defmodule LiveBeats.MediaLibrary do @moduledoc """ The MediaLibrary context. """ require Logger import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias LiveBeats.{Repo, MP3Stat, Accounts} alias LiveBeats.MediaLibrary.{Profile, Song, Events, Genre} alias Ecto.{Multi, Changeset} @pubsub LiveBeats.PubSub @auto_next_threshold_seconds 5 @max_songs 30 defdelegate stopped?(song), to: Song defdelegate playing?(song), to: Song defdelegate paused?(song), to: Song def attach do LiveBeats.attach(__MODULE__, to: {Accounts, Accounts.Events.PublicSettingsChanged}) end def handle_execute({Accounts, %Accounts.Events.PublicSettingsChanged{user: user}}) do profile = get_profile!(user) broadcast!(, %Events.PublicProfileUpdated{profile: profile}) end def subscribe_to_profile(%Profile{} = profile) do Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(@pubsub, topic(profile.user_id)) end def unsubscribe_to_profile(%Profile{} = profile) do Phoenix.PubSub.unsubscribe(@pubsub, topic(profile.user_id)) end def local_filepath(filename_uuid) when is_binary(filename_uuid) do dir = LiveBeats.config([:files, :uploads_dir]) Path.join([dir, "songs", filename_uuid]) end def can_control_playback?(%Accounts.User{} = user, %Song{} = song) do == song.user_id end def play_song(%Song{id: id}) do play_song(id) end def play_song(id) do song = get_song!(id) played_at = cond do playing?(song) -> song.played_at paused?(song) -> elapsed = DateTime.diff(song.paused_at, song.played_at, :second) DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), -elapsed) true -> DateTime.utc_now() end changeset = Changeset.change(song, %{ played_at: DateTime.truncate(played_at, :second), status: :playing }) stopped_query = from s in Song, where: s.user_id == ^song.user_id and s.status in [:playing, :paused], update: [set: [status: :stopped]] {:ok, %{now_playing: new_song}} = |> Multi.update_all(:now_stopped, fn _ -> stopped_query end, []) |> Multi.update(:now_playing, changeset) |> Repo.transaction() elapsed = elapsed_playback(new_song) broadcast!(song.user_id, %Events.Play{song: song, elapsed: elapsed}) new_song end def pause_song(%Song{} = song) do now = DateTime.truncate(DateTime.utc_now(), :second) set = [status: :paused, paused_at: now] pause_query = from(s in Song, where: == ^, update: [set: ^set]) stopped_query = from s in Song, where: s.user_id == ^song.user_id and s.status in [:playing, :paused], update: [set: [status: :stopped]] {:ok, _} = |> Multi.update_all(:now_stopped, fn _ -> stopped_query end, []) |> Multi.update_all(:now_paused, fn _ -> pause_query end, []) |> Repo.transaction() broadcast!(song.user_id, %Events.Pause{song: song}) end def play_next_song_auto(%Profile{} = profile) do song = get_current_active_song(profile) || get_first_song(profile) if song && elapsed_playback(song) >= song.duration - @auto_next_threshold_seconds do song |> get_next_song(profile) |> play_song() end end def play_prev_song(%Profile{} = profile) do song = get_current_active_song(profile) || get_first_song(profile) if prev_song = get_prev_song(song, profile) do play_song(prev_song) end end def play_next_song(%Profile{} = profile) do song = get_current_active_song(profile) || get_first_song(profile) if next_song = get_next_song(song, profile) do play_song(next_song) end end def store_mp3(%Song{} = song, tmp_path) do File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(song.mp3_filepath)) File.cp!(tmp_path, song.mp3_filepath) end def put_stats(%Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset, %MP3Stat{} = stat) do chset = Song.put_duration(changeset, stat.duration) if error = chset.errors[:duration] do {:error, %{duration: error}} else {:ok, chset} end end def import_songs(%Accounts.User{} = user, changesets, consume_file) when is_map(changesets) and is_function(consume_file, 2) do # refetch user for fresh song count user = Accounts.get_user!( multi = Enum.reduce(changesets,, fn {ref, chset}, acc -> chset = chset |> Song.put_user(user) |> Song.put_mp3_path() Ecto.Multi.insert(acc, {:song, ref}, chset) end) |>, fn _repo, changes -> new_songs_count = changes |> Enum.filter(&match?({{:song, _ref}, _}, &1)) |> Enum.count() validate_songs_limit(user.songs_count, new_songs_count) end) |> Ecto.Multi.update_all( :update_songs_count, fn %{valid_songs_count: new_count} -> from(u in Accounts.User, where: == ^ and u.songs_count == ^user.songs_count, update: [inc: [songs_count: ^new_count]] ) end, [] ) |>, fn _repo, %{update_songs_count: result} -> case result do {1, _} -> {:ok, user} _ -> {:error, :invalid} end end) case LiveBeats.Repo.transaction(multi) do {:ok, results} -> songs = results |> Enum.filter(&match?