use crate::{config::Format, error::UploadError, to_ext, validate::validate_image}; use actix_web::web; use futures::stream::{Stream, StreamExt, TryStreamExt}; use sha2::Digest; use std::{path::PathBuf, pin::Pin, sync::Arc}; use tracing::{debug, error, info, instrument, warn, Span}; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct UploadManager { inner: Arc, } struct UploadManagerInner { format: Option, hasher: sha2::Sha256, image_dir: PathBuf, alias_tree: sled::Tree, filename_tree: sled::Tree, db: sled::Db, } impl std::fmt::Debug for UploadManager { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("UploadManager").finish() } } type UploadStream = Pin>>>; struct FilenameIVec { inner: sled::IVec, } impl FilenameIVec { fn new(inner: sled::IVec) -> Self { FilenameIVec { inner } } } impl std::fmt::Debug for FilenameIVec { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:?}", String::from_utf8(self.inner.to_vec())) } } struct Hash { inner: Vec, } impl Hash { fn new(inner: Vec) -> Self { Hash { inner } } } impl std::fmt::Debug for Hash { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", base64::encode(&self.inner)) } } enum Dup { Exists, New, } impl Dup { fn exists(&self) -> bool { match self { Dup::Exists => true, _ => false, } } } impl UploadManager { /// Get the image directory pub(crate) fn image_dir(&self) -> PathBuf { self.inner.image_dir.clone() } /// Create a new UploadManager pub(crate) async fn new( mut root_dir: PathBuf, format: Option, ) -> Result { let mut sled_dir = root_dir.clone(); sled_dir.push("db"); // sled automatically creates it's own directories let db = web::block(move || sled::open(sled_dir)).await?; root_dir.push("files"); // Ensure file dir exists actix_fs::create_dir_all(root_dir.clone()).await?; Ok(UploadManager { inner: Arc::new(UploadManagerInner { format, hasher: sha2::Sha256::new(), image_dir: root_dir, alias_tree: db.open_tree("alias")?, filename_tree: db.open_tree("filename")?, db, }), }) } /// Store the path to a generated image variant so we can easily clean it up later #[instrument(skip(self))] pub(crate) async fn store_variant( &self, path: PathBuf, filename: String, ) -> Result<(), UploadError> { let path_string = path.to_str().ok_or(UploadError::Path)?.to_string(); let fname_tree = self.inner.filename_tree.clone(); debug!("Getting hash"); let hash: sled::IVec = web::block(move || fname_tree.get(filename.as_bytes())) .await? .ok_or(UploadError::MissingFilename)?; let key = variant_key(&hash, &path_string); let db = self.inner.db.clone(); debug!("Storing variant"); web::block(move || db.insert(key, path_string.as_bytes())).await?; debug!("Stored variant"); Ok(()) } /// Delete the alias, and the file & variants if no more aliases exist #[instrument(skip(self, alias, token))] pub(crate) async fn delete(&self, alias: String, token: String) -> Result<(), UploadError> { use sled::Transactional; let db = self.inner.db.clone(); let alias_tree = self.inner.alias_tree.clone(); let span = Span::current(); let alias2 = alias.clone(); let hash = web::block(move || { [&*db, &alias_tree].transaction(|v| { let entered = span.enter(); let db = &v[0]; let alias_tree = &v[1]; // -- GET TOKEN -- debug!("Deleting alias -> delete-token mapping"); let existing_token = alias_tree .remove(delete_key(&alias2).as_bytes())? .ok_or(trans_err(UploadError::MissingAlias))?; // Bail if invalid token if existing_token != token { warn!("Invalid delete token"); return Err(trans_err(UploadError::InvalidToken)); } // -- GET ID FOR HASH TREE CLEANUP -- debug!("Deleting alias -> id mapping"); let id = alias_tree .remove(alias_id_key(&alias2).as_bytes())? .ok_or(trans_err(UploadError::MissingAlias))?; let id = String::from_utf8(id.to_vec()).map_err(|e| trans_err(e.into()))?; // -- GET HASH FOR HASH TREE CLEANUP -- debug!("Deleting alias -> hash mapping"); let hash = alias_tree .remove(alias2.as_bytes())? .ok_or(trans_err(UploadError::MissingAlias))?; // -- REMOVE HASH TREE ELEMENT -- debug!("Deleting hash -> alias mapping"); db.remove(alias_key(&hash, &id))?; drop(entered); Ok(hash) }) }) .await?; // -- CHECK IF ANY OTHER ALIASES EXIST -- let db = self.inner.db.clone(); let (start, end) = alias_key_bounds(&hash); debug!