jest.setTimeout(180000); import { PostResponse } from "lemmy-js-client/dist/types/PostResponse"; import { alpha, beta, gamma, setupLogins, createPost, getPost, resolveComment, likeComment, followBeta, resolveBetaCommunity, createComment, editComment, deleteComment, removeComment, getMentions, resolvePost, unfollowRemotes, createCommunity, registerUser, reportComment, randomString, unfollows, getComments, getCommentParentId, resolveCommunity, getPersonDetails, getReplies, getUnreadCount, waitUntil, waitForPost, alphaUrl, followCommunity, blockCommunity, delay, saveUserSettings, listReports, } from "./shared"; import { CommentReportView, CommentView, CommunityView, ReportCombinedView, SaveUserSettings, } from "lemmy-js-client"; let betaCommunity: CommunityView | undefined; let postOnAlphaRes: PostResponse; beforeAll(async () => { await setupLogins(); await Promise.all([followBeta(alpha), followBeta(gamma)]); betaCommunity = (await resolveBetaCommunity(alpha)).community; if (betaCommunity) { postOnAlphaRes = await createPost(alpha,; } }); afterAll(unfollows); function assertCommentFederation( commentOne?: CommentView, commentTwo?: CommentView, ) { expect(commentOne?.comment.ap_id).toBe(commentTwo?.comment.ap_id); expect(commentOne?.comment.content).toBe(commentTwo?.comment.content); expect(commentOne?; expect(commentOne?.community.actor_id).toBe(commentTwo?.community.actor_id); expect(commentOne?.comment.published).toBe(commentTwo?.comment.published); expect(commentOne?.comment.updated).toBe(commentOne?.comment.updated); expect(commentOne?.comment.deleted).toBe(commentOne?.comment.deleted); expect(commentOne?.comment.removed).toBe(commentOne?.comment.removed); } test("Create a comment", async () => { let commentRes = await createComment(alpha,; expect(commentRes.comment_view.comment.content).toBeDefined(); expect(; expect(commentRes.comment_view.creator.local).toBe(true); expect(commentRes.comment_view.counts.score).toBe(1); // Make sure that comment is liked on beta let betaComment = ( await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment), c => c.comment?.counts.score === 1, ) ).comment; expect(betaComment).toBeDefined(); expect(betaComment?.community.local).toBe(true); expect(betaComment?.creator.local).toBe(false); expect(betaComment?.counts.score).toBe(1); assertCommentFederation(betaComment, commentRes.comment_view); }); test("Create a comment in a non-existent post", async () => { await expect(createComment(alpha, -1)).rejects.toStrictEqual( Error("not_found"), ); }); test("Update a comment", async () => { let commentRes = await createComment(alpha,; // Federate the comment first let betaComment = ( await resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment) ).comment; assertCommentFederation(betaComment, commentRes.comment_view); let updateCommentRes = await editComment( alpha,, ); expect(updateCommentRes.comment_view.comment.content).toBe( "A jest test federated comment update", ); expect(; expect(updateCommentRes.comment_view.creator.local).toBe(true); // Make sure that post is updated on beta let betaCommentUpdated = ( await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment), c => c.comment?.comment.content === "A jest test federated comment update", ) ).comment; assertCommentFederation(betaCommentUpdated, updateCommentRes.comment_view); }); test("Delete a comment", async () => { let post = await createPost(alpha, betaCommunity!; // creating a comment on alpha (remote from home of community) let commentRes = await createComment(alpha,; // Find the comment on beta (home of community) let betaComment = ( await resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment) ).comment; if (!betaComment) { throw "Missing beta comment before delete"; } // Find the comment on remote instance gamma let gammaComment = ( await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(gamma, commentRes.comment_view.comment).catch(e => e), r => r.message !