use crate::{ extensions::context::lemmy_context, http::create_apub_response, objects::ToApub, ActorType, }; use activitystreams::{ base::BaseExt, collection::{CollectionExt, OrderedCollection}, }; use actix_web::{body::Body, web, HttpResponse}; use lemmy_db_queries::source::user::User; use lemmy_db_schema::source::user::User_; use lemmy_structs::blocking; use lemmy_utils::LemmyError; use lemmy_websocket::LemmyContext; use serde::Deserialize; use url::Url; #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct UserQuery { user_name: String, } /// Return the ActivityPub json representation of a local user over HTTP. pub async fn get_apub_user_http( info: web::Path, context: web::Data, ) -> Result, LemmyError> { let user_name = info.into_inner().user_name; let user = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { User_::find_by_email_or_username(conn, &user_name) }) .await??; let u = user.to_apub(context.pool()).await?; Ok(create_apub_response(&u)) } pub async fn get_apub_user_outbox( info: web::Path, context: web::Data, ) -> Result, LemmyError> { let user = blocking(context.pool(), move |conn| { User_::read_from_name(&conn, &info.user_name) }) .await??; // TODO: populate the user outbox let mut collection = OrderedCollection::new(); collection .set_many_items(Vec::::new()) .set_many_contexts(lemmy_context()?) .set_id(user.get_outbox_url()?) .set_total_items(0_u64); Ok(create_apub_response(&collection)) }