("Checking for additional aliases referencing hash"); let any_aliases = web::block(move || { Ok(db.range(start..end).next().is_some()) as Result }) .await?; // Bail if there are existing aliases if any_aliases { debug!("Other aliases reference file, not removing from disk"); return Ok(()); } // -- DELETE HASH ENTRY -- let db = self.inner.db.clone(); let hash2 = hash.clone(); debug!("Deleting hash -> filename mapping"); let filename = web::block(move || db.remove(&hash2)) .await? .ok_or(UploadError::MissingFile)?; // -- DELETE FILES -- let this = self.clone(); debug!("Spawning cleanup task"); let span = Span::current(); actix_rt::spawn(async move { let entered = span.enter(); if let Err(e) = this .cleanup_files(FilenameIVec::new(filename.clone())) .await { error!("Error removing files from fs, {}", e); } info!( "Files deleted for {:?}", String::from_utf8(filename.to_vec()) ); drop(entered); }); Ok(()) } /// Generate a delete token for an alias #[instrument(skip(self))] pub(crate) async fn delete_token(&self, alias: String) -> Result { debug!("Generating delete token"); use rand::distributions::{Alphanumeric, Distribution}; let rng = rand::thread_rng(); let s: String = Alphanumeric.sample_iter(rng).take(10).collect(); let delete_token = s.clone(); debug!("Saving delete token"); let alias_tree = self.inner.alias_tree.clone(); let key = delete_key(&alias); let res = web::block(move || { alias_tree.compare_and_swap( key.as_bytes(), None as Option, Some(s.as_bytes()), ) }) .await?; if let Err(sled::CompareAndSwapError { current: Some(ivec), .. }) = res { let s = String::from_utf8(ivec.to_vec())?; debug!("Returning existing delete token, {}", s); return Ok(s); } debug!("Returning new delete token, {}", delete_token); Ok(delete_token) } /// Upload the file while preserving the filename, optionally validating the uploaded image #[instrument(skip(self, stream))] pub(crate) async fn import( &self, alias: String, content_type: mime::Mime, validate: bool, stream: UploadStream, ) -> Result where UploadError: From, E: Unpin, { // -- READ IN BYTES FROM CLIENT -- debug!("Reading stream"); let tmpfile = crate::tmp_file(); safe_save_stream(tmpfile.clone(), stream).await?; let content_type = if validate { debug!("Validating image"); let format = self.inner.format.clone(); validate_image(tmpfile.clone(), format).await? } else { content_type }; // -- DUPLICATE CHECKS -- // Cloning bytes is fine because it's actually a pointer debug!("Hashing bytes"); let hash = self.hash(tmpfile.clone()).await?; debug!("Storing alias"); self.add_existing_alias(&hash, &alias).await?; debug!("Saving file"); self.save_upload(tmpfile, hash, content_type).await?; // Return alias to file Ok(alias) } /// Upload the file, discarding bytes if it's already present, or saving if it's new #[instrument(skip(self, stream))] pub(crate) async fn upload(&self, stream: UploadStream) -> Result where UploadError: From, E: Unpin, { // -- READ IN BYTES FROM CLIENT -- debug!("Reading stream"); let tmpfile = crate::tmp_file(); safe_save_stream(tmpfile.clone(), stream).await?; // -- VALIDATE IMAGE -- debug!("Validating image"); let format = self.inner.format.clone(); let content_type = validate_image(tmpfile.clone(), format).await?; // -- DUPLICATE CHECKS -- // Cloning bytes is fine because it's actually a pointer debug!("Hashing bytes"); let hash = self.hash(tmpfile.clone()).await?; debug!("Adding alias"); let alias = self.add_alias(&hash, content_type.clone()).await?; debug!("Saving file"); self.save_upload(tmpfile, hash, content_type).await?; // Return alias to file Ok(alias) } /// Fetch the real on-disk filename given an alias #[instrument(skip(self))] pub(crate) async fn from_alias(&self, alias: String) -> Result { let tree = self.inner.alias_tree.clone(); debug!("Getting hash from alias"); let hash = web::block(move || tree.get(alias.as_bytes())) .await? .ok_or(UploadError::MissingAlias)?; let db = self.inner.db.clone(); debug!("Getting filename from hash"); let filename = web::block(move || db.get(hash)) .await? .ok_or(UploadError::MissingFile)?; let filename = String::from_utf8(filename.to_vec())?; Ok(filename) } // Find image variants and remove them from the DB and the disk #[instrument(skip(self))] async fn cleanup_files(&self, filename: FilenameIVec) -> Result<(), UploadError> { let filename = filename.inner; let mut path = self.image_dir(); let fname = String::from_utf8(filename.to_vec())?; path.push(fname); let mut errors = Vec::new(); debug!