use crate::{ newtypes::{DbUrl, LocalUserId}, schema::{local_image, remote_image}, source::images::{LocalImage, LocalImageForm, RemoteImage, RemoteImageForm}, utils::{get_conn, limit_and_offset, DbPool}, }; use diesel::{ dsl::exists, insert_into, result::Error, select, ExpressionMethods, NotFound, QueryDsl, }; use diesel_async::RunQueryDsl; use url::Url; impl LocalImage { pub async fn create(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, form: &LocalImageForm) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; insert_into(local_image::table) .values(form) .get_result::(conn) .await } /// This should only be used in the internal API, since it has no page and limit pub async fn get_all_by_local_user_id( pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, user_id: LocalUserId, ) -> Result, Error> { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; local_image::table .filter(local_image::local_user_id.eq(user_id)) .select(local_image::all_columns) .load::(conn) .await } /// This is okay for API use. pub async fn get_all_paged_by_local_user_id( pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, user_id: LocalUserId, page: Option, limit: Option, ) -> Result, Error> { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(page, limit)?; local_image::table .filter(local_image::local_user_id.eq(user_id)) .select(local_image::all_columns) .order_by(local_image::published.desc()) .limit(limit) .offset(offset) .load::(conn) .await } pub async fn delete_by_alias(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, alias: &str) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; diesel::delete(local_image::table.filter(local_image::pictrs_alias.eq(alias))) .execute(conn) .await } } impl RemoteImage { pub async fn create(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, links: Vec) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; let forms = links .into_iter() .map(|url| RemoteImageForm { link: url.into() }) .collect::>(); insert_into(remote_image::table) .values(forms) .on_conflict_do_nothing() .execute(conn) .await } pub async fn validate(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, link_: DbUrl) -> Result<(), Error> { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; let exists = select(exists( remote_image::table.filter(remote_image::link.eq(link_)), )) .get_result::(conn) .await?; if exists { Ok(()) } else { Err(NotFound) } } }