== "not_found", ) ).comment; if (!gammaComment) { throw "Missing gamma comment (remote-home-remote replication) before delete"; } let deleteCommentRes = await deleteComment( alpha, true,, ); expect(deleteCommentRes.comment_view.comment.deleted).toBe(true); // Make sure that comment is deleted on beta await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment), c => c.comment?.comment.deleted === true, ); // Make sure that comment is deleted on gamma after delete await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(gamma, commentRes.comment_view.comment), c => c.comment?.comment.deleted === true, ); // Test undeleting the comment let undeleteCommentRes = await deleteComment( alpha, false,, ); expect(undeleteCommentRes.comment_view.comment.deleted).toBe(false); // Make sure that comment is undeleted on beta let betaComment2 = ( await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment), c => c.comment?.comment.deleted === false, ) ).comment; assertCommentFederation(betaComment2, undeleteCommentRes.comment_view); }); test.skip("Remove a comment from admin and community on the same instance", async () => { let commentRes = await createComment(alpha,; // Get the id for beta let betaCommentId = ( await resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment) ).comment?; if (!betaCommentId) { throw "beta comment id is missing"; } // The beta admin removes it (the community lives on beta) let removeCommentRes = await removeComment(beta, true, betaCommentId); expect(removeCommentRes.comment_view.comment.removed).toBe(true); // Make sure that comment is removed on alpha (it gets pushed since an admin from beta removed it) let refetchedPostComments = await getPersonDetails( alpha, commentRes.comment_view.comment.creator_id, ); expect(refetchedPostComments.comments[0].comment.removed).toBe(true); // beta will unremove the comment let unremoveCommentRes = await removeComment(beta, false, betaCommentId); expect(unremoveCommentRes.comment_view.comment.removed).toBe(false); // Make sure that comment is unremoved on alpha let refetchedPostComments2 = await getComments( alpha,, ); expect(refetchedPostComments2.comments[0].comment.removed).toBe(false); assertCommentFederation( refetchedPostComments2.comments[0], unremoveCommentRes.comment_view, ); }); test("Remove a comment from admin and community on different instance", async () => { let newAlphaApi = await registerUser(alpha, alphaUrl); // New alpha user creates a community, post, and comment. let newCommunity = await createCommunity(newAlphaApi); let newPost = await createPost( newAlphaApi,, ); let commentRes = await createComment(newAlphaApi,; expect(commentRes.comment_view.comment.content).toBeDefined(); // Beta searches that to cache it, then removes it let betaComment = ( await resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment) ).comment; if (!betaComment) { throw "beta comment missing"; } let removeCommentRes = await removeComment( beta, true,, ); expect(removeCommentRes.comment_view.comment.removed).toBe(true); // Comment text is also hidden from list let listComments = await getComments( beta,, ); expect(listComments.comments.length).toBe(1); expect(listComments.comments[0].comment.removed).toBe(true); // Make sure its not removed on alpha let refetchedPostComments = await getComments( alpha,, ); expect(refetchedPostComments.comments[0].comment.removed).toBe(false); assertCommentFederation( refetchedPostComments.comments[0], commentRes.comment_view, ); }); test("Unlike a comment", async () => { let commentRes = await createComment(alpha,; // Lemmy automatically creates 1 like (vote) by author of comment. // Make sure that comment is liked (voted up) on gamma, downstream peer // This is testing replication from remote-home-remote (alpha-beta-gamma) let gammaComment1 = ( await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(gamma, commentRes.comment_view.comment), c => c.comment?.counts.score === 1, ) ).comment; expect(gammaComment1).toBeDefined(); expect(gammaComment1?.community.local).toBe(false); expect(gammaComment1?.creator.local).toBe(false); expect(gammaComment1?.counts.score).toBe(1); let unlike = await likeComment(alpha, 0, commentRes.comment_view.comment); expect(unlike.comment_view.counts.score).toBe(0); // Make sure that comment is unliked on beta let betaComment = ( await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment), c => c.comment?.counts.score === 