defmodule LiveBeatsWeb.ProfileLive do use LiveBeatsWeb, :live_view alias LiveBeats.{Accounts, MediaLibrary, MP3Stat} alias LiveBeatsWeb.{LayoutComponent, Presence} alias LiveBeatsWeb.ProfileLive.{SongRowComponent, UploadFormComponent} def render(assigns) do ~H""" <.title_bar>
<%= @profile.tagline %> <%= if @owns_profile? do %>(you)<% end %>
<.link href={@profile.external_homepage_url} _target="blank" class="block text-sm text-gray-600"> <.icon name={:code}/> <%= url_text(@profile.external_homepage_url) %>
<:actions> <%= if @active_profile_id == @profile.user_id do %> <.button primary phx-click={JS.push("switch_profile", value: %{user_id: nil}, target: "#player", loading: "#player")} > <.icon name={:stop}/>Stop Listening <% else %> <.button primary phx-click={JS.push("switch_profile", value: %{user_id: @profile.user_id}, target: "#player", loading: "#player")} > <.icon name={:play}/>Listen <% end %> <%= if @owns_profile? do %> <.button id="upload-btn" primary patch={profile_path(@current_user, :new)}> <.icon name={:upload}/>Upload Songs <% end %> <:title let={user}><%= user.username %> <%= for song <- if(@owns_profile?, do: @songs, else: []), id = "delete-modal-#{}" do %> <.modal id={id} on_confirm={JS.push("delete", value: %{id:}) |> hide_modal(id) |> hide("#song-#{}")} > Are you sure you want to delete "<%= song.title %>"? <:cancel>Cancel <:confirm>Delete <% end %> <.live_table module={SongRowComponent} rows={@songs} row_id={fn song -> "song-#{}" end} owns_profile?={@owns_profile?} > <:col let={%{song: song}} label="Title"><%= song.title %> <:col let={%{song: song}} label="Artist"><%= song.artist %> <:col let={%{song: song}} label="Attribution" class="max-w-5xl break-words text-gray-600 font-light"><%= song.attribution %> <:col let={%{song: song}} label="Duration"><%= MP3Stat.to_mmss(song.duration) %> <:col let={%{song: song}} label="" if={@owns_profile?}> <.link phx-click={show_modal("delete-modal-#{}")} class="inline-flex items-center px-3 py-2 text-sm leading-4 font-medium"> <.icon name={:trash} class="-ml-0.5 mr-2 h-4 w-4"/> Delete """ end def mount(%{"profile_username" => profile_username}, _session, socket) do %{current_user: current_user} = socket.assigns profile = Accounts.get_user_by!(username: profile_username) |> MediaLibrary.get_profile!() if connected?(socket) do MediaLibrary.subscribe_to_profile(profile) Accounts.subscribe( end active_song_id = if song = MediaLibrary.get_current_active_song(profile) do SongRowComponent.send_status(, song.status) end socket = socket |> assign( active_song_id: active_song_id, active_profile_id: current_user.active_profile_user_id, profile: profile, owns_profile?: MediaLibrary.owns_profile?(current_user, profile) ) |> list_songs() |> assign_presences() {:ok, socket, temporary_assigns: [songs: []]} end def handle_params(params, _url, socket) do LayoutComponent.hide_modal() {:noreply, socket |> apply_action(socket.assigns.live_action, params)} end def handle_event("play_or_pause", %{"id" => id}, socket) do song = MediaLibrary.get_song!(id) can_playback? = MediaLibrary.can_control_playback?(socket.assigns.current_user, song) cond do can_playback? and socket.assigns.active_song_id == id and MediaLibrary.playing?(song) -> MediaLibrary.pause_song(song) can_playback? -> MediaLibrary.play_song(id) true -> :noop end {:noreply, socket} end def handle_event("delete", %{"id" => id}, socket) do song = MediaLibrary.get_song!(id) if song.user_id == do :ok = MediaLibrary.delete_song(song) end {:noreply, socket} end def handle_info({Accounts, %Accounts.Events.ActiveProfileChanged{} = event}, socket) do {:noreply, assign(socket, active_profile_id: event.new_profile_user_id)} end def handle_info({MediaLibrary, %MediaLibrary.Events.PublicProfileUpdated{} = update}, socket) do {:noreply, socket |> assign(profile: update.profile) |> push_patch(to: profile_path(update.profile))} end def handle_info({MediaLibrary, %MediaLibrary.Events.Play{song: song}}, socket) do {:noreply, play_song(socket, song)} end def handle_info({MediaLibrary, %MediaLibrary.Events.Pause{song: song}}, socket) do {:noreply, pause_song(socket,} end def handle_info({MediaLibrary, _}, socket), do: {:noreply, socket} def handle_info({Accounts, _}, socket), do: {:noreply, socket} defp stop_song(socket, song_id) do SongRowComponent.send_status(song_id, :stopped) if socket.assigns.active_song_id == song_id do assign(socket, :active_song_id, nil) else socket end end defp pause_song(socket, song_id) do SongRowComponent.send_status(song_id, :paused) socket end defp play_song(socket, %MediaLibrary.Song{} = song) do %{active_song_id: active_song_id} = socket.assigns cond do active_song_id == -> SongRowComponent.send_status(, :playing) socket active_song_id -> SongRowComponent.send_status(, :playing) socket |> stop_song(active_song_id) |> assign(active_song_id: true -> SongRowComponent.send_status(, :playing) assign(socket, active_song_id: end end defp apply_action(socket, :new, _params) do if socket.assigns.owns_profile? do socket |> assign(:page_title, "Add Songs") |> assign(:song, %MediaLibrary.Song{}) |> show_upload_modal() else socket |> put_flash(:error, "You can't do that") |> redirect(to: profile_path(socket.assigns.current_user)) end end defp apply_action(socket, :show, _params) do socket |> assign(:page_title, "Listing Songs") |> assign(:song, nil) end defp show_upload_modal(socket) do LayoutComponent.show_modal(UploadFormComponent, %{ id: :new, confirm: {"Save", type: "submit", form: "song-form"}, patch: profile_path(socket.assigns.current_user), song:, title: socket.assigns.page_title, current_user: socket.assigns.current_user }) socket end defp list_songs(socket) do assign(socket, songs: MediaLibrary.list_profile_songs(socket.assigns.profile, 50)) end defp assign_presences(socket) do users = Accounts.lists_users_by_active_profile(socket.assigns.profile.user_id, limit: 10) assign(socket, presences: users) end defp url_text(nil), do: "" defp url_text(url_str) do uri = URI.parse(url_str) <> uri.path end end