# Copyright (c) 2022 Fantix King http://fantix.pro # kLoop is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. # You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. # You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: # http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, # EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, # MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. cdef int QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 cdef int queue_init(Queue* queue) nogil except 0: queue.array = PyMem_RawMalloc( sizeof(Callback*) * QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE ) if queue.array == NULL: with gil: raise MemoryError queue.head = -1 queue.tail = 0 queue.size = QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE return 1 cdef void queue_uninit(Queue* queue) nogil: cdef: int i = queue.head, size = queue.size, tail = queue.tail Callback** array = queue.array if array == NULL: return if i >= 0: with gil: while True: Py_DECREF(array[i].handle) i = (i + 1) % size if i == tail: break PyMem_RawFree(array) queue.array = NULL cdef queue_push_py(Queue* queue, Handle handle): cdef Callback* callback = &handle.cb Py_INCREF(handle) with nogil: queue_push(queue, callback) cdef int queue_push(Queue* queue, Callback* callback) nogil except 0: cdef: Callback** orig = queue.array Callback** array = orig int size = queue.size, head = queue.head, tail = queue.tail if head == tail: if head == 0: tail = size size += QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE array = PyMem_RawRealloc( orig, sizeof(Callback*) * size ) if array == NULL: with gil: raise MemoryError else: tail = size + QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE array = PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(Callback*) * tail) if array == NULL: with gil: raise MemoryError queue.array = array string.memcpy( array, orig + head, sizeof(Callback*) * (size - head) ) string.memcpy(array + size - head, orig, sizeof(Callback*) * head) size, tail = tail, size queue.head = head = 0 PyMem_RawFree(orig) queue.size = size elif head < 0: queue.head = head = 0 array[tail] = callback queue.tail = (tail + 1) % size return 1 cdef Handle queue_pop_py(Queue* queue): cdef: Handle handle Callback* callback with nogil: callback = queue_pop(queue) if callback == NULL: return None else: handle = callback.handle Py_DECREF(handle) return handle cdef Callback* queue_pop(Queue* queue) nogil: cdef: int size = queue.size, head = queue.head, tail = queue.tail Callback* rv Callback** orig = queue.array Callback** array = orig if head < 0: return NULL rv = array[head] queue.head = head = (head + 1) % size if head == tail: queue.head = -1 queue.tail = 0 if size > QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE: size = QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE if PyMem_RawRealloc( array, sizeof(Callback*) * size ) != NULL: queue.size = size elif (head - tail) % size >= QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE * 2: if head < tail: size -= QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE if tail > size: tail -= head string.memmove(array, array + head, sizeof(Callback*) * tail) queue.tail = tail queue.head = 0 if PyMem_RawRealloc( array, sizeof(Callback*) * size ) != NULL: queue.size = size queue.tail = tail % size else: array = PyMem_RawMalloc( sizeof(Callback*) * (size - QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE) ) if array != NULL: string.memcpy( array, orig + head, sizeof(Callback*) * (size - head) ) string.memcpy( array + size - head, orig, sizeof(Callback*) * tail ) queue.array = array queue.head = 0 queue.tail = (tail - head) % size queue.size = size - QUEUE_BLOCK_SIZE PyMem_RawFree(orig) return rv cdef int queue_size(Queue* queue) nogil: cdef int size = queue.size, head = queue.head, tail = queue.tail if head < 0: return 0 elif head == tail: return size else: return (tail - head) % size