("Deleting {:?}", path); if let Err(e) = actix_fs::remove_file(path).await { errors.push(e.into()); } let fname_tree = self.inner.filename_tree.clone(); debug!("Deleting filename -> hash mapping"); let hash = web::block(move || fname_tree.remove(filename)) .await? .ok_or(UploadError::MissingFile)?; let (start, end) = variant_key_bounds(&hash); let db = self.inner.db.clone(); debug!("Fetching file variants"); let keys = web::block(move || { let mut keys = Vec::new(); for key in db.range(start..end).keys() { keys.push(key?.to_owned()); } Ok(keys) as Result, UploadError> }) .await?; debug!("{} files prepared for deletion", keys.len()); for key in keys { let db = self.inner.db.clone(); if let Some(path) = web::block(move || db.remove(key)).await? { debug!("Deleting {:?}", String::from_utf8(path.to_vec())); if let Err(e) = remove_path(path).await { errors.push(e); } } } for error in errors { error!("Error deleting files, {}", error); } Ok(()) } // check duplicates & store image if new async fn save_upload( &self, tmpfile: PathBuf, hash: Hash, content_type: mime::Mime, ) -> Result<(), UploadError> { let (dup, name) = self.check_duplicate(hash, content_type).await?; // bail early with alias to existing file if this is a duplicate if dup.exists() { debug!("Duplicate exists, not saving file"); return Ok(()); } // -- WRITE NEW FILE -- let mut real_path = self.image_dir(); real_path.push(name); crate::safe_move_file(tmpfile, real_path).await?; Ok(()) } // produce a sh256sum of the uploaded file async fn hash(&self, tmpfile: PathBuf) -> Result { let mut hasher = self.inner.hasher.clone(); let mut stream = actix_fs::read_to_stream(tmpfile).await?; while let Some(res) = { let bytes = res?; hasher = web::block(move || { hasher.update(&bytes); Ok(hasher) as Result<_, UploadError> }) .await?; } let hash = web::block(move || Ok(hasher.finalize_reset().to_vec()) as Result<_, UploadError>) .await?; Ok(Hash::new(hash)) } // check for an already-uploaded image with this hash, returning the path to the target file #[instrument(skip(self, hash, content_type))] async fn check_duplicate( &self, hash: Hash, content_type: mime::Mime, ) -> Result<(Dup, String), UploadError> { let db = self.inner.db.clone(); let filename = self.next_file(content_type).await?; let filename2 = filename.clone(); let hash2 = hash.inner.clone(); debug!("Inserting filename for hash"); let res = web::block(move || { db.compare_and_swap( hash2, None as Option, Some(filename2.as_bytes()), ) }) .await?; if let Err(sled::CompareAndSwapError { current: Some(ivec), .. }) = res { let name = String::from_utf8(ivec.to_vec())?; debug!("Filename exists for hash, {}", name); return Ok((Dup::Exists, name)); } let fname_tree = self.inner.filename_tree.clone(); let filename2 = filename.clone(); debug!("Saving filename -> hash relation"); web::block(move || fname_tree.insert(filename2, hash.inner)).await?; Ok((Dup::New, filename)) } // generate a short filename that isn't already in-use #[instrument(skip(self, content_type))] async fn next_file(&self, content_type: mime::Mime) -> Result { let image_dir = self.image_dir(); use rand::distributions::{Alphanumeric, Distribution}; let mut limit: usize = 10; let rng = rand::thread_rng(); loop { debug!("Filename generation loop"); let mut path = image_dir.clone(); let s: String = Alphanumeric.sample_iter(rng).take(limit).collect(); let filename = file_name(s, content_type.clone())?; path.push(filename.clone()); if let Err(e) = actix_fs::metadata(path).await { if e.kind() == Some(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound) { debug!("Generated unused filename {}", filename); return Ok(filename); } return Err(e.into()); } debug!