# MCH2022 template app This repository contains a template app for the MCH2022 badge. ## License The source code contained in this repository is licensed under terms of the MIT license, more information can be found in the LICENSE file. Source code included as submodules is licensed separately, please check the following table for details. | Submodule | License | Author | |-----------------------------|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | esp-idf | Apache License 2.0 | Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD | | components/appfs | THE BEER-WARE LICENSE Revision 42 | Jeroen Domburg | | components/bus-i2c | MIT | Nicolai Electronics | | components/i2c-bno055 | MIT | Nicolai Electronics | | components/mch2022-rp2040 | MIT | Renze Nicolai | | components/pax-graphics | MIT | Julian Scheffers | | components/pax-keyboard | MIT | Julian Scheffers | | components/sdcard | MIT | Nicolai Electronics | | components/spi-ice40 | MIT | Nicolai Electronics | | components/spi-ili9341 | MIT | Nicolai Electronics | | components/ws2812 | MIT | Unlicense / Public domain | ## How to make ```sh git clone --recursive https://github.com/badgeteam/mch2022-template-app cd mch2022-template-app make prepare make ```