import tables, macros, strformat, xmltree import karax/[karaxdsl, vdom, vstyles] import ../types, ../prefs_impl proc genCheckbox(pref, label: string; state: bool): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="pref-group")): label(class="checkbox-container"): text label if state: input(name=pref, `type`="checkbox", checked="") else: input(name=pref, `type`="checkbox") span(class="checkbox") proc genSelect(pref, label, state: string; options: seq[string]): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="pref-group")): label(`for`=pref): text label select(name=pref): for opt in options: if opt == state: option(value=opt, selected=""): text opt else: option(value=opt): text opt proc genInput(pref, label, state, placeholder: string): VNode = let s = xmltree.escape(state) let p = xmltree.escape(placeholder) buildHtml(tdiv(class="pref-group pref-input")): label(`for`=pref): text label verbatim &"" macro renderPrefs*(): untyped = result = nnkCall.newTree( ident("buildHtml"), ident("tdiv"), nnkStmtList.newTree()) for header, options in prefList: result[2].add nnkCall.newTree( ident("legend"), nnkStmtList.newTree( nnkCommand.newTree(ident("text"), newLit(header)))) for pref in options: let procName = ident("gen" & capitalizeAscii($pref.kind)) let state = nnkDotExpr.newTree(ident("prefs"), ident( var stmt = nnkStmtList.newTree( nnkCall.newTree(procName, newLit(, newLit(pref.label), state)) case pref.kind of checkbox: discard of select: stmt[0].add newLit(pref.options) of input: stmt[0].add newLit(pref.placeholder) result[2].add stmt proc renderPreferences*(prefs: Prefs; path: string): VNode = buildHtml(tdiv(class="preferences-container")): fieldset(class="preferences"): form(`method`="post", action="/saveprefs"): verbatim "" % path renderPrefs() button(`type`="submit", class="pref-submit"): text "Save preferences" form(`method`="post", action="/resetprefs", class="pref-reset"): verbatim "" % path button(`type`="submit"): text "Reset preferences"