defmodule LiveBeatsWeb.FileController do @moduledoc """ Serves files based on short-term token grants. """ use LiveBeatsWeb, :controller alias LiveBeats.MediaLibrary require Logger def show(conn, %{"id" => filename_uuid, "token" => token}) do case Phoenix.Token.decrypt(conn, "file", token, max_age: :timer.minutes(1)) do {:ok, %{vsn: 1, uuid: ^filename_uuid, size: _size}} -> path = MediaLibrary.local_filepath(filename_uuid) do_send_file(conn, path) _ -> send_resp(conn, :unauthorized, "") end end def old_show(conn, %{"id" => filename_uuid, "token" => token}) do path = MediaLibrary.local_filepath(filename_uuid) mime_type = MIME.from_path(path) case Phoenix.Token.decrypt(conn, "file", token, max_age: :timer.minutes(1)) do {:ok, %{vsn: 1, uuid: ^filename_uuid, ip: ip, size: size}} -> if local_file?(filename_uuid, ip) do"serving file from #{server_ip()}") do_send_file(conn, path) else"proxying file to #{ip} from #{server_ip()}") proxy_file(conn, ip, mime_type, size) end {:ok, _} -> send_resp(conn, :unauthorized, "") {:error, _} -> send_resp(conn, :unauthorized, "") end end defp do_send_file(conn, path) do # accept-ranges headers required for chrome to seek via currentTime conn |> put_resp_header("content-type", MIME.from_path(path)) |> put_resp_header("accept-ranges", "bytes") |> send_file(200, path) end defp proxy_file(conn, ip, mime_type, content_length) do uri = conn |> request_url() |> URI.parse() port = LiveBeatsWeb.Endpoint.config(:http)[:port] path = uri.path <> "?" <> uri.query <> "&from=#{server_ip()}" {:ok, ipv6} = :inet.parse_address(String.to_charlist(ip)) {:ok, req} = Mint.HTTP.connect(:http, ipv6, port, file_server_opts()) {:ok, req, request_ref} = Mint.HTTP.request(req, "GET", path, [], "") conn |> put_resp_header("content-type", mime_type) |> put_resp_header("accept-ranges", "bytes") |> put_resp_header("content-length", to_string(content_length)) |> send_chunked(200) |> stream(req, request_ref) end defp stream(conn, req, ref) do receive do {:tcp, _, _} = msg -> {:ok, req, responses} =, msg) new_conn = Enum.reduce(responses, conn, fn {:data, ^ref, data}, acc -> chunk!(acc, data) {:done, ^ref}, acc -> halt(acc) {:status, ^ref, 200}, acc -> acc {:headers, ^ref, _}, acc -> acc end) if new_conn.halted do new_conn else stream(new_conn, req, ref) end end end defp chunk!(conn, data) do {:ok, conn} = chunk(conn, data) conn end defp local_file?(_filename_uuid, ip) do # TODO cache locally ip == server_ip() end defp server_ip, do: LiveBeats.config([:files, :server_ip]) defp file_server_opts do [ hostname: LiveBeats.config([:files, :hostname]) || "localhost", transport_opts: LiveBeats.config([:files, :transport_opts]) || [] ] end end