alter table comment add column parent_id integer; -- Constraints and index alter table comment add constraint comment_parent_id_fkey foreign key (parent_id) REFERENCES comment(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; create index idx_comment_parent on comment (parent_id); -- Update the parent_id column -- subpath(subpath(0, -1), -1) gets the immediate parent but it fails null checks update comment set parent_id = cast(ltree2text(nullif(subpath(nullif(subpath(path, 0, -1), '0'), -1), '0')) as INTEGER); alter table comment drop column path; alter table comment_aggregates drop column child_count; drop extension ltree; -- Add back in the read column alter table comment add column read boolean default false not null; update comment c set read = from comment_reply cr where cr.comment_id =; create view comment_alias_1 as select * from comment; drop table comment_reply;