0, ) ).comment; expect(betaComment).toBeDefined(); expect(betaComment?.community.local).toBe(true); expect(betaComment?.creator.local).toBe(false); expect(betaComment?.counts.score).toBe(0); // Make sure that comment is unliked on gamma, downstream peer // This is testing replication from remote-home-remote (alpha-beta-gamma) let gammaComment = ( await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(gamma, commentRes.comment_view.comment), c => c.comment?.counts.score === 0, ) ).comment; expect(gammaComment).toBeDefined(); expect(gammaComment?.community.local).toBe(false); expect(gammaComment?.creator.local).toBe(false); expect(gammaComment?.counts.score).toBe(0); }); test("Federated comment like", async () => { let commentRes = await createComment(alpha,; await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment), c => c.comment?.counts.score === 1, ); // Find the comment on beta let betaComment = ( await resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment) ).comment; if (!betaComment) { throw "Missing beta comment"; } let like = await likeComment(beta, 1, betaComment.comment); expect(like.comment_view.counts.score).toBe(2); // Get the post from alpha, check the likes let postComments = await waitUntil( () => getComments(alpha,, c => c.comments[0].counts.score === 2, ); expect(postComments.comments[0].counts.score).toBe(2); }); test("Reply to a comment from another instance, get notification", async () => { await alpha.markAllAsRead(); let betaCommunity = ( await waitUntil( () => resolveBetaCommunity(alpha), c => !!, ) ).community; if (!betaCommunity) { throw "Missing beta community"; } const postOnAlphaRes = await createPost(alpha,; // Create a root-level trunk-branch comment on alpha let commentRes = await createComment(alpha,; // find that comment id on beta let betaComment = ( await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment), c => c.comment?.counts.score === 1, ) ).comment; if (!betaComment) { throw "Missing beta comment"; } // Reply from beta, extending the branch let replyRes = await createComment( beta,,, ); expect(replyRes.comment_view.comment.content).toBeDefined(); expect(; expect(replyRes.comment_view.creator.local).toBe(true); expect(getCommentParentId(replyRes.comment_view.comment)).toBe(, ); expect(replyRes.comment_view.counts.score).toBe(1); // Make sure that reply comment is seen on alpha let commentSearch = await waitUntil( () => resolveComment(alpha, replyRes.comment_view.comment), c => c.comment?.counts.score === 1, ); let alphaComment = commentSearch.comment!; let postComments = await waitUntil( () => getComments(alpha,, pc => pc.comments.length >= 2, ); // Note: this test fails when run twice and this count will differ expect(postComments.comments.length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(2); expect(alphaComment.comment.content).toBeDefined(); expect(getCommentParentId(alphaComment.comment)).toBe( postComments.comments[1], ); expect(; expect(alphaComment.creator.local).toBe(false); expect(alphaComment.counts.score).toBe(1); assertCommentFederation(alphaComment, replyRes.comment_view); // Did alpha get notified of the reply from beta? let alphaUnreadCountRes = await waitUntil( () => getUnreadCount(alpha), e => e.replies >= 1, ); expect(alphaUnreadCountRes.replies).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1); // check inbox of replies on alpha, fetching read/unread both let alphaRepliesRes = await waitUntil( () => getReplies(alpha), r => r.replies.length > 0, ); const alphaReply = alphaRepliesRes.replies.find( r => ===, ); expect(alphaReply).toBeDefined(); if (!alphaReply) throw Error(); expect(alphaReply.comment.content).toBeDefined(); expect(; expect(alphaReply.creator.local).toBe(false); expect(alphaReply.counts.score).toBe(1); // ToDo: interesting alphaRepliesRes.replies[0] is 1, meaning? how did that come about? expect(; // this is a new notification, getReplies fetch was for read/unread both, confirm it is unread. expect(; assertCommentFederation(alphaReply, replyRes.comment_view); }); test("Bot reply notifications are filtered when bots are hidden", async () => { const newAlphaBot = await registerUser(alpha, alphaUrl); let