diff --git a/lib/pleroma/formatter.ex b/lib/pleroma/formatter.ex
index fd8465c1c..2d3487f6a 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/formatter.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/formatter.ex
@@ -2,11 +2,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Formatter do
alias Pleroma.User
alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy
- @link_regex ~r/https?:\/\/[\w\.\/?=\-#%&@~\(\)]+[\w\/]/u
- def linkify(text) do
- Regex.replace(@link_regex, text, "\\0")
- end
@tag_regex ~r/\#\w+/u
def parse_tags(text, data \\ %{}) do
Regex.scan(@tag_regex, text)
@@ -25,15 +20,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Formatter do
|> Enum.filter(fn ({_match, user}) -> user end)
- def html_escape(text) do
- Regex.split(@link_regex, text, include_captures: true)
- |> Enum.map_every(2, fn chunk ->
- {:safe, part} = Phoenix.HTML.html_escape(chunk)
- part
- end)
- |> Enum.join("")
- end
@finmoji [
@@ -145,4 +131,74 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Formatter do
def get_custom_emoji() do
+ @link_regex ~r/https?:\/\/[\w\.\/?=\-#%&@~\(\)]+[\w\/]/u
+ def html_escape(text) do
+ Regex.split(@link_regex, text, include_captures: true)
+ |> Enum.map_every(2, fn chunk ->
+ {:safe, part} = Phoenix.HTML.html_escape(chunk)
+ part
+ end)
+ |> Enum.join("")
+ end
+ @doc "changes http:... links to html links"
+ def add_links({subs, text}) do
+ links = Regex.scan(@link_regex, text)
+ |> Enum.map(fn ([url]) -> {Ecto.UUID.generate, url} end)
+ uuid_text = links
+ |> Enum.reduce(text, fn({uuid, url}, acc) -> String.replace(acc, url, uuid) end)
+ subs = subs ++ Enum.map(links, fn({uuid, url}) ->
+ {uuid, "#{url}"}
+ end)
+ {subs, uuid_text}
+ end
+ @doc "Adds the links to mentioned users"
+ def add_user_links({subs, text}, mentions) do
+ mentions = mentions
+ |> Enum.sort_by(fn ({name, _}) -> -String.length(name) end)
+ |> Enum.map(fn({name, user}) -> {name, user, Ecto.UUID.generate} end)
+ uuid_text = mentions
+ |> Enum.reduce(text, fn ({match, _user, uuid}, text) ->
+ String.replace(text, match, uuid)
+ end)
+ subs = subs ++ Enum.map(mentions, fn ({match, %User{ap_id: ap_id}, uuid}) ->
+ short_match = String.split(match, "@") |> tl() |> hd()
+ {uuid, "@#{short_match}"}
+ end)
+ {subs, uuid_text}
+ end
+ @doc "Adds the hashtag links"
+ def add_hashtag_links({subs, text}, tags) do
+ tags = tags
+ |> Enum.sort_by(fn ({name, _}) -> -String.length(name) end)
+ |> Enum.map(fn({name, short}) -> {name, short, Ecto.UUID.generate} end)
+ uuid_text = tags
+ |> Enum.reduce(text, fn ({match, _short, uuid}, text) ->
+ String.replace(text, match, uuid)
+ end)
+ subs = subs ++ Enum.map(tags, fn ({_, tag, uuid}) ->
+ url = "##{tag}"
+ {uuid, url}
+ end)
+ {subs, uuid_text}
+ end
+ def finalize({subs, text}) do
+ Enum.reduce(subs, text, fn({uuid, replacement}, result_text) ->
+ String.replace(result_text, uuid, replacement)
+ end)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex
index 75c63e5f4..3c09f0cc7 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/common_api/utils.ex
@@ -78,13 +78,15 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils do
Enum.join([text | attachment_text], "
- def format_input(text, mentions, _tags) do
+ def format_input(text, mentions, tags) do
|> Formatter.html_escape
- |> Formatter.linkify
|> String.replace("\n", "
- |> add_user_links(mentions)
- # |> add_tag_links(tags)
+ |> (&({[], &1})).()
+ |> Formatter.add_links
+ |> Formatter.add_user_links(mentions)
+ |> Formatter.add_hashtag_links(tags)
+ |> Formatter.finalize
def add_tag_links(text, tags) do
@@ -97,25 +99,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI.Utils do
- def add_user_links(text, mentions) do
- mentions = mentions
- |> Enum.sort_by(fn ({name, _}) -> -String.length(name) end)
- |> Enum.map(fn({name, user}) -> {name, user, Ecto.UUID.generate} end)
- # This replaces the mention with a unique reference first so it doesn't
- # contain parts of other replaced mentions. There probably is a better
- # solution for this...
