dullbananas 8e2cbc9a0f
Remove id column and use different primary key on some tables (#4093)
* post_saved

* fmt

* remove unique and not null

* put person_id first in primary key and remove index

* use post_saved.find

* change captcha_answer

* remove removal of not null

* comment_aggregates

* comment_like

* comment_saved

* aggregates

* remove "\"

* deduplicate site_aggregates

* person_post_aggregates

* community_moderator

* community_block

* community_person_ban

* custom_emoji_keyword

* federation allow/block list

* federation_queue_state

* instance_block

* local_site_rate_limit, local_user_language, login_token

* person_ban, person_block, person_follower, post_like, post_read, received_activity

* community_follower, community_language, site_language

* fmt

* image_upload

* remove unused newtypes

* remove more indexes

* use .find

* merge

* fix site_aggregates_site function

* fmt

* Primary keys dess (#17)

* Also order reports by oldest first (ref #4123) (#4129)

* Support signed fetch for federation (fixes #868) (#4125)

* Support signed fetch for federation (fixes #868)

* taplo

* add federation queue state to get_federated_instances api (#4104)

* add federation queue state to get_federated_instances api

* feature gate

* move retry sleep function

* move stuff around

* Add UI setting for collapsing bot comments. Fixes #3838 (#4098)

* Add UI setting for collapsing bot comments. Fixes #3838

* Fixing clippy check.

* Only keep sent and received activities for 7 days (fixes #4113, fixes #4110) (#4131)

* Only check auth secure on release mode. (#4127)

* Only check auth secure on release mode.

* Fixing wrong js-client.

* Adding is_debug_mode var.

* Fixing the desktop image on the README. (#4135)

* Delete dupes and add possibly missing unique constraint on person_aggregates.

* Fixing clippy lints.


Co-authored-by: Nutomic <me@nutomic.com>
Co-authored-by: phiresky <phireskyde+git@gmail.com>

* fmt

* Update community_block.rs

* Update instance_block.rs

* Update person_block.rs

* Update person_block.rs


Co-authored-by: Dessalines <dessalines@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Nutomic <me@nutomic.com>
Co-authored-by: phiresky <phireskyde+git@gmail.com>
2023-11-13 08:14:07 -05:00

