use crate::{ schema::captcha_answer::dsl::{answer, captcha_answer}, source::captcha_answer::{CaptchaAnswer, CaptchaAnswerForm, CheckCaptchaAnswer}, utils::{functions::lower, get_conn, DbPool}, }; use diesel::{ delete, dsl::exists, insert_into, result::Error, select, ExpressionMethods, QueryDsl, }; use diesel_async::RunQueryDsl; impl CaptchaAnswer { pub async fn insert(pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, captcha: &CaptchaAnswerForm) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; insert_into(captcha_answer) .values(captcha) .get_result::(conn) .await } pub async fn check_captcha( pool: &mut DbPool<'_>, to_check: CheckCaptchaAnswer, ) -> Result { let conn = &mut get_conn(pool).await?; // fetch requested captcha let captcha_exists = select(exists(captcha_answer.find(to_check.uuid).filter( lower(answer).eq(to_check.answer.to_lowercase().clone()), ))) .get_result::(conn) .await?; // delete checked captcha delete(captcha_answer.find(to_check.uuid)) .execute(conn) .await?; Ok(captcha_exists) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #![allow(clippy::unwrap_used)] #![allow(clippy::indexing_slicing)] use crate::{ source::captcha_answer::{CaptchaAnswer, CaptchaAnswerForm, CheckCaptchaAnswer}, utils::build_db_pool_for_tests, }; use serial_test::serial; #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_captcha_happy_path() { let pool = &build_db_pool_for_tests().await; let pool = &mut pool.into(); let inserted = CaptchaAnswer::insert( pool, &CaptchaAnswerForm { answer: "XYZ".to_string(), }, ) .await .expect("should not fail to insert captcha"); let result = CaptchaAnswer::check_captcha( pool, CheckCaptchaAnswer { uuid: inserted.uuid, answer: "xyz".to_string(), }, ) .await; assert!(result.is_ok()); assert!(result.unwrap()); } #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_captcha_repeat_answer_fails() { let pool = &build_db_pool_for_tests().await; let pool = &mut pool.into(); let inserted = CaptchaAnswer::insert( pool, &CaptchaAnswerForm { answer: "XYZ".to_string(), }, ) .await .expect("should not fail to insert captcha"); let _result = CaptchaAnswer::check_captcha( pool, CheckCaptchaAnswer { uuid: inserted.uuid, answer: "xyz".to_string(), }, ) .await; let result_repeat = CaptchaAnswer::check_captcha( pool, CheckCaptchaAnswer { uuid: inserted.uuid, answer: "xyz".to_string(), }, ) .await; assert!(result_repeat.is_ok()); assert!(!result_repeat.unwrap()); } }