defmodule LiveBeats do @moduledoc """ The main interface for shared functionality. """ require Logger @doc """ Attaches a modules to another for listening of events. Events are executed in the caller's process. Accepts the `:to` option which a tuple of the form: {ContextModule, StructModule} You attached to conctext modules on a struct-by-struct basis for granular events. The struct module passed must implement a valid struct or an error is raised. Events that executed are sent to a `handle_execute/2`, callback, which the source module and executed event as arguments. ## Examples defmodule MyModule do def handle_execute({Accounts, %Accounts.Events.UpdateUpdated{user: user}}) do IO.inspect({:user_updated, user}) end end iex> LiveBeats.attach(MyModule, to: {Accounts, Accounts.Events.UserUpdated}) :ok iex> LiveBeats.execute(Accounts, %Accounts.Events.UserUpdated{user: new_user}) """ def attach(target_mod, opts) when is_atom(target_mod) do {src_mod, struct_mod} = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :to) _ = struct_mod.__struct__ :ok = :telemetry.attach(target_mod, [src_mod, struct_mod], &__MODULE__.handle_execute/4, %{ target: target_mod }) end @doc """ Executes an event from the context module with an event struct. Events are exected *in the caller's process*, for every attached listener. ## Examples iex> LiveBeats.attach(MyModule, to: {Accounts, Accounts.Events.UserUpdated}) :ok iex> LiveBeats.execute(Accounts, %Accounts.Events.UserUpdated{user: new_user}) """ def execute(src_mod, event_struct) when is_struct(event_struct) do :telemetry.execute([src_mod, event_struct.__struct__], event_struct, %{}) end @doc false def handle_execute([src_mod, event_mod], %event_mod{} = event_struct, _meta, %{target: target}) do try do target.handle_execute({src_mod, event_struct}) catch kind, err -> Logger.error """ executing {#{inspect(src_mod)}, #{inspect(event_mod)}} failed with #{inspect(kind)} #{inspect(err)} """ end end end