use crate::{signatures::sign_and_send, traits::ActorType}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Error}; use background_jobs::{ memory_storage::Storage, ActixJob, Backoff, Manager, MaxRetries, QueueHandle, WorkerConfig, }; use lemmy_utils::{location_info, LemmyError}; use reqwest_middleware::ClientWithMiddleware; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{env, fmt::Debug, future::Future, pin::Pin}; use tracing::{info, warn}; use url::Url; pub async fn send_activity( activity_id: &Url, actor: &dyn ActorType, inboxes: Vec<&Url>, activity: String, client: &ClientWithMiddleware, activity_queue: &QueueHandle, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { for i in inboxes { let message = SendActivityTask { activity_id: activity_id.clone(), inbox: i.to_owned(), actor_id: actor.actor_id(), activity: activity.clone(), private_key: actor.private_key().context(location_info!())?, }; if env::var("APUB_TESTING_SEND_SYNC").is_ok() { do_send(message, client).await?; } else { activity_queue.queue::(message).await?; } } Ok(()) } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] struct SendActivityTask { activity_id: Url, inbox: Url, actor_id: Url, activity: String, private_key: String, } /// Signs the activity with the sending actor's key, and delivers to the given inbox. Also retries /// if the delivery failed. impl ActixJob for SendActivityTask { type State = MyState; type Future = Pin>>>; const NAME: &'static str = "SendActivityTask"; const MAX_RETRIES: MaxRetries = MaxRetries::Count(10); const BACKOFF: Backoff = Backoff::Exponential(2); fn run(self, state: Self::State) -> Self::Future { Box::pin(async move { do_send(self, &state.client).await }) } } async fn do_send(task: SendActivityTask, client: &ClientWithMiddleware) -> Result<(), Error> { info!("Sending {} to {}", task.activity_id, task.inbox); let result = sign_and_send( client, &task.inbox, task.activity.clone(), &task.actor_id, task.private_key.to_owned(), ) .await; match result { Ok(o) => { if !o.status().is_success() { let status = o.status(); let text = o.text().await?; warn!( "Send {} to {} failed with status {}: {}", task.activity_id, task.inbox, status, text ); } } Err(e) => { return Err(anyhow!( "Failed to send activity {} to {}: {}", &task.activity_id, task.inbox, e )); } } Ok(()) } pub fn create_activity_queue(client: ClientWithMiddleware) -> Manager { // Configure and start our workers WorkerConfig::new_managed(Storage::new(), move |_| MyState { client: client.clone(), }) .register::() .start() } #[derive(Clone)] struct MyState { pub client: ClientWithMiddleware, }