# Find eligible builder and runner images on Docker Hub. We use Ubuntu/Debian instead of # Alpine to avoid DNS resolution issues in production. # # https://hub.docker.com/r/hexpm/elixir/tags?page=1&name=ubuntu # https://hub.docker.com/_/ubuntu?tab=tags # # # This file is based on these images: # # - https://hub.docker.com/r/hexpm/elixir/tags - for the build image # - https://hub.docker.com/_/debian?tab=tags&page=1&name=bullseye-20210902-slim - for the release image # - https://pkgs.org/ - resource for finding needed packages # - Ex: hexpm/elixir:1.12.0-erlang-24.0.1-debian-bullseye-20210902-slim # ARG BUILDER_IMAGE="hexpm/elixir:1.17.3-erlang-27.1.2-debian-bookworm-20241016-slim" ARG RUNNER_IMAGE="debian:bookworm-20241016-slim" FROM ${BUILDER_IMAGE} AS builder # install build dependencies RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y build-essential git curl ffmpeg \ && apt-get clean && rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/*_* # prepare build dir WORKDIR /app # install hex + rebar RUN mix local.hex --force && \ mix local.rebar --force # set build ENV ENV MIX_ENV="prod" ENV BUMBLEBEE_CACHE_DIR="/app/.bumblebee" # install mix dependencies COPY mix.exs mix.lock ./ RUN mix deps.get --only $MIX_ENV RUN mkdir config # copy compile-time config files before we compile dependencies # to ensure any relevant config change will trigger the dependencies # to be re-compiled. COPY config/config.exs config/${MIX_ENV}.exs config/ RUN mix deps.compile COPY priv priv # Compile the release COPY lib lib # note: if your project uses a tool like https://purgecss.com/, # which customizes asset compilation based on what it finds in # your Elixir templates, you will need to move the asset compilation # step down so that `lib` is available. COPY assets assets # compile assets RUN mix assets.deploy RUN mix compile RUN mix run -e 'LiveBeats.Application.load_serving()' --no-start # Changes to config/runtime.exs don't require recompiling the code COPY config/runtime.exs config/ COPY rel rel RUN mix release # start a new build stage so that the final image will only contain # the compiled release and other runtime necessities FROM ${RUNNER_IMAGE} RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y libstdc++6 openssl libncurses5 locales curl ffmpeg s3fs \ && apt-get clean && rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/*_* # Set the locale RUN sed -i '/en_US.UTF-8/s/^# //g' /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 ENV LANGUAGE en_US:en ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 WORKDIR "/app" RUN chown nobody /app ENV BUMBLEBEE_CACHE_DIR="/app/.bumblebee" # Only copy the final release from the build stage COPY --from=builder --chown=nobody:root /app/_build/prod/rel/live_beats ./ # COPY --from=builder --chown=nobody:root /app/.postgresql/ ./.postgresql COPY --from=builder --chown=nobody:root /app/.bumblebee/ ./.bumblebee USER root # Set the runtime ENV ENV ECTO_IPV6="true" ENV ERL_AFLAGS="-proto_dist inet6_tcp" CMD /app/bin/server