use actix_web::{ body::BodyStream, error, http::{ header::{HeaderName, ACCEPT_ENCODING, HOST}, StatusCode, }, web, Error, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, }; use anyhow::anyhow; use futures::stream::{Stream, StreamExt}; use lemmy_utils::{claims::Claims, error::LemmyError, rate_limit::RateLimit}; use lemmy_websocket::LemmyContext; use reqwest::Body; use reqwest_middleware::{ClientWithMiddleware, RequestBuilder}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; pub fn config(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig, client: ClientWithMiddleware, rate_limit: &RateLimit) { cfg .app_data(web::Data::new(client)) .service( web::resource("/pictrs/image") .wrap(rate_limit.image()) .route(web::post().to(upload)), ) // This has optional query params: /image/{filename}?format=jpg&thumbnail=256 .service(web::resource("/pictrs/image/{filename}").route(web::get().to(full_res))) .service(web::resource("/pictrs/image/delete/{token}/{filename}").route(web::get().to(delete))); } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Image { file: String, delete_token: String, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Images { msg: String, files: Option>, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct PictrsParams { format: Option, thumbnail: Option, } fn adapt_request( request: &HttpRequest, client: &ClientWithMiddleware, url: String, ) -> RequestBuilder { // remove accept-encoding header so that pictrs doesnt compress the response const INVALID_HEADERS: &[HeaderName] = &[ACCEPT_ENCODING, HOST]; let client_request = client.request(request.method().clone(), url); request .headers() .iter() .fold(client_request, |client_req, (key, value)| { if INVALID_HEADERS.contains(key) { client_req } else { client_req.header(key, value) } }) } async fn upload( req: HttpRequest, body: web::Payload, client: web::Data, context: web::Data, ) -> Result { // TODO: check rate limit here let jwt = req .cookie("jwt") .expect("No auth header for picture upload"); if Claims::decode(jwt.value(), &context.secret().jwt_secret).is_err() { return Ok(HttpResponse::Unauthorized().finish()); }; let image_url = format!("{}/image", pictrs_url(context.settings().pictrs_url)?); let mut client_req = adapt_request(&req, &client, image_url); if let Some(addr) = req.head().peer_addr { client_req = client_req.header("X-Forwarded-For", addr.to_string()) }; let res = client_req .body(Body::wrap_stream(make_send(body))) .send() .await .map_err(error::ErrorBadRequest)?; let status = res.status(); let images = res.json::().await.map_err(error::ErrorBadRequest)?; Ok(HttpResponse::build(status).json(images)) } async fn full_res( filename: web::Path, web::Query(params): web::Query, req: HttpRequest, client: web::Data, context: web::Data, ) -> Result { let name = &filename.into_inner(); // If there are no query params, the URL is original let pictrs_url_settings = context.settings().pictrs_url; let url = if params.format.is_none() && params.thumbnail.is_none() { format!( "{}/image/original/{}", pictrs_url(pictrs_url_settings)?, name, ) } else { // Use jpg as a default when none is given let format = params.format.unwrap_or_else(|| "jpg".to_string()); let mut url = format!( "{}/image/process.{}?src={}", pictrs_url(pictrs_url_settings)?, format, name, ); if let Some(size) = params.thumbnail { url = format!("{}&thumbnail={}", url, size,); } url }; image(url, req, client).await } async fn image( url: String, req: HttpRequest, client: web::Data, ) -> Result { let mut client_req = adapt_request(&req, &client, url); if let Some(addr) = req.head().peer_addr { client_req = client_req.header("X-Forwarded-For", addr.to_string()); } if let Some(addr) = req.head().peer_addr { client_req = client_req.header("X-Forwarded-For", addr.to_string()); } let res = client_req.send().await.map_err(error::ErrorBadRequest)?; if res.status() == StatusCode::NOT_FOUND { return Ok(HttpResponse::NotFound().finish()); } let mut client_res = HttpResponse::build(res.status()); for (name, value) in res.headers().iter().filter(|(h, _)| *h != "connection") { client_res.insert_header((name.clone(), value.clone())); } Ok(client_res.body(BodyStream::new(res.bytes_stream()))) } async fn delete( components: web::Path<(String, String)>, req: HttpRequest, client: web::Data, context: web::Data, ) -> Result { let (token, file) = components.into_inner(); let url = format!( "{}/image/delete/{}/{}", pictrs_url(context.settings().pictrs_url)?, &token, &file ); let mut client_req = adapt_request(&req, &client, url); if let Some(addr) = req.head().peer_addr { client_req = client_req.header("X-Forwarded-For", addr.to_string()); } let res = client_req.send().await.map_err(error::ErrorBadRequest)?; Ok(HttpResponse::build(res.status()).body(BodyStream::new(res.bytes_stream()))) } fn pictrs_url(pictrs_url: Option) -> Result { pictrs_url.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("images_disabled").into()) } fn make_send(mut stream: S) -> impl Stream + Send + Unpin + 'static where S: Stream + Unpin + 'static, S::Item: Send, { // NOTE: the 8 here is arbitrary let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(8); // NOTE: spawning stream into a new task can potentially hit this bug: // - // // Since 4.0.0-beta.2 this issue is incredibly less frequent. I have not personally reproduced it. // That said, it is still technically possible to encounter. actix_web::rt::spawn(async move { while let Some(res) = { if tx.send(res).await.is_err() { break; } } }); SendStream { rx } } struct SendStream { rx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver, } impl Stream for SendStream where T: Send, { type Item = T; fn poll_next( mut self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> std::task::Poll> { std::pin::Pin::new(&mut self.rx).poll_recv(cx) } }