form: SaveUserSettings = { bot_account: true, }; await saveUserSettings(newAlphaBot, form); const alphaCommunity = ( await resolveCommunity(alpha, "!main@lemmy-alpha:8541") ).community; if (!alphaCommunity) { throw "Missing alpha community"; } await alpha.markAllAsRead(); form = { show_bot_accounts: false, }; await saveUserSettings(alpha, form); const postOnAlphaRes = await createPost(alpha,; // Bot reply to alpha's post let commentRes = await createComment( newAlphaBot,, ); expect(commentRes).toBeDefined(); let alphaUnreadCountRes = await getUnreadCount(alpha); expect(alphaUnreadCountRes.replies).toBe(0); let alphaUnreadRepliesRes = await getReplies(alpha, true); expect(alphaUnreadRepliesRes.replies.length).toBe(0); // This both restores the original state that may be expected by other tests // implicitly and is used by the next steps to ensure replies are still // returned when a user later decides to show bot accounts again. form = { show_bot_accounts: true, }; await saveUserSettings(alpha, form); alphaUnreadCountRes = await getUnreadCount(alpha); expect(alphaUnreadCountRes.replies).toBe(1); alphaUnreadRepliesRes = await getReplies(alpha, true); expect(alphaUnreadRepliesRes.replies.length).toBe(1); expect(alphaUnreadRepliesRes.replies[0], ); }); test("Mention beta from alpha", async () => { if (!betaCommunity) throw Error("no community"); const postOnAlphaRes = await createPost(alpha,; // Create a new branch, trunk-level comment branch, from alpha instance let commentRes = await createComment(alpha,; // Create a reply comment to previous comment, this has a mention in body let mentionContent = "A test mention of @lemmy_beta@lemmy-beta:8551"; let mentionRes = await createComment( alpha,,, mentionContent, ); expect(mentionRes.comment_view.comment.content).toBeDefined(); expect(; expect(mentionRes.comment_view.creator.local).toBe(true); expect(mentionRes.comment_view.counts.score).toBe(1); // get beta's localized copy of the alpha post let betaPost = await waitForPost(beta,; if (!betaPost) { throw "unable to locate post on beta"; } expect(; expect(; // Make sure that both new comments are seen on beta and have parent/child relationship let betaPostComments = await waitUntil( () => getComments(beta, betaPost!, c => c.comments[1]?.counts.score === 1, ); expect(betaPostComments.comments.length).toEqual(2); // the trunk-branch root comment will be older than the mention reply comment, so index 1 let betaRootComment = betaPostComments.comments[1]; // the trunk-branch root comment should not have a parent expect(getCommentParentId(betaRootComment.comment)).toBeUndefined(); expect(betaRootComment.comment.content).toBeDefined(); // the mention reply comment should have parent that points to the branch root level comment expect(getCommentParentId(betaPostComments.comments[0].comment)).toBe( betaPostComments.comments[1], ); expect(; expect(betaRootComment.creator.local).toBe(false); expect(betaRootComment.counts.score).toBe(1); assertCommentFederation(betaRootComment, commentRes.comment_view); let mentionsRes = await waitUntil( () => getMentions(beta), m => !!m.mentions[0], ); expect(mentionsRes.mentions[0].comment.content).toBeDefined(); expect(mentionsRes.mentions[0].community.local).toBe(true); expect(mentionsRes.mentions[0].creator.local).toBe(false); expect(mentionsRes.mentions[0].counts.score).toBe(1); // the reply comment with mention should be the most fresh, newest, index 0 expect(mentionsRes.mentions[0].person_mention.comment_id).toBe( betaPostComments.comments[0], ); }); test("Comment Search", async () => { let commentRes = await createComment(alpha,; let betaComment = ( await resolveComment(beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment) ).comment; assertCommentFederation(betaComment, commentRes.comment_view); }); test("A and G subscribe to B (center) A posts, G mentions B, it gets announced to A", async () => { // Create a local post let alphaCommunity = (await resolveCommunity(alpha, "!main@lemmy-alpha:8541")) .community; if (!alphaCommunity) { throw "Missing alpha community"; } // follow community from beta so that it accepts the mention let betaCommunity = await resolveCommunity( beta,, ); await