: 2500), build_cachex("scrubber_management", limit: 2500), build_cachex("idempotency", expiration: idempotency_expiration(), limit: 2500), build_cachex("web_resp", limit: 2500), build_cachex("emoji_packs", expiration: emoji_packs_expiration(), limit: 10), build_cachex("failed_proxy_url", limit: 2500), build_cachex("failed_media_helper_url", default_ttl: :timer.minutes(15), limit: 2_500), build_cachex("banned_urls", default_ttl: :timer.hours(24 * 30), limit: 5_000), build_cachex("chat_message_id_idempotency_key", expiration: chat_message_id_idempotency_key_expiration(), limit: 500_000 ), build_cachex("rel_me", limit: 2500), build_cachex("host_meta", default_ttl: :timer.minutes(120), limit: 5000) ] end defp emoji_packs_expiration, do: expiration(default: :timer.seconds(5 * 60), interval: :timer.seconds(60)) defp idempotency_expiration, do: expiration(default: :timer.seconds(6 * 60 * 60), interval: :timer.seconds(60)) defp chat_message_id_idempotency_key_expiration, do: expiration(default: :timer.minutes(2), interval: :timer.seconds(60)) defp seconds_valid_interval, do: :timer.seconds(Config.get!([Pleroma.Captcha, :seconds_valid])) @spec build_cachex(String.t(), keyword()) :: map() def build_cachex(type, opts), do: %{ id: String.to_atom("cachex_" <> type), start: {Cachex, :start_link, [String.to_atom(type <> "_cache"), opts]}, type: :worker } defp shout_enabled?, do: Config.get([:shout, :enabled]) defp streamer_registry do if Application.get_env(:pleroma, __MODULE__)[:streamer_registry] do [ {Registry, [ name: Pleroma.Web.Streamer.registry(), keys: :duplicate, partitions: System.schedulers_online() ]} ] else [] end end defp background_migrators do if Application.get_env(:pleroma, __MODULE__)[:background_migrators] do [ Pleroma.Migrators.HashtagsTableMigrator, Pleroma.Migrators.ContextObjectsDeletionMigrator ] else [] end end defp shout_child(true) do [ Pleroma.Web.ShoutChannel.ShoutChannelState, {Phoenix.PubSub, [name: Pleroma.PubSub, adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.PG2]} ] end defp shout_child(_), do: [] defp task_children do children = [ %{ id: :web_push_init, start: {Task, :start_link, [&Pleroma.Web.Push.init/0]}, restart: :temporary } ] if Application.get_env(:pleroma, __MODULE__)[:internal_fetch] do children ++ [ %{ id: :internal_fetch_init, start: {Task, :start_link, [&Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.InternalFetchActor.init/0]}, restart: :temporary } ] else children end end # start hackney and gun pools in tests defp http_children(adapter) do if Application.get_env(:pleroma, __MODULE__)[:test_http_pools] do http_children_hackney() ++ http_children_gun() else cond do match?(Tesla.Adapter.Hackney, adapter) -> http_children_hackney() match?(Tesla.Adapter.Gun, adapter) -> http_children_gun() true -> [] end end end defp http_children_hackney do pools = [:federation, :media] pools = if Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :proxy_remote]) do [:upload | pools] else pools end for pool <- pools do options = Config.get([:hackney_pools, pool]) :hackney_pool.child_spec(pool, options) end end defp http_children_gun do Pleroma.Gun.ConnectionPool.children() ++ [{Task, &Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper.Gun.limiter_setup/0}] end @spec limiters_setup() :: :ok def limiters_setup do config = Config.get(ConcurrentLimiter, []) [ Pleroma.Search ] |> Enum.each(fn module -> mod_config = Keyword.get(config, module, []) max_running = Keyword.get(mod_config, :max_running, 5) max_waiting = Keyword.get(mod_config, :max_waiting, 5) ConcurrentLimiter.new(module, max_running, max_waiting) end) end end