# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only import strutils, strformat import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles] import ".."/[types, utils] const smallWebp* = "?name=small&format=webp" proc getSmallPic*(url: string): string = result = url if "?" notin url and not url.endsWith("placeholder.png"): result &= smallWebp result = getPicUrl(result) proc icon*(icon: string; text=""; title=""; class=""; href=""): VNode = var c = "icon-" & icon if class.len > 0: c = &"{c} {class}" buildHtml(tdiv(class="icon-container")): if href.len > 0: a(class=c, title=title, href=href) else: span(class=c, title=title) if text.len > 0: text " " & text proc linkUser*(user: User, class=""): VNode = let isName = "username" notin class href = "/" & user.username nameText = if isName: user.fullname else: "@" & user.username buildHtml(a(href=href, class=class, title=nameText)): text nameText if isName and user.verified: icon "ok", class="verified-icon", title="Verified account" if isName and user.protected: text " " icon "lock", title="Protected account" proc linkText*(text: string; class=""): VNode = let url = if "http" notin text: https & text else: text buildHtml(): a(href=url, class=class): text text proc hiddenField*(name, value: string): VNode = buildHtml(): input(name=name, style={display: "none"}, value=value) proc refererField*(path: string): VNode = hiddenField("referer", path) proc buttonReferer*(action, text, path: string; class=""; `method`="post"): VNode = buildHtml(form(`method`=`method`, action=action, class=class)): refererField path button(`type`="submit"): text text proc genCheckbox*(pref, label: string; state: bool): VNode = buildHtml(label(class="pref-group checkbox-container")): text label if state: input(name=pref, `type`="checkbox", checked="") else: input(name=pref, `type`="checkbox") span(class="checkbox") proc genInput*(pref, label, state, placeholder: string; class=""; autofocus=true): VNode = let p = placeholder buildHtml(tdiv(class=("pref-group pref-input " & class))): if label.len > 0: label(`for`=pref): text label if autofocus and state.len == 0: input(name=pref, `type`="text", placeholder=p, value=state, autofocus="") else: input(name=pref, `type`="text", placeholder=p, value=state) proc genSelect*(pref, label, state: string; options: seq[string]): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="pref-group pref-input")): label(`for`=pref): text label select(name=pref): for opt in options: if opt == state: option(value=opt, selected=""): text opt else: option(value=opt): text opt proc genDate*(pref, state: string): VNode = buildHtml(span(class="date-input")): input(name=pref, `type`="date", value=state) icon "calendar" proc genImg*(url: string; class=""): VNode = buildHtml(): img(src=getPicUrl(url), class=class, alt="") proc getTabClass*(query: Query; tab: QueryKind): string = result = "tab-item" if query.kind == tab: result &= " active" proc getAvatarClass*(prefs: Prefs): string = if prefs.squareAvatars: "avatar" else: "avatar round"