- step_one = mentions
- |> Enum.reduce(text, fn ({match, _user, uuid}, text) ->
- String.replace(text, match, uuid)
- end)
- Enum.reduce(mentions, step_one, fn ({match, %User{ap_id: ap_id}, uuid}, text) ->
- short_match = String.split(match, "@") |> tl() |> hd()
- String.replace(text, uuid, "@#{short_match}")
- end)
- end
def make_note_data(actor, to, context, content_html, attachments, inReplyTo, tags, cw \\ nil, cc \\ []) do
object = %{
"type" => "Note",
diff --git a/test/formatter_test.exs b/test/formatter_test.exs
index cb7695e8e..0e915d8d5 100644
--- a/test/formatter_test.exs
+++ b/test/formatter_test.exs
@@ -4,37 +4,67 @@ defmodule Pleroma.FormatterTest do
import Pleroma.Factory
- describe ".linkify" do
+ describe ".add_hashtag_links" do
+ test "turns hashtags into links" do
+ text = "I love #cofe and #2hu"
+ expected_text = "I love #cofe and #2hu"
+ tags = Formatter.parse_tags(text)
+ assert expected_text == Formatter.add_hashtag_links({[], text}, tags) |> Formatter.finalize
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".add_links" do
test "turning urls into links" do
text = "Hey, check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zg1-TufF%20zY?x=1&y=2#blabla."
expected = "Hey, check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zg1-TufF%20zY?x=1&y=2#blabla."
- assert Formatter.linkify(text) == expected
+ assert Formatter.add_links({[], text}) |> Formatter.finalize == expected
text = "https://mastodon.social/@lambadalambda"
expected = "https://mastodon.social/@lambadalambda"
- assert Formatter.linkify(text) == expected
+ assert Formatter.add_links({[], text}) |> Formatter.finalize == expected
text = "@lambadalambda"
expected = "@lambadalambda"
- assert Formatter.linkify(text) == expected
+ assert Formatter.add_links({[], text}) |> Formatter.finalize == expected
text = "http://www.cs.vu.nl/~ast/intel/"
expected = "http://www.cs.vu.nl/~ast/intel/"
- assert Formatter.linkify(text) == expected
+ assert Formatter.add_links({[], text}) |> Formatter.finalize == expected
text = "https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=57087"
expected = "https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=57087"
- assert Formatter.linkify(text) == expected
+ assert Formatter.add_links({[], text}) |> Formatter.finalize == expected
text = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_(Gnosticism)#Mythos_of_the_soul"
expected = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_(Gnosticism)#Mythos_of_the_soul"
- assert Formatter.linkify(text) == expected
+ assert Formatter.add_links({[], text}) |> Formatter.finalize == expected
+ end
+ end
+ describe "add_user_links" do
+ test "gives a replacement for user links" do
+ text = "@gsimg According to @archaeme, that is @daggsy. Also hello @archaeme@archae.me"
+ gsimg = insert(:user, %{nickname: "gsimg"})
+ archaeme = insert(:user, %{nickname: "archaeme"})
+ archaeme_remote = insert(:user, %{nickname: "archaeme@archae.me"})
+ mentions = Pleroma.Formatter.parse_mentions(text)
+ {subs, text} = Formatter.add_user_links({[], text}, mentions)
+ assert length(subs) == 3
+ Enum.each(subs, fn({uuid, _}) -> assert String.contains?(text, uuid) end)
+ expected_text = "@gsimg According to @archaeme, that is @daggsy. Also hello @archaeme"
+ assert expected_text == Formatter.finalize({subs, text})
diff --git a/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_test.exs b/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_test.exs
index 6b0b182a3..7d578a751 100644
--- a/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/twitter_api/twitter_api_test.exs
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPITest do
{ :ok, activity = %Activity{} } = TwitterAPI.create_status(user, input)
- assert get_in(activity.data, ["object", "content"]) == "Hello again, @shp.<script></script>
This is on another :moominmamma: line. #2hu #epic #phantasmagoric
+ expected_text = "Hello again, @shp.<script></script>
This is on another :moominmamma: line. #2hu #epic #phantasmagoric
+ assert get_in(activity.data, ["object", "content"]) == expected_text
assert get_in(activity.data, ["object", "type"]) == "Note"
assert get_in(activity.data, ["object", "actor"]) == user.ap_id
assert get_in(activity.data, ["actor"]) == user.ap_id
@@ -282,19 +283,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.TwitterAPITest do
assert is_binary(response)
- test "it adds user links to an existing text" do
- text = "@gsimg According to @archaeme, that is @daggsy. Also hello @archaeme@archae.me"
- gsimg = insert(:user, %{nickname: "gsimg"})
- archaeme = insert(:user, %{nickname: "archaeme"})
- archaeme_remote = insert(:user, %{nickname: "archaeme@archae.me"})
- mentions = Pleroma.Formatter.parse_mentions(text)
- expected_text = "@gsimg According to @archaeme, that is @daggsy. Also hello @archaeme"
- assert Utils.add_user_links(text, mentions) == expected_text
- end
test "it favorites a status, returns the updated status" do
user = insert(:user)
note_activity = insert(:note_activity)