# Copyright (c) 2022 Fantix King http://fantix.pro # kLoop is licensed under Mulan PSL v2. # You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2. # You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at: # http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2 # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, # EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, # MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details. cdef extern from "openssl/bio.h" nogil: enum BIOCtrl: BIO_CTRL_RESET # 1 opt - rewind/zero etc BIO_CTRL_EOF # 2 opt - are we at the eof BIO_CTRL_INFO # 3 opt - extra tit-bits BIO_CTRL_SET # 4 man - set the 'IO' type BIO_CTRL_GET # 5 man - get the 'IO' type BIO_CTRL_PUSH # 6 opt - internal, used to signify change BIO_CTRL_POP # 7 opt - internal, used to signify change BIO_CTRL_GET_CLOSE # 8 man - set the 'close' on free BIO_CTRL_SET_CLOSE # 9 man - set the 'close' on free BIO_CTRL_PENDING # 10 opt - is their more data buffered BIO_CTRL_FLUSH # 11 opt - 'flush' buffered output BIO_CTRL_DUP # 12 man - extra stuff for 'duped' BIO BIO_CTRL_WPENDING # 13 opt - number of bytes still to write BIO_CTRL_SET_CALLBACK # 14 opt - set callback function BIO_CTRL_GET_CALLBACK # 15 opt - set callback function ctypedef struct Method "BIO_METHOD": pass ctypedef struct BIO: pass int get_new_index "BIO_get_new_index" () Method* meth_new "BIO_meth_new" (int type, const char* name) int meth_set_write_ex "BIO_meth_set_write_ex" ( Method* biom, int (*bwrite)(BIO*, const char*, size_t, size_t*), ) int meth_set_write "BIO_meth_set_write" ( Method* biom, int (*write)(BIO*, const char*, int), ) int meth_set_read_ex "BIO_meth_set_read_ex" ( Method* biom, int (*bread)(BIO*, char*, size_t, size_t*), ) int meth_set_read "BIO_meth_set_read"( Method* biom, int (*read)(BIO*, char*, int), ) int meth_set_ctrl "BIO_meth_set_ctrl" ( Method* biom, long (*ctrl)(BIO*, int, long, void*) ) int meth_set_create "BIO_meth_set_create" ( Method* biom, int (*create)(BIO*), ) int meth_set_destroy "BIO_meth_set_destroy" ( Method* biom, int (*destroy)(BIO*), ) ctypedef int info_cb "BIO_info_cb" (BIO*, int, int) int meth_set_callback_ctrl "BIO_meth_set_callback_ctrl" ( Method* biom, long (*callback_ctrl)(BIO*, int, info_cb*), ) BIO* new "BIO_new" (const Method* type) int up_ref "BIO_up_ref" (BIO* a) int free "BIO_free" (BIO* a) void set_data "BIO_set_data" (BIO* a, void* ptr) void* get_data "BIO_get_data" (BIO* a) void set_init "BIO_set_init" (BIO* a, int init) void set_shutdown "BIO_set_shutdown" (BIO* a, int shut) void set_retry_read "BIO_set_retry_read" (BIO *b) void set_retry_write "BIO_set_retry_write" (BIO *b)