({{:song, _ref}, _}, &1)) |> {{:song, ref}, song} -> consume_file.(ref, fn tmp_path -> store_mp3(song, tmp_path) end) {ref, song} end) broadcast_imported(user, songs) {:ok, Enum.into(songs, %{})} {:error, failed_op, failed_val, _changes} -> failed_op = case failed_op do {:song, _number} -> "Invalid song (#{failed_val.changes.title})" :is_songs_count_updated? -> :invalid failed_op -> failed_op end {:error, {failed_op, failed_val}} end end defp broadcast_imported(%Accounts.User{} = user, songs) do songs =, fn {_ref, song} -> song end) broadcast!(, %Events.SongsImported{user_id:, songs: songs}) end def parse_file_name(name) do case Regex.split(~r/[-–]/, Path.rootname(name), parts: 2) do [title] -> %{title: String.trim(title), artist: nil} [title, artist] -> %{title: String.trim(title), artist: String.trim(artist)} end end def create_genre(attrs \\ %{}) do %Genre{} |> Genre.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end def list_genres do Repo.all(Genre, order_by: [asc: :title]) end def list_profile_songs(%Profile{} = profile, limit \\ 100) do from(s in Song, where: s.user_id == ^profile.user_id, limit: ^limit) |> order_by_playlist(:asc) |> Repo.all() end def list_active_profiles(opts) do from(s in Song, inner_join: u in LiveBeats.Accounts.User, on: s.user_id ==, where: s.status in [:playing], limit: ^Keyword.fetch!(opts, :limit), order_by: [desc: s.updated_at], select: struct(u, [:id, :username, :profile_tagline, :avatar_url, :external_homepage_url]) ) |> Repo.all() |>!/1) end def get_current_active_song(%Profile{user_id: user_id}) do s in Song, where: s.user_id == ^user_id and s.status in [:playing, :paused]) end def get_profile!(%Accounts.User{} = user) do %Profile{ user_id:, username: user.username, tagline: user.profile_tagline, avatar_url: user.avatar_url, external_homepage_url: user.external_homepage_url } end def owns_profile?(%Accounts.User{} = user, %Profile{} = profile) do == profile.user_id end def owns_song?(%Profile{} = profile, %Song{} = song) do profile.user_id == song.user_id end def elapsed_playback(%Song{} = song) do cond do playing?(song) -> start_seconds = song.played_at |> DateTime.to_unix() System.os_time(:second) - start_seconds paused?(song) -> DateTime.diff(song.paused_at, song.played_at, :second) stopped?(song) -> 0 end end def get_song!(id), do: Repo.get!(Song, id) def get_first_song(%Profile{user_id: user_id}) do from(s in Song, where: s.user_id == ^user_id, limit: 1 ) |> order_by_playlist(:asc) |> end def get_last_song(%Profile{user_id: user_id}) do from(s in Song, where: s.user_id == ^user_id, limit: 1 ) |> order_by_playlist(:desc) |> end def get_next_song(%Song{} = song, %Profile{} = profile) do next = from(s in Song, where: s.user_id == ^song.user_id and > ^, limit: 1 ) |> order_by_playlist(:asc) |> next || get_first_song(profile) end def get_prev_song(%Song{} = song, %Profile{} = profile) do prev = from(s in Song, where: s.user_id == ^song.user_id and < ^, order_by: [desc: s.inserted_at, desc:], limit: 1 ) |> order_by_playlist(:desc) |> prev || get_last_song(profile) end def update_song(%Song{} = song, attrs) do song |> Song.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end def delete_song(%Song{} = song) do case File.rm(song.mp3_filepath) do :ok -> :ok {:error, reason} -> "unable to delete song #{} at #{song.mp3_filepath}, got: #{inspect(reason)}" ) end |> Ecto.Multi.delete(:delete, song) |> Ecto.Multi.update_all( :update_songs_count, fn _ -> from(u in Accounts.User, where: == ^song.user_id, update: [inc: [songs_count: -1]] ) end, [] ) |> Repo.transaction() |> case do {:ok, _} -> :ok other -> other end end def change_song(song_or_changeset, attrs \\ %{}) def change_song(%Song{} = song, attrs) do Song.changeset(song, attrs) end def change_song(%Ecto.Changeset{} = prev_changeset, attrs) do %Song{} |> change_song(attrs) |> Ecto.Changeset.change(Map.take(prev_changeset.changes, [:duration])) end defp order_by_playlist(%Ecto.Query{} = query, direction) when direction in [:asc, :desc] do from(s in query, order_by: [{^direction, s.inserted_at}, {^direction,}]) end defp broadcast!(user_id, msg) when is_integer(user_id) do Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast!(@pubsub, topic(user_id), {__MODULE__, msg}) end defp topic(user_id) when is_integer(user_id), do: "profile:#{user_id}" defp validate_songs_limit(user_songs, new_songs_count) do if user_songs + new_songs_count <= @max_songs do {:ok, new_songs_count} else {:error, :songs_limit_exceeded} end end end