followCommunity(beta, true,!; let alphaPost = await createPost(alpha,; expect(; // Make sure gamma sees it let gammaPost = (await resolvePost(gamma,!.post; if (!gammaPost) { throw "Missing gamma post"; } let commentContent = "A jest test federated comment announce, lets mention @lemmy_beta@lemmy-beta:8551"; let commentRes = await createComment( gamma,, undefined, commentContent, ); expect(commentRes.comment_view.comment.content).toBe(commentContent); expect(; expect(commentRes.comment_view.creator.local).toBe(true); expect(commentRes.comment_view.counts.score).toBe(1); // Make sure alpha sees it let alphaPostComments2 = await waitUntil( () => getComments(alpha,, e => e.comments[0]?.counts.score === 1, ); expect(alphaPostComments2.comments[0].comment.content).toBe(commentContent); expect(alphaPostComments2.comments[0].community.local).toBe(true); expect(alphaPostComments2.comments[0].creator.local).toBe(false); expect(alphaPostComments2.comments[0].counts.score).toBe(1); assertCommentFederation( alphaPostComments2.comments[0], commentRes.comment_view, ); // Make sure beta has mentions let relevantMention = await waitUntil( () => getMentions(beta).then(m => m.mentions.find( m => m.comment.ap_id === commentRes.comment_view.comment.ap_id, ), ), e => !!e, ); if (!relevantMention) throw Error("could not find mention"); expect(relevantMention.comment.content).toBe(commentContent); expect(; expect(relevantMention.creator.local).toBe(false); // TODO this is failing because fetchInReplyTos aren't getting score // expect(mentionsRes.mentions[0].score).toBe(1); }); test("Check that activity from another instance is sent to third instance", async () => { // Alpha and gamma users follow beta community let alphaFollow = await followBeta(alpha); expect(; expect("main"); let gammaFollow = await followBeta(gamma); expect(; expect("main"); await waitUntil( () => resolveBetaCommunity(alpha), c => === "Subscribed", ); await waitUntil( () => resolveBetaCommunity(gamma), c => === "Subscribed", ); // Create a post on beta let betaPost = await createPost(beta, 2); expect(; // Make sure gamma and alpha see it let gammaPost = await waitForPost(gamma,; if (!gammaPost) { throw "Missing gamma post"; } expect(; let alphaPost = await waitForPost(alpha,; if (!alphaPost) { throw "Missing alpha post"; } expect(; // The bug: gamma comments, and alpha should see it. let commentContent = "Comment from gamma"; let commentRes = await createComment( gamma,, undefined, commentContent, ); expect(commentRes.comment_view.comment.content).toBe(commentContent); expect(; expect(commentRes.comment_view.creator.local).toBe(true); expect(commentRes.comment_view.counts.score).toBe(1); // Make sure alpha sees it let alphaPostComments2 = await waitUntil( () => getComments(alpha, alphaPost!, e => e.comments[0]?.counts.score === 1, ); expect(alphaPostComments2.comments[0].comment.content).toBe(commentContent); expect(alphaPostComments2.comments[0].community.local).toBe(false); expect(alphaPostComments2.comments[0].creator.local).toBe(false); expect(alphaPostComments2.comments[0].counts.score).toBe(1); assertCommentFederation( alphaPostComments2.comments[0], commentRes.comment_view, ); await Promise.all([unfollowRemotes(alpha), unfollowRemotes(gamma)]); }); test("Fetch in_reply_tos: A is unsubbed from B, B makes a post, and some embedded comments, A subs to B, B updates the lowest level comment, A fetches both the post and all the inreplyto comments for that post.", async () => { // Unfollow all remote communities let my_user = await unfollowRemotes(alpha); expect(my_user.follows.filter(c => == false).length).toBe( 0, ); // B creates a post, and two comments, should be invisible to A let postOnBetaRes = await createPost(beta, 2); expect(; let parentCommentContent = "An invisible top level comment from beta"; let parentCommentRes = await createComment( beta,, undefined, parentCommentContent, ); expect(parentCommentRes.comment_view.comment.content).toBe( parentCommentContent, ); // B creates a comment, then a child one of that. let childCommentContent = "An invisible child comment from beta"; let childCommentRes = await