import asyncdispatch, httpclient, times, sequtils, json, math import strutils, strformat import types, agents, consts, http_pool var clientPool {.threadvar.}: HttpPool tokenPool {.threadvar.}: seq[Token] lastFailed: Time minFail = initDuration(seconds=10) proc fetchToken(): Future[Token] {.async.} = if getTime() - lastFailed < minFail: return Token() let headers = newHttpHeaders({ "accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.5", "connection": "keep-alive", "user-agent": getAgent(), "authorization": auth }) var resp: string tok: string try: resp = clientPool.use(headers): await c.postContent(activate) tok = parseJson(resp)["guest_token"].getStr let time = getTime() result = Token(tok: tok, remaining: 187, reset: time + 15.minutes, init: time, lastUse: time) except Exception as e: lastFailed = getTime() result = Token() echo "fetching token failed: ", e.msg proc expired(token: Token): bool {.inline.} = const expirationTime = 2.hours maxLastUse = 1.hours let time = getTime() result = token.init < time - expirationTime or token.lastUse < time - maxLastUse proc isLimited(token: Token): bool {.inline.} = token == nil or (token.remaining <= 1 and token.reset > getTime()) or token.expired proc release*(token: Token) = if token != nil and not token.expired: token.lastUse = getTime() tokenPool.insert(token) proc getToken*(): Future[Token] {.async.} = for i in 0 ..< tokenPool.len: if not result.isLimited: break result.release() result = tokenPool.pop() if result.isLimited: result.release() result = await fetchToken() proc poolTokens*(amount: int) {.async.} = var futs: seq[Future[Token]] for i in 0 ..< amount: futs.add fetchToken() for token in futs: release(await token) proc initTokenPool*(cfg: Config) {.async.} = clientPool = HttpPool() while true: if tokenPool.countIt(not it.isLimited) < cfg.minTokens: await poolTokens(min(4, cfg.minTokens - tokenPool.len)) await sleepAsync(2000) proc getPoolInfo*: string = let avg = tokenPool.mapIt(it.remaining).sum() return &"{tokenPool.len} tokens, average remaining: {avg}"