# Copyright (c) 2022 Fantix King http://fantix.pro # kLoop is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. # You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. # You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: # http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, # EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, # MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. import ssl from cpython cimport PyMem_RawMalloc, PyMem_RawFree from libc cimport string from .includes.openssl cimport bio, err, ssl as ssl_h from .includes cimport pyssl cdef object fromOpenSSLError(object err_type): cdef: unsigned long e = err.get_error() const char* msg = err.reason_error_string(e) if msg == NULL: return err_type() else: return err_type(msg.decode("ISO-8859-1")) cdef int bio_write_ex( bio.BIO* b, const char* data, size_t datal, size_t* written ) nogil: with gil: print('bio_write', data[:datal], int(data)) bio.set_retry_write(b) written[0] = 0 return 1 cdef int bio_read_ex( bio.BIO* b, char* data, size_t datal, size_t* readbytes ) nogil: with gil: print('bio_read', datal, int(data)) bio.set_retry_read(b) readbytes[0] = 0 return 1 cdef long bio_ctrl(bio.BIO* b, int cmd, long num, void* ptr) nogil: cdef long ret = 0 with gil: if cmd == bio.BIO_CTRL_EOF: print("BIO_CTRL_EOF", ret) elif cmd == bio.BIO_CTRL_PUSH: print("BIO_CTRL_PUSH", ret) elif cmd == bio.BIO_CTRL_FLUSH: ret = 1 print('BIO_CTRL_FLUSH', ret) else: print('bio_ctrl', cmd, num) return ret cdef int bio_create(bio.BIO* b) nogil: cdef BIO* obj = PyMem_RawMalloc(sizeof(BIO)) if obj == NULL: return 0 string.memset(obj, 0, sizeof(BIO)) bio.set_data(b, obj) bio.set_init(b, 1) return 1 cdef int bio_destroy(bio.BIO* b) nogil: cdef void* obj = bio.get_data(b) if obj != NULL: PyMem_RawFree(obj) bio.set_shutdown(b, 1) return 1 cdef object wrap_bio( bio.BIO* b, object ssl_context, bint server_side=False, object server_hostname=None, object session=None, ): cdef pyssl.PySSLMemoryBIO* c_bio py_bio = ssl.MemoryBIO() c_bio = py_bio c_bio.bio, b = b, c_bio.bio rv = ssl_context.wrap_bio( py_bio, py_bio, server_side, server_hostname, session ) c_bio.bio, b = b, c_bio.bio ssl_h.set_options( (rv._sslobj).ssl, ssl_h.OP_ENABLE_KTLS ) return rv def test(): cdef BIO* b with nogil: b = bio.new(KTLS_BIO_METHOD) if b == NULL: raise fromOpenSSLError(RuntimeError) ctx = ssl.create_default_context() return wrap_bio(b, ctx) cdef bio.Method* KTLS_BIO_METHOD = bio.meth_new( bio.get_new_index(), "kTLS BIO" ) if not bio.meth_set_write_ex(KTLS_BIO_METHOD, bio_write_ex): raise fromOpenSSLError(ImportError) if not bio.meth_set_read_ex(KTLS_BIO_METHOD, bio_read_ex): raise fromOpenSSLError(ImportError) if not bio.meth_set_ctrl(KTLS_BIO_METHOD, bio_ctrl): raise fromOpenSSLError(ImportError) if not bio.meth_set_create(KTLS_BIO_METHOD, bio_create): raise fromOpenSSLError(ImportError) if not bio.meth_set_destroy(KTLS_BIO_METHOD, bio_destroy): raise fromOpenSSLError(ImportError)