defmodule LiveBeatsWeb.PlayerLive do use LiveBeatsWeb, {:live_view, container: {:div, []}} alias LiveBeats.{Accounts, MediaLibrary} alias LiveBeats.MediaLibrary.Song alias LiveBeatsWeb.Presence on_mount {LiveBeatsWeb.UserAuth, :current_user} def render(assigns) do ~H"""

<%= if @song, do: @song.title, else: raw(" ") %>

<%= if @song, do: @song.artist, else: raw(" ") %>

<.progress_bar id="player-progress" />
<%= if @profile do %> <.link navigate={profile_path(@profile)} class="mx-auto flex border-2 border-white border-opacity-20 rounded-md p-1 pr-2" > <.icon name={:user_circle} class="w-4 h-4 block" />

<%= @profile.username %>

<% else %>
<% end %> <%= if is_nil(@profile) or @own_profile? do %> <% else %> <% end %>
<.modal id="enable-audio" on_confirm={js_listen_now() |> hide_modal("enable-audio")} data-js-show={show_modal("enable-audio")} > <:title>Start Listening now Your browser needs a click event to enable playback <:confirm>Listen Now <%= if @profile do %> <.modal id="not-authorized" on_confirm={hide_modal("not-authorized")}> <:title>You can't do that Only <%= @profile.username %> can control playback <:confirm>Ok <% end %>
""" end def mount(_params, _session, socket) do %{current_user: current_user} = socket.assigns if connected?(socket) do Accounts.subscribe( end socket = socket |> assign( foo: true, song: nil, playing: false, profile: nil, current_user_id:, own_profile?: false ) |> switch_profile(current_user.active_profile_user_id || {:ok, socket, layout: false, temporary_assigns: []} end defp switch_profile(socket, nil) do current_user = Accounts.update_active_profile(socket.assigns.current_user, nil) if profile = connected?(socket) and socket.assigns.profile do Presence.untrack_profile_user(profile, end socket |> assign(current_user: current_user) |> assign_profile(nil) end defp switch_profile(socket, profile_user_id) do %{current_user: current_user} = socket.assigns profile = get_profile(profile_user_id) if profile && connected?(socket) do current_user = Accounts.update_active_profile(current_user, profile.user_id) # untrack last profile the user was listening if socket.assigns.profile do Presence.untrack_profile_user(socket.assigns.profile, end Presence.track_profile_user(profile, send(self(), :play_current) socket |> assign(current_user: current_user) |> assign_profile(profile) else assign_profile(socket, nil) end end defp assign_profile(socket, profile) when is_struct(profile, MediaLibrary.Profile) or is_nil(profile) do %{profile: prev_profile, current_user: current_user} = socket.assigns profile_changed? = profile_changed?(prev_profile, profile) if connected?(socket) and profile_changed? do prev_profile && MediaLibrary.unsubscribe_to_profile(prev_profile) profile && MediaLibrary.subscribe_to_profile(profile) end assign(socket, profile: profile, own_profile?: !!profile && MediaLibrary.owns_profile?(current_user, profile) ) end def handle_event("play_pause", _, socket) do %{song: song, playing: playing, current_user: current_user} = socket.assigns song = MediaLibrary.get_song!( cond do song && playing and MediaLibrary.can_control_playback?(current_user, song) -> MediaLibrary.pause_song(song) {:noreply, assign(socket, playing: false)} song && MediaLibrary.can_control_playback?(current_user, song) -> MediaLibrary.play_song(song) {:noreply, assign(socket, playing: true)} true -> {:noreply, socket} end end def handle_event("switch_profile", %{"user_id" => user_id}, socket) do {:noreply, switch_profile(socket, user_id)} end def handle_event("next_song", _, socket) do %{song: song, current_user: current_user} = socket.assigns if song && MediaLibrary.can_control_playback?