407 lines
12 KiB

use crate::{
newtypes::{CommentId, DbUrl, PersonId},
schema::comment::dsl::{ap_id, comment, content, creator_id, deleted, path, removed, updated},
traits::{Crud, Likeable, Saveable},
utils::{get_conn, naive_now, DbPool, DELETED_REPLACEMENT_TEXT},
use diesel::{
dsl::{insert_into, sql_query},
use diesel_async::RunQueryDsl;
use diesel_ltree::Ltree;
use url::Url;
impl Comment {
pub async fn permadelete_for_creator(
pool: &mut DbPool<'_>,
for_creator_id: PersonId,
) -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error> {
let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?;
pub async fn update_removed_for_creator(
pool: &mut DbPool<'_>,
for_creator_id: PersonId,
new_removed: bool,
) -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error> {
let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?;
.set((removed.eq(new_removed), updated.eq(naive_now())))
pub async fn create(
pool: &mut DbPool<'_>,
comment_form: &CommentInsertForm,
parent_path: Option<&Ltree>,
) -> Result<Comment, Error> {
let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?;
// Insert, to get the id
let inserted_comment = insert_into(comment)
if let Ok(comment_insert) = inserted_comment {
let comment_id = comment_insert.id;
// You need to update the ltree column
let ltree = Ltree(if let Some(parent_path) = parent_path {
// The previous parent will already have 0 in it
// Append this comment id
format!("{}.{}", parent_path.0, comment_id)
} else {
// '0' is always the first path, append to that
format!("{}.{}", 0, comment_id)
let updated_comment = diesel::update(comment.find(comment_id))
// Update the child count for the parent comment_aggregates
// You could do this with a trigger, but since you have to do this manually anyway,
// you can just have it here
if let Some(parent_path) = parent_path {
// You have to update counts for all parents, not just the immediate one
// TODO if the performance of this is terrible, it might be better to do this as part of a
// scheduled query... although the counts would often be wrong.
// The child_count query for reference:
// select c.id, c.path, count(c2.id) as child_count from comment c
// left join comment c2 on c2.path <@ c.path and c2.path != c.path
// group by c.id
let parent_id = parent_path.0.split('.').nth(1);
if let Some(parent_id) = parent_id {
let top_parent = format!("0.{}", parent_id);
let update_child_count_stmt = format!(
update comment_aggregates ca set child_count = c.child_count
from (
select c.id, c.path, count(c2.id) as child_count from comment c
join comment c2 on c2.path <@ c.path and c2.path != c.path
and c.path <@ '{top_parent}'
group by c.id
) as c
where ca.comment_id = c.id"
} else {
pub async fn read_from_apub_id(
pool: &mut DbPool<'_>,
object_id: Url,
) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?;
let object_id: DbUrl = object_id.into();
pub fn parent_comment_id(&self) -> Option<CommentId> {
let mut ltree_split: Vec<&str> = self.path.0.split('.').collect();
ltree_split.remove(0); // The first is always 0
if ltree_split.len() > 1 {
let parent_comment_id = ltree_split.get(ltree_split.len() - 2);
parent_comment_id.and_then(|p| p.parse::<i32>().map(CommentId).ok())
} else {
impl Crud for Comment {
type InsertForm = CommentInsertForm;
type UpdateForm = CommentUpdateForm;
type IdType = CommentId;
/// This is unimplemented, use [[Comment::create]]
async fn create(_pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, _comment_form: &Self::InsertForm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
async fn update(
pool: &mut DbPool<'_>,
comment_id: CommentId,
comment_form: &Self::UpdateForm,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?;
impl Likeable for CommentLike {
type Form = CommentLikeForm;
type IdType = CommentId;
async fn like(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, comment_like_form: &CommentLikeForm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
use crate::schema::comment_like::dsl::{comment_id, comment_like, person_id};
let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?;
.on_conflict((comment_id, person_id))
async fn remove(
pool: &mut DbPool<'_>,
person_id: PersonId,
comment_id: CommentId,
) -> Result<usize, Error> {
use crate::schema::comment_like::dsl::comment_like;
let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?;
diesel::delete(comment_like.find((person_id, comment_id)))
impl Saveable for CommentSaved {
type Form = CommentSavedForm;
async fn save(
pool: &mut DbPool<'_>,
comment_saved_form: &CommentSavedForm,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
use crate::schema::comment_saved::dsl::{comment_id, comment_saved, person_id};
let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?;
.on_conflict((comment_id, person_id))
async fn unsave(
pool: &mut DbPool<'_>,
comment_saved_form: &CommentSavedForm,
) -> Result<usize, Error> {
use crate::schema::comment_saved::dsl::comment_saved;
let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?;
comment_saved.find((comment_saved_form.person_id, comment_saved_form.comment_id)),
mod tests {
use crate::{
community::{Community, CommunityInsertForm},
person::{Person, PersonInsertForm},
post::{Post, PostInsertForm},
traits::{Crud, Likeable, Saveable},
use diesel_ltree::Ltree;
use serial_test::serial;
async fn test_crud() {
let pool = &build_db_pool_for_tests().await;
let pool = &mut pool.into();
let inserted_instance = Instance::read_or_create(pool, "my_domain.tld".to_string())
let new_person = PersonInsertForm::builder()
let inserted_person = Person::create(pool, &new_person).await.unwrap();
let new_community = CommunityInsertForm::builder()
.name("test community".to_string())
let inserted_community = Community::create(pool, &new_community).await.unwrap();
let new_post = PostInsertForm::builder()
.name("A test post".into())
let inserted_post = Post::create(pool, &new_post).await.unwrap();
let comment_form = CommentInsertForm::builder()
.content("A test comment".into())
let inserted_comment = Comment::create(pool, &comment_form, None).await.unwrap();
let expected_comment = Comment {
id: inserted_comment.id,
content: "A test comment".into(),
creator_id: inserted_person.id,
post_id: inserted_post.id,
removed: false,
deleted: false,
path: Ltree(format!("0.{}", inserted_comment.id)),
published: inserted_comment.published,
updated: None,
ap_id: inserted_comment.ap_id.clone(),
distinguished: false,
local: true,
language_id: LanguageId::default(),
let child_comment_form = CommentInsertForm::builder()
.content("A child comment".into())
let inserted_child_comment =
Comment::create(pool, &child_comment_form, Some(&inserted_comment.path))
// Comment Like
let comment_like_form = CommentLikeForm {
comment_id: inserted_comment.id,
post_id: inserted_post.id,
person_id: inserted_person.id,
score: 1,
let inserted_comment_like = CommentLike::like(pool, &comment_like_form).await.unwrap();
let expected_comment_like = CommentLike {
comment_id: inserted_comment.id,
post_id: inserted_post.id,
person_id: inserted_person.id,
published: inserted_comment_like.published,
score: 1,
// Comment Saved
let comment_saved_form = CommentSavedForm {
comment_id: inserted_comment.id,
person_id: inserted_person.id,
let inserted_comment_saved = CommentSaved::save(pool, &comment_saved_form).await.unwrap();
let expected_comment_saved = CommentSaved {
comment_id: inserted_comment.id,
person_id: inserted_person.id,
published: inserted_comment_saved.published,
let comment_update_form = CommentUpdateForm {
content: Some("A test comment".into()),
let updated_comment = Comment::update(pool, inserted_comment.id, &comment_update_form)
let read_comment = Comment::read(pool, inserted_comment.id).await.unwrap();
let like_removed = CommentLike::remove(pool, inserted_person.id, inserted_comment.id)
let saved_removed = CommentSaved::unsave(pool, &comment_saved_form)
let num_deleted = Comment::delete(pool, inserted_comment.id).await.unwrap();
Comment::delete(pool, inserted_child_comment.id)
Post::delete(pool, inserted_post.id).await.unwrap();
Community::delete(pool, inserted_community.id)
Person::delete(pool, inserted_person.id).await.unwrap();
Instance::delete(pool, inserted_instance.id).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(expected_comment, read_comment);
assert_eq!(expected_comment, inserted_comment);
assert_eq!(expected_comment, updated_comment);
assert_eq!(expected_comment_like, inserted_comment_like);
assert_eq!(expected_comment_saved, inserted_comment_saved);
format!("0.{}.{}", expected_comment.id, inserted_child_comment.id),
assert_eq!(1, like_removed);
assert_eq!(1, saved_removed);
assert_eq!(1, num_deleted);