drop trigger post_aggregates_comment_set_deleted on comment; drop function post_aggregates_comment_deleted; create or replace function post_aggregates_comment_count() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ begin IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN update post_aggregates pa set comments = comments + 1, newest_comment_time = NEW.published where pa.post_id = NEW.post_id; -- A 2 day necro-bump limit update post_aggregates pa set newest_comment_time_necro = NEW.published where pa.post_id = NEW.post_id and published > ('now'::timestamp - '2 days'::interval); ELSIF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN -- Join to post because that post may not exist anymore update post_aggregates pa set comments = comments - 1 from post p where pa.post_id = p.id and pa.post_id = OLD.post_id; END IF; return null; end $$;