(current_user, song) do MediaLibrary.play_next_song(socket.assigns.profile) end {:noreply, socket} end def handle_event("prev_song", _, socket) do %{song: song, current_user: current_user} = socket.assigns if song && MediaLibrary.can_control_playback?(current_user, song) do MediaLibrary.play_prev_song(socket.assigns.profile) end {:noreply, socket} end def handle_event("next_song_auto", _, socket) do if do MediaLibrary.play_next_song_auto(socket.assigns.profile) end {:noreply, socket} end def handle_info(:play_current, socket) do {:noreply, play_current_song(socket)} end def handle_info( {Accounts, %Accounts.Events.ActiveProfileChanged{new_profile_user_id: user_id}}, socket ) do if user_id do {:noreply, assign(socket, profile: get_profile(user_id))} else {:noreply, socket |> assign_profile(nil) |> stop_song()} end end def handle_info({MediaLibrary, %MediaLibrary.Events.PublicProfileUpdated{} = update}, socket) do %{current_user: current_user} = socket.assigns if update.profile.user_id == do Presence.untrack_profile_user(socket.assigns.profile, Presence.track_profile_user(update.profile, end {:noreply, assign_profile(socket, update.profile)} end def handle_info({MediaLibrary, %MediaLibrary.Events.Pause{}}, socket) do {:noreply, push_pause(socket)} end def handle_info({MediaLibrary, %MediaLibrary.Events.Play{} = play}, socket) do {:noreply, play_song(socket,, play.elapsed)} end def handle_info({MediaLibrary, %MediaLibrary.Events.SongDeleted{song: song}}, socket) do if && == do {:noreply, stop_song(socket)} else {:noreply, socket} end end def handle_info({MediaLibrary, _}, socket), do: {:noreply, socket} defp play_song(socket, %Song{} = song, elapsed) do socket |> push_play(song, elapsed) |> assign(song: song, playing: true, page_title: song_title(song)) end defp stop_song(socket) do socket |> push_event("stop", %{}) |> assign(song: nil, playing: false, page_title: "Listing Songs") end defp song_title(%{artist: artist, title: title}) do "#{title} - #{artist} (Now Playing)" end defp play_current_song(socket) do song = MediaLibrary.get_current_active_song(socket.assigns.profile) cond do song && MediaLibrary.playing?(song) -> play_song(socket, song, MediaLibrary.elapsed_playback(song)) song && MediaLibrary.paused?(song) -> assign(socket, song: song, playing: false) true -> socket end end defp push_play(socket, %Song{} = song, elapsed) do token = Phoenix.Token.encrypt(socket.endpoint, "file", %{ vsn: 1, ip: to_string(song.server_ip), size: song.mp3_filesize, uuid: song.mp3_filename }) push_event(socket, "play", %{ artist: song.artist, title: song.title, paused: Song.paused?(song), elapsed: elapsed, duration: song.duration, token: token, url: song.mp3_url }) end defp push_pause(socket) do socket |> push_event("pause", %{}) |> assign(playing: false) end defp js_play_pause(own_profile?) do if own_profile? do JS.push("play_pause") |> JS.dispatch("js:play_pause", to: "#audio-player") else show_modal("not-authorized") end end defp js_prev(own_profile?) do if own_profile? do JS.push("prev_song") else show_modal("not-authorized") end end defp js_next(own_profile?) do if own_profile? do JS.push("next_song") else show_modal("not-authorized") end end defp js_listen_now(js \\ %JS{}) do JS.dispatch(js, "js:listen_now", to: "#audio-player") end defp get_profile(user_id) do user_id && Accounts.get_user!(user_id) |> MediaLibrary.get_profile!() end defp profile_changed?(nil = _prev_profile, nil = _new_profile), do: false defp profile_changed?(nil = _prev_profile, %MediaLibrary.Profile{}), do: true defp profile_changed?(%MediaLibrary.Profile{}, nil = _new_profile), do: true defp profile_changed?(%MediaLibrary.Profile{} = prev, %MediaLibrary.Profile{} = new), do: prev.user_id != new.user_id end