("Filename exists, trying again"); limit += 1; } } #[instrument(skip(self, hash, alias))] async fn add_existing_alias(&self, hash: &Hash, alias: &str) -> Result<(), UploadError> { self.save_alias(hash, alias).await??; self.store_alias(hash, alias).await?; Ok(()) } // Add an alias to an existing file // // This will help if multiple 'users' upload the same file, and one of them wants to delete it #[instrument(skip(self, hash, content_type))] async fn add_alias( &self, hash: &Hash, content_type: mime::Mime, ) -> Result { let alias = self.next_alias(hash, content_type).await?; self.store_alias(hash, &alias).await?; Ok(alias) } // Add a pre-defined alias to an existin file // // DANGER: this can cause BAD BAD BAD conflicts if the same alias is used for multiple files #[instrument(skip(self, hash))] async fn store_alias(&self, hash: &Hash, alias: &str) -> Result<(), UploadError> { let alias = alias.to_string(); loop { debug!("hash -> alias save loop"); let db = self.inner.db.clone(); let id = web::block(move || db.generate_id()).await?.to_string(); let key = alias_key(&hash.inner, &id); let db = self.inner.db.clone(); let alias2 = alias.clone(); debug!("Saving hash/id -> alias mapping"); let res = web::block(move || { db.compare_and_swap(key, None as Option, Some(alias2.as_bytes())) }) .await?; if res.is_ok() { let alias_tree = self.inner.alias_tree.clone(); let key = alias_id_key(&alias); debug!("Saving alias -> id mapping"); web::block(move || alias_tree.insert(key.as_bytes(), id.as_bytes())).await?; break; } debug!("Id exists, trying again"); } Ok(()) } // Generate an alias to the file #[instrument(skip(self, hash, content_type))] async fn next_alias( &self, hash: &Hash, content_type: mime::Mime, ) -> Result { use rand::distributions::{Alphanumeric, Distribution}; let mut limit: usize = 10; let rng = rand::thread_rng(); loop { debug!("Alias gen loop"); let s: String = Alphanumeric.sample_iter(rng).take(limit).collect(); let alias = file_name(s, content_type.clone())?; let res = self.save_alias(hash, &alias).await?; if res.is_ok() { return Ok(alias); } debug!("Alias exists, regenning"); limit += 1; } } // Save an alias to the database #[instrument(skip(self, hash))] async fn save_alias( &self, hash: &Hash, alias: &str, ) -> Result, UploadError> { let tree = self.inner.alias_tree.clone(); let vec = hash.inner.clone(); let alias = alias.to_string(); debug!("Saving alias"); let res = web::block(move || { tree.compare_and_swap(alias.as_bytes(), None as Option, Some(vec)) }) .await?; if res.is_err() { warn!("Duplicate alias"); return Ok(Err(UploadError::DuplicateAlias)); } return Ok(Ok(())); } } #[instrument(skip(stream))] async fn safe_save_stream(to: PathBuf, stream: UploadStream) -> Result<(), UploadError> where UploadError: From, E: Unpin, { if let Some(path) = to.parent() { debug!("Creating directory {:?}", path); actix_fs::create_dir_all(path.to_owned()).await?; } debug!("Checking if {:?} alreayd exists", to); if let Err(e) = actix_fs::metadata(to.clone()).await { if e.kind() != Some(std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound) { return Err(e.into()); } } else { return Err(UploadError::FileExists); } debug!("Writing stream to {:?}", to); let stream = stream.err_into::(); actix_fs::write_stream(to, stream).await?; Ok(()) } async fn remove_path(path: sled::IVec) -> Result<(), UploadError> { let path_string = String::from_utf8(path.to_vec())?; actix_fs::remove_file(path_string).await?; Ok(()) } fn trans_err(e: UploadError) -> sled::transaction::ConflictableTransactionError { sled::transaction::ConflictableTransactionError::Abort(e) } fn file_name(name: String, content_type: mime::Mime) -> Result { Ok(format!("{}{}", name, to_ext(content_type)?)) } fn alias_key(hash: &[u8], id: &str) -> Vec { let mut key = hash.to_vec(); // add a separator to the key between the hash and the ID key.extend(&[0]); key.extend(id.as_bytes()); key } fn alias_key_bounds(hash: &[u8]) -> (Vec, Vec) { let mut start = hash.to_vec(); start.extend(&[0]); let mut end = hash.to_vec(); end.extend(&[1]); (start, end) } fn alias_id_key(alias: &str) -> String { format!("{}/id", alias) } fn delete_key(alias: &str) -> String { format!("{}/delete", alias) } fn variant_key(hash: &[u8], path: &str) -> Vec { let mut key = hash.to_vec(); key.extend(&[2]); key.extend(path.as_bytes()); key } fn variant_key_bounds(hash: &[u8]) -> (Vec, Vec) { let mut start = hash.to_vec(); start.extend(&[2]); let mut end = hash.to_vec(); end.extend(&[3]); (start, end) }