[Unit] Description=A simple image host Documentation=https://git.asonix.dog/asonix/pict-rs After=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple Environment="PICTRS__SERVER__ADDRESS=" Environment="PICTRS__SERVER__API_KEY=SOME-REALLY-SECRET-KEY" Environment="PICTRS__TRACING__LOGGING__TARGETS=warn" Environment="PICTRS__MEDIA__FORMAT=avif" Environment="PICTRS__REPO__PATH=/var/lib/pict-rs/sled" Environment="PICTRS__REPO__EXPORT_PATH=/var/lib/pict-rs/sled" Environment="PICTRS__STORE__PATH=/var/lib/pict-rs/files" # Replace with the path to your installation of pict-rs ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/pict-rs run Restart=on-failure # Hardening, taken from user cablepick on matrix # # CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE - bypass file read, write, execute permission checks # CAP_KILL - bypass permission checks for sending signals # CAP_SYS_ADMIN - does a lot, can probably be replaced with more fine-grained capabilities CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE CAP_KILL CAP_SYS_ADMIN # Makes unique /tmp folder for pict-rs, separate from system /tmp PrivateTmp=true # Makes /usr, /boot, /efi , and /etc read-only for pict-rs # Could maybe be replaced with ProtectSystem=strict if ReadWritePaths is set to /var/lib/pict-rs ProtectSystem=full # Makes /home and /root directories appear empty to pict-rs ProtectHome=true # Only useful if running as non-root RemoveIPC=true [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target