createComment( beta,,, childCommentContent, ); expect(childCommentRes.comment_view.comment.content).toBe( childCommentContent, ); // Follow beta again let follow = await followBeta(alpha); expect(; expect("main"); // An update to the child comment on beta, should push the post, parent, and child to alpha now let updatedCommentContent = "An update child comment from beta"; let updateRes = await editComment( beta,, updatedCommentContent, ); expect(updateRes.comment_view.comment.content).toBe(updatedCommentContent); // Get the post from alpha let alphaPostB = await waitForPost(alpha,; if (!alphaPostB) { throw "Missing alpha post B"; } let alphaPost = await getPost(alpha,; let alphaPostComments = await waitUntil( () => getComments(alpha, alphaPostB!, c => c.comments[1]?.comment.content === parentCommentRes.comment_view.comment.content && c.comments[0]?.comment.content === updateRes.comment_view.comment.content, ); expect(; assertCommentFederation( alphaPostComments.comments[1], parentCommentRes.comment_view, ); assertCommentFederation( alphaPostComments.comments[0], updateRes.comment_view, ); expect(; expect(alphaPost.post_view.creator.local).toBe(false); await unfollowRemotes(alpha); }); test("Report a comment", async () => { let betaCommunity = (await resolveBetaCommunity(beta)).community; if (!betaCommunity) { throw "Missing beta community"; } let postOnBetaRes = (await createPost(beta,; expect(postOnBetaRes).toBeDefined(); let commentRes = (await createComment(beta, .comment; expect(commentRes).toBeDefined(); let alphaComment = (await resolveComment(alpha, commentRes)).comment?.comment; if (!alphaComment) { throw "Missing alpha comment"; } const reason = randomString(10); let alphaReport = (await reportComment(alpha,, reason)) .comment_report_view.comment_report; let betaReport = ( (await waitUntil( () => listReports(beta).then(p => p.reports.find(r => { return checkCommentReportReason(r, reason); }), ), e => !!e, )!) as CommentReportView ).comment_report; expect(betaReport).toBeDefined(); expect(betaReport.resolved).toBe(false); expect(betaReport.original_comment_text).toBe( alphaReport.original_comment_text, ); expect(betaReport.reason).toBe(alphaReport.reason); }); test("Dont send a comment reply to a blocked community", async () => { let newCommunity = await createCommunity(beta); let newCommunityId =; // Create a post on beta let betaPost = await createPost(beta, newCommunityId); let alphaPost = (await resolvePost(alpha,!.post; if (!alphaPost) { throw "unable to locate post on alpha"; } // Check beta's inbox count let unreadCount = await getUnreadCount(beta); expect(unreadCount.replies).toBe(1); // Beta blocks the new beta community let blockRes = await blockCommunity(beta, newCommunityId, true); expect(blockRes.blocked).toBe(true); delay(); // Alpha creates a comment let commentRes = await createComment(alpha,; expect(commentRes.comment_view.comment.content).toBeDefined(); let alphaComment = await resolveComment( beta, commentRes.comment_view.comment, ); if (!alphaComment) { throw "Missing alpha comment before block"; } // Check beta's inbox count, make sure it stays the same unreadCount = await getUnreadCount(beta); expect(unreadCount.replies).toBe(1); let replies = await getReplies(beta); expect(replies.replies.length).toBe(1); // Unblock the community blockRes = await blockCommunity(beta, newCommunityId, false); expect(blockRes.blocked).toBe(false); }); /// Fetching a deeply nested comment can lead to stack overflow as all parent comments are also /// fetched recursively. Ensure that it works properly. test.skip("Fetch a deeply nested comment", async () => { let lastComment; for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) { let commentRes = await createComment( alpha,, lastComment?, ); expect(commentRes.comment_view.comment).toBeDefined(); lastComment = commentRes; } let betaComment = await resolveComment( beta, lastComment!.comment_view.comment, ); expect(betaComment!.comment!.comment).toBeDefined(); expect(betaComment?.comment?.post).toBeDefined(); }); function checkCommentReportReason(rcv: ReportCombinedView, reason: string) { switch (rcv.type_) { case "Comment": return rcv.comment_report.reason === reason; default: return false; } }