jest.setTimeout(120000); import { alpha, setupLogins, resolveBetaCommunity, followCommunity, unfollowRemotes, getSite, waitUntil, beta, betaUrl, registerUser, } from "./shared"; beforeAll(setupLogins); afterAll(() => { unfollowRemotes(alpha); }); test("Follow local community", async () => { let user = await registerUser(beta, betaUrl); let community = (await resolveBetaCommunity(user)).community!; expect(community.counts.subscribers).toBe(1); let follow = await followCommunity(user, true,; // Make sure the follow response went through expect(; expect(follow.community_view.subscribed).toBe("Subscribed"); expect(follow.community_view.counts.subscribers).toBe(2); // Test an unfollow let unfollow = await followCommunity(user, false,; expect(unfollow.community_view.subscribed).toBe("NotSubscribed"); expect(unfollow.community_view.counts.subscribers).toBe(1); }); test("Follow federated community", async () => { let betaCommunity = (await resolveBetaCommunity(alpha)).community; if (!betaCommunity) { throw "Missing beta community"; } let follow = await followCommunity(alpha, true,; expect(follow.community_view.subscribed).toBe("Pending"); betaCommunity = ( await waitUntil( () => resolveBetaCommunity(alpha), c => === "Subscribed", ) ).community; // Make sure the follow response went through expect(betaCommunity?.community.local).toBe(false); expect(betaCommunity?"main"); expect(betaCommunity?.subscribed).toBe("Subscribed"); // check that unfollow was federated let communityOnBeta1 = await resolveBetaCommunity(beta); expect(; // Check it from local let site = await getSite(alpha); let remoteCommunityId = site.my_user?.follows.find( c => == false, )?; expect(remoteCommunityId).toBeDefined(); expect(site.my_user?.follows.length).toBe(2); if (!remoteCommunityId) { throw "Missing remote community id"; } // Test an unfollow let unfollow = await followCommunity(alpha, false, remoteCommunityId); expect(unfollow.community_view.subscribed).toBe("NotSubscribed"); // Make sure you are unsubbed locally let siteUnfollowCheck = await getSite(alpha); expect(siteUnfollowCheck.my_user?.follows.length).toBe(1); // check that unfollow was federated let communityOnBeta2 = await resolveBetaCommunity(beta); expect(; });