# pict-rs 0.4.4 ## Overview pict-rs 0.4.4 contains a configuration option and a few dependency upgrades. The primary motivation for publishing this release is to produce new docker images containing the libvpx CVE fix released within the last few days. ### Features - [External Validation Timeout](#external-validation-timeout) ### Bugfixes - [OpenTelemetry Span Disconnection](#opentelemetry-span-disconnection) ## Upgrade Notes There's no significant changes from 0.4.3, so upgrading should be as simple as pulling a new version of pict-rs. ## Descriptions ### External Validation Timeout A configuration option has been added to change the HTTP Timeout for the external validation service. This allows letting services that might take a while to respond to be used by extending the timeout. The default value is 30 seconds. Examples: ```toml # pict-rs.toml [media] external_validation = "http://validation.service/endpoint" external_validation_timeout = 60 ``` ``` # environment variables PICTRS__MEDIA__EXTERNAL_VALIDATION=http://validation.service/endpoint PICTRS__MEDIA__EXTERNAL_VALIDATION_TIMEOUT=60 ``` ### OpenTelemetry Span Disconnection The tracing-opentelemetry dependency has been updated from 0.20 to 0.21, which includes a bugfix for tracing spans becoming disconnected from each other and making tracing aggregation services (such as Jaeger) less useful. If your setup includes an OpenTelemetry collector, this update will be interesting to you.