Zed 1ac389e7c7
GraphQL timeline (#812)
* Update deps

* Replace profile timeline with GraphQL endpoint

* Update GraphQL endpoint versions

* Use GraphQL for profile media tab

* Fix UserByRestId request

* Improve routing, fixes #814

* Fix token pool JSON

* Deduplicate GraphQL timeline endpoints

* Update list endpoints

* Use GraphQL for list tweets

* Remove debug leftover

* Replace old pinned tweet endpoint with GraphQL

* Validate tweet ID

* Minor token handling fix

* Hide US-only commerce cards

* Update config example

* Remove http pool and gzip from token pool

* Support tombstoned tweets in threads

* Retry GraphQL timeout errors

* Remove unnecessary 401 retry

* Remove broken timeout retry

* Update karax, use new bool attribute feature

* Update card test

* Fix odd edgecase with broken retweets

* Replace search endpoints, switch Bearer token

* Only parse user search if it's a list

* Fix quoted tweet crash

* Fix empty search query handling

* Fix invalid user search errors again
2023-04-21 14:41:30 +02:00

108 lines
2.6 KiB

import options, tables
from ../../types import VideoType, VideoVariant
UnifiedCard* = object
componentObjects*: Table[string, Component]
destinationObjects*: Table[string, Destination]
mediaEntities*: Table[string, MediaEntity]
appStoreData*: Table[string, seq[AppStoreData]]
ComponentType* = enum
Component* = object
kind*: ComponentType
data*: ComponentData
ComponentData* = object
id*: string
appId*: string
mediaId*: string
destination*: string
title*: Text
subtitle*: Text
name*: Text
memberCount*: int
mediaList*: seq[MediaItem]
topicDetail*: tuple[title: Text]
MediaItem* = object
id*: string
destination*: string
Destination* = object
kind*: string
data*: tuple[urlData: UrlData]
UrlData* = object
url*: string
vanity*: string
MediaType* = enum
photo, video, model3d
MediaEntity* = object
kind*: MediaType
mediaUrlHttps*: string
videoInfo*: Option[VideoInfo]
VideoInfo* = object
durationMillis*: int
variants*: seq[VideoVariant]
AppType* = enum
androidApp, iPhoneApp, iPadApp
AppStoreData* = object
kind*: AppType
id*: string
title*: Text
category*: Text
Text = object
content: string
TypeField = Component | Destination | MediaEntity | AppStoreData
converter fromText*(text: Text): string = text.content
proc renameHook*(v: var TypeField; fieldName: var string) =
if fieldName == "type":
fieldName = "kind"
proc enumHook*(s: string; v: var ComponentType) =
v = case s
of "details": details
of "media": media
of "swipeable_media": swipeableMedia
of "button_group": buttonGroup
of "app_store_details": appStoreDetails
of "twitter_list_details": twitterListDetails
of "community_details": communityDetails
of "media_with_details_horizontal": mediaWithDetailsHorizontal
of "commerce_drop_details": hidden
else: echo "ERROR: Unknown enum value (ComponentType): ", s; unknown
proc enumHook*(s: string; v: var AppType) =
v = case s
of "android_app": androidApp
of "iphone_app": iPhoneApp
of "ipad_app": iPadApp
else: echo "ERROR: Unknown enum value (AppType): ", s; androidApp
proc enumHook*(s: string; v: var MediaType) =
v = case s
of "video": video
of "photo": photo
of "model3d": model3d
else: echo "ERROR: Unknown enum value